
时间:2023-01-19 13:04:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】英语四六级考试即全国大学英语考试,是中国教育高等教育司主管的一项全国统一的单科性、标准化英语教学考试。以下是®文档大全网整理的大学英语四级口语场景对话,欢迎阅读!


1.大学英语四级口语场景对话 篇一

  If you want to tone up your legs, I recommend using the treadmill.
  Thanks. Is there anything that I should pay attention to?
  Yeah, there are several things. First of all, you'd better start with a low speed.
  Yeah, I see.
  Drink some water every 15 minutes and don't use the treadmill more than four times a week.
  Ok, thanks.


2.大学英语四级口语场景对话 篇二

  How long do you do aerobics for every time you go?
  One hour.
  That's too long. Aren't you really tired afterwards?
  Of course. But it helps you lose weight in all areas of your body.
  Really? I'll go with you to do aerobics then.

  What is the parking fee per hour here?
  Ten yuan an hour.
  How much would it be if I park here for an hour and ten minutes?
  Twenty yuan, sir. Because we charge by the number of hours.
  I see. Thanks.
  Excuse me, I'm afraid you' ve parked in the wrong spot.
  Oh, really? Isn't this spot D406?
  No, it's D407, which is my parking space.
  I'm sorry, I must have been confused. I'll move my car right away.
  It's no big deal. Thanks.

3.大学英语四级口语场景对话 篇三

  Wow! You are much skinnier since the last time I saw you.
  I have lost about five kilos.
  How do you do it?
  I am on a diet and exercise daily.
  What's the secret?
  The secret is constancy of purpose.
  How do you feel when you practice yoga?
  Oh, I feel really tired and sweat a lot.
  But it will help you keep fit.
  Sure. But more importantly, I can have peace of mind

4.大学英语四级口语场景对话 篇四

  I'm thinking about signing up for a dance class.
  Which one did you have in mind?
  Maybe a hip-hop one. I think the music has a great beat.
  Yeah, it's really cool.
  What's the most popular sport in your country?
  Do you play ping-pong?
  Not really. But I like watching.
  Then what sports do you do?
  I like jogging.

5.大学英语四级口语场景对话 篇五  

  Are you going to the Wangfujing Book Store today?
  What's up? Didn't we just go there last weekend?
  Yes, I know. But Professor Yi Zhongtian is going to sign books at the book store.
  What's the big deal! It's not the first time that someone has signed books at the store.
  But it's Professor Yi Zhongtian. He's my idol. I'm going to get a book with his signature.
  Ok, I'll go with you.

6.大学英语四级口语场景对话 篇六

  wo tickets please; one adult and one child.
  Ok. That will be 15 yuan.
  Here you go.
  Thank you. Here's your change
  Excuse me, can I sit here?
  Sure, no one's sitting here. You look like a student.
  Yes, where are you from?
  Britain. You're in college, right?
  Yes, at Beijing Foreign Studies University.
  Ah, a famous university. Your English must be very good.
  Not too bad. Why did you come to China?
