【#英语口语# #大学英语四级口语场景对话练习(精选6篇)#】大学期间是练习英语口语的好时候,因为有充裕的时间,还有充足的练习资源。大学里的外教、英语口语搭档、英专的外语角,这些都可以为大家提供真实的情景练习。不仅如此,在练习的过程中,他们还能指出你的口语交流问题、分享口语学习心得等,是大家提高英语口语的必备方法。©文档大全网整理了六篇大学英语四级口语场景对话练习,欢迎阅读!
What is the parking fee per hour here?这里停车每小时多少钱?
Ten yuan an hour.每小时10块钱。
How much would it be if I park here for an hour and ten minutes?那要是停了1小时10分钟呢?
Twenty yuan, sir. Because we charge by the number of hours.20块钱,先生。因为我们是按小时整点收费的。
I see. Thanks.明白了。谢谢。
Excuse me, I'm afraid you' ve parked in the wrong spot.对不起,恐怕您停错位置了。
Oh, really? Isn't this spot D406?哦,真的吗?这不是D406号停车位吗?
No, it's D407, which is my parking space.不是,D407号,是我的停车位。
I'm sorry, I must have been confused. I'll move my car right away.对不起,我一定是弄混了。我马上把车开走。
If you want to tone up your legs, I recommend using the treadmill.如果想锻炼腿部,我推荐你使用跑步机。
hanks. Is there anything that I should pay attention to?谢谢。应该注意些什么?
Yeah, there are several things. First of all, you'd better start with a low speed.嗯,有几件事情需要注意。首先,从慢速开始。
Yeah, I see.嗯,我明白。
Drink some water every 15 minutes and don't use the treadmill more than four times a week.每十五分钟就喝一次水,还有每周使用跑步机的次数不要超过四次。
Ok, thanks.好,谢谢。
How long do you do aerobics for every time you go?健身操一次要跳多久啊?
One hour.一个小时。
That's too long. Aren't you really tired afterwards?时间太长了。跳完了不累吗?
Of course. But it helps you lose weight in all areas of your body.当然累了。但是能帮助你全身减肥。
Wow! You are much skinnier since the last time I saw you.噢,你比上次见面苗条多了。
I have lost about five kilos.我减了十斤。
How do you do it?你怎么做到的?
I am on a diet and exercise daily.节食,每天运动。
What's the secret?有什么秘诀吗?
The secret is constancy of purpose.秘诀就是坚持不懈。
How do you feel when you practice yoga?你练瑜伽时感觉怎么样?
Oh, I feel really tired and sweat a lot.哦,我感觉真的很累,还出了很多汗。
But it will help you keep fit.但这样锻炼,才对身体有好处啊。
Excuse me, can I sit here?您好,这儿可以坐吗?
Sure, no one's sitting here. You look like a student.可以,这儿没人。你是学生吧?
Yes, where are you from?是,您是哪个国家的?
Britain. You're in college, right?英国。你是大学生吧?
Yes, at Beijing Foreign Studies University.对,我是北外的。
Ah, a famous university. Your English must be very good.啊,那所大学很有名。你的英语一定很棒。
Not too bad. Why did you come to China?还好吧。您为什么来中国?
For business. I came to a negotiate a contract.公事,是来谈合同的。
Are you going to the Wangfujing Book Store today?今天去王府井书店吗?
What's up? Didn't we just go there last weekend?怎么了?不是上周末刚去过吗?
Yes, I know. But Professor Yi is going to sign books at the book store.今天不一样。易教授要在王府井书店签名售书。
What's the big deal! It's not the first time that someone has signed books at the store.这有什么大不了的!王府井书店又不是第一次搞这种活动。
But it's Professor Yi . He's my idol. I'm going to get a book with his signature.你不知道,易教授是我的偶像。我一定要拿到他亲笔签名的书。
Ok, I'll go with you.好吧好吧,我陪你去。
Hi! What a surprise meeting you here!嗨,居然在这儿碰到你了!
Yeah, it's really a coincidence. Are you coming to buy some books?是啊,真巧。你来买书吗?
No. There is a lecture here today. I'm coming to listen to it.不是,今天这里有个讲座,我来听听。
What kind of lecture?什么讲座啊?
The lecture about how to improve your English.讲怎么提高英语的。
Oh. But do you think it's useful to listen to a lecture?哦,你觉得听讲座管用吗?