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【#英语资源# 导语】清明时节梨花扬,祭祖人群串流忙。花飘花落知人心,飘飘洒洒诉哀伤。细雨绵绵降不断,泣哭声声悲凄惨。祷告亡灵永安息,后人传承恩不忘。愿你清明舒心畅,美满生活似花绽!以下是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Today, my father, mother and my aunt went to the grave for my dead grandfather. I put the sheep's stomach gouged out by my grandmother into grandpa's grave, and then burned paper money for Grandpa. As soon as it was lit, a gust of wind suddenly blew and burned the sheep's stomach. The sheep's stomach was lit. My father hurried to save the sheep's stomach. The sheep's stomach was not saved and fell on the firewood nearby.

  Soon the hay was also lit. The fire quickly burned to the next big poplar tree. I hurried to my uncle's home and took a shovel to my father quickly. Then he went home and carried a bucket of water. My grandmother saw him and asked, "what's wrong?" I said, "it's on fire!" Grandma also picked up a shovel and ran to the fire. When I was sending water, the fire was not saved, but there was another fire I quickly put to water. Grandma saw me sweating all over my head and praised me painfully that I was the bravest man!

  Ah! It's safe at last. Do you think it's dangerous today!


  There are many traditional festivals in China, and Qingming Festival is one of them.

  April 5 of the Gregorian calendar is Tomb Sweeping Day every year. Qingming Festival is a festival for us to remember and honor our ancestors. This year's Tomb Sweeping Day, my family and I went to pay tribute to our ancestors. On the morning of the Tomb Sweeping Day, my father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and sister and I got up and went to the graves of our ancestors to lay out meals, toast and light candles. Then we burned paper money and fired artillery for our ancestors. Then, my father and mother marked the Qingming paper. My mother told me to insert it with Qingming paper or put it on it and press it with a stone, which means that my family has come. Finally, we all stood in a row in front of our ancestors' graves and prayed silently. After that, we left reluctantly.

  This is the Qingming Festival in our hometown.


  Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. Our school has a three-day holiday. After lunch, I asked my grandmother, "grandma, did we sweep the grave?" "No!" Grandma answered. "We're ready to go next."

  I can't wait to go with my family to sweep the grave. On the way, I suddenly had a question, "why do you want to sweep the tomb during the Qingming Festival?" So I asked my father. My father talked endlessly: "Qingming is the first solar term in March of the lunar calendar. It is the time when spring returns and the sky is clear." The father paused and then said, "the custom of Tomb Sweeping on Tomb Sweeping Day began after the Qin and Han Dynasties. On the one hand, he missed his dead relatives, on the other hand, he offered sacrifices to his ancestors, hoping that their ancestors would bless the happiness and health of future generations."

  When I saw people coming and going to visit tombs and help the old and the young, I couldn't help but think of Zhang Zeduan's picture of the river during the Qingming Festival in the Song Dynasty. It's really "rainy in Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls".


  Today is the second day of the Qingming holiday. Due to a storm and a shower last night, the temperature dropped a lot, but it doesn't affect our outing.

  My mother and I rode a bike to the wetland park. Recently, my driving skills have made great progress. Soon we arrived at our destination smoothly.

  There are a lot of people in the park. Some families come to play, and some colleagues and friends walk together. Everyone has a smile on their faces. We walked along the river with our feet on the thick grass. It was very comfortable. The river was very clear. From time to time, we saw a group of small fish swimming. Occasionally, we could see a frog floating on the water, motionless, like enjoying the warm sunshine of spring.

  After walking for a while, we saw a small piece of Merlin. Although there were only a dozen branches, each branch was blooming brightly, red like fire, white like snow, emitting a faint fragrance, which made people linger and forget to return.

  I love this beautiful spring.


  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My parents and I went to my hometown to worship my ancestors. On the way, we saw golden rape flowers, like a large golden carpet. The children are walking in the fields. Soon, we arrived at our destination.

  We came to the tomb of the great grandfather and great grandmother. My father lit a handful of incense. My mother put the food, drinks and other things prepared before in order. Then we burned some paper money together and worshipped in front of their tomb. Before the burning, the smoke filled the air and the paper ash flew everywhere, which caused a lot of pollution to the environment.

