2017年12月英语六级阅读真题及答案 第2套_2017年12月英语六级阅读练习:你能做到不抱怨吗


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【#四六级考试# 导语】2017年12月六级考试马上到来了,为了让同学们更好准备六级考试,®文档大全网特别整理了《2017年12月英语六级阅读练习:你能做到不抱怨吗》,希望可以为大家带来帮助, 预祝大家高分通过考试。


  Baseball fans are gearing up for the World Series, but we all know what's the real national pastime: complaining. Could you go without griping aboutanything for a day? For a week?


  A couple of editors at Slate's Double X women's site are trying to go a whole month withoutcomplaining. Both Jessica Grose, managing editor, and Hanna Rosin, founding editor, say onthe site that they've grown concerned about over-relying on complaints in getting throughtheir juggles Ms. Grose is newly engaged, Ms. Rosin married with three young children. Overthe course of their efforts, the two realize how much of their interactions with friends andcolleagues are based on the common currency of complaining.

  女性网站Slate's Double X的几个编辑正在尝试整整一个月都不抱怨。主编杰西卡·格罗斯和创始人兼编辑汉娜·罗森在网站上说,她们越来越担心自己需要过度依赖诉苦的发泄方式才能渡过难关。杰西卡最近刚刚订婚,汉娜则是有三个小孩的已婚妈妈。在体味人生酸甜苦辣的过程中,她们俩都意识到,自己与朋友同事之间的很多沟通都是以发牢骚为主的。

  Ms. Grose recounts a recent pleasant drive during which she realized she was enjoying a goodmoment in her life and had nothing to complain about which led to "a twinge of panic" at thevery fact of having nothing to complain about. "This shining moment of whine-free livingmade me realize how much kvetching I do on a daily basis. If I am honest with myself, I wouldestimate that about 70% of the things that come out of my mouth are gripes. Good-natured,often, but still nonessential and sometimes obnoxious to others."


  So Ms. Grose decides to "try to stop complaining entirely about small things and quitexcessively complaining about the bigger ones," for a month. She enlists her boss, Ms. Rosin, in the effort to reach a state of more "mindful complaining," as Ms. Rosin terms it.


  Ms. Rosin relates her own tale of addiction to complaints: After she griped about keeping upwith her children's complex schedule of after-school activities, her husband made up a weeklyschedule and posted it on the fridge. "I nearly killed rum. Honestly, it was our most dramaticmarital fight to date. Why was I angry with him? It took me a few days to figure it out. Because by helping to solve the problem, he had robbed me of my God-given right tocomplain."


  I certainly join Ms. Grose and Ms. Rosin in spending a fair amount of time complaining, especially at work. As we've written about before, at some workplaces, people end up spendingmore time kvetching about work than actually working. Most of our gripes there these dayscenter on our new publishing system, which remains a bit buggy after five months of use. Butthere's some modest enjoyment in commiserating about an experience we're all going throughtogether, and for the most part I'm fortunate not to have truly awful work woes to complainabout, my co-workers are talented and conscientious,and the section we produce issomething we can be proud of.


  I have few serious complaints at home, either. We have the usual little squalls, but my wife andI often remark how much we enjoy our children, our friends and each other. I try to look on thebright said most of the time, so I feel like whatever complaining I do isn't a debilitating problemin need of aggressive correction.


  How about for you? What are the sources of your biggest complaints? Do you think youcomplain too much at home or at work, and could you see making a concerted effort oversome period of time to cut back? Do you think you could go on a complaint fast?


  1. Over the course of their efforts, the tworealize how much of their interactions withfriends and colleagues are based on thecommon currency of complaining.

  本句是一个复合句。over the course of their efforts介词短语作状语。主句是the two realize how...,how引导名词性从句作realize的宾语。


  2. Ms. Grose recounts a recent pleasant drive during which she realized she wasenjoying a good moment in her life and had nothing to complain about which led to "atwinge of panic" at the very fact of having nothing to complain about.

  本句是一个复合句,主句是Ms. Grose recounts a recent pleasant drive during。 which引导限制性定语从句,修饰drive,在从句中充当during的宾语。 she was enjoying...complain about为省略了引导词的宾语从句。其中which引导定语从句,修饰前面的句子she was...complain about。


  3. But there's some modest enjoyment in commiserating about an experience we'reall going through together, and for the most part I'm fortunate not to have truly awfulwork woes to complain about, my co-workers are talented and conscientious,and thesection we produce is something we can be proud of.

  本句是一个复合句。主句由4个并列的句子组成。第一个句子中 we're all going through together为省略了引导词的定语从句,修饰 experience。第四个句子中we produce和we can be proud of两个句子为省略了引导词的定语从句,分别修饰section和something。


  4. I try to look on the bright said most of the time, so I feel like whatever complainingI do isn't a debilitating problem in need of aggressive correction.

  本句是一个复合句。主句是I try to look on the bright side…, so引导一个结果状语从句,在这个状语从句中又有一个whatever引导名词性从句作feel like的宾语。 in need of aggressive correction介词短语作后置定语,修饰problem。