  This season, although the grass is just sprouting, but the weather is dry, burning paper is likely to cause fire, and the consequences are terrible.

  I really hope that modern people can offer sacrifices to their ancestors in a civilized way, so as to protect the environment and not lose the significance of Qingming Festival.


  We have a three-day holiday on Tomb Sweeping Day. My mother and I decided to go for an outing in Hexi.

  The air there is fresh and the roads are clean. The green trees along the river are green, the peach blossoms are pink, the river is clear, and the scenery is really beautiful. Walking along the beach along the river, I saw three uncles fishing. I asked my mother if we could go fishing. My mother said we didn't have fishing rods, so I had to play sandcastle.

  After a while, I felt bored. I picked up my mother's phone and called my brother to ask him to come and play with me. After my brother came, we began to play with slides and climbing ropes. After a while, we were sweating.

  Time flies. I'm going home. Today is really a happy holiday. I want to go to Hexi again.


  The annual Tomb Sweeping Day came. My father and I went to pay a memorial service to my grandfather who had gone to heaven.

  My father and I went to burn paper money for Grandpa today. When we got to Grandpa's tombstone, I thought of grandpa when he was alive. The most unforgettable thing for me is the figure of Grandpa shaking his firewood legs. When his father went to school, Grandpa herded cattle every day in order to support his family. At that time, Grandpa only wore this cloth shoe in winter, or an open toed rag shoe. Grandpa couldn't buy a pair of good shoes because his legs were broken!

  Grandpa, I want to say to you: life is better now. Grandpa, you never thought of happiness in your life. Don't be reluctant to spend money in heaven. We burned a lot of paper money for you! Don't worry about us. We're fine. Live a good life in heaven. Don't worry about us.

  Grandpa, I love you!


  Qingming Festival is a festival to worship ancestors. Dad and grandma went back to their hometown to visit the grave. They were afraid of traffic jam. They went back in advance.

  Only me, my sister, my mother and Grandpa were at home. We went to Longgang River to play. I brought a bag with bananas and water in it and began to set out. We took some photos on a big stone. I made an Altman gesture and saw a dead dog in a place like a beach. It's so pathetic.

  I asked my grandfather to give me a video. My mother sometimes blocked the camera. I said don't block the star performance. Grandpa laughed. My sister and I walked to a pile of stones and played with the sand. We also saw a rainbow in the sky and the route of the plane. It's so beautiful!

  When we got to Longyuan, we went back. On the way, we saw a grass flower snake. Grandpa said the snake was poisonous and told us to go away. When you get home, it's time for dinner.

  I had a good time on this tomb sweeping day!


  On Tomb Sweeping Day, my father, Grandpa and I went to our hometown to worship our ancestors. It's cloudy to rainy there, but I'm going anyway. As soon as we got up the mountain, we began to work. The first is to sacrifice great grandfather, the second is high grandmother, the third is great grandmother, and the last is high grandfather. Let me tell you, our order is from far to near.

  Our first job is to weed. Our second job is to kill chickens and pour their blood on paper money. The third job is to Hang paper money next to the cemetery. The last job is ancestor worship. From more than 10 a.m. to more than 3 p.m. The meaning of ancestor worship is: "miss our ancestors and inspire future generations." When I came back, it was drizzling again, which reminded me of the poem my grandfather called me: it rained in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians wanted to break their souls on the road... It turns out that ancestor worship can also learn so much knowledge!


  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains in succession, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. When I ask where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." This is the poem "Qingming" written by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty.

  Today is the annual Qingming Festival again! In the morning, I turned on my computer and saw that people all over the country were remembering the revolutionary martyrs who died bravely for the liberation of the motherland. Some of them presented wreaths, some wore small white flowers and bowed in silence under the martyrs' monument. From the computer, I really knew that our happy life today was bought by the revolutionary martyrs with their blood and precious lives.

  Turning off the computer, I thought to myself: martyrs, although you are no longer here today, you will always live in our hearts. You are the pride of China. I want to learn from you, cherish this hard won good life, and contribute to the motherland when I grow up!

