

时间:2021-11-12 17:43:11 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】在日常生活中,很多人都喜欢在超市购买东西,因为超市里面的东西有安全保障,而且方便快捷。今天由®文档大全网给大家分享了超市购物的英语口语表达,赶紧来看看吧!


  1.I'm going toTesco.我要去乐购。

  2.I'm going to Walmart.我要去沃尔玛。

  3.I'm heading to the market.我要去商场。

  4.The one down the street.在街边的那一家呀。

  5.Do you have a shopping list.我有一份购物清单。

  6.It's always so crowded there.那里一直都很挤啊。

  7.Not enough customers.因为去那里买东西的人不多啊。

  8.I always go to that market.我一直都是去那里买东西的。

  9.The market is going out of business.那家商场要关门了。

  10.It has a bigger selection of things.那里的东西要多很多。

  11.Where is the biggest shopping center?哪有的购物中心?

  12.Is there a department store around here?附近哪有百货商店?

  13.I still like the smaller one.我还是更喜欢去小一点的地方买。

  14.Excuse me. Where are the dairy products?请问乳类制品在哪里?

  15.Could you put the eggs in a separate bag?你能把鸡蛋单独放一个袋子吗?

  16.I usually save my bag in the free locker.我通常把包存进免费储物柜里。

  17.That's great to know. I need to buy a lot of stuff.那真是太好了,我需要买很多东西。

  18.More people are going to the bigger market a few blocks away.更多的人都去几条街外更大的那家商场买了。

  19.Today is a good day to go. There are a lot of items on sale.今天去那家很划算,他们的很多商品都在进行打折大促销。

  20.You better leave soon. There were a lot of people today because of the big sale.你还是赶紧过去。由于那里在做降价大促销,所以人很多。


  顾客:We need to buy some beer too. Where is the beer?


  顾客:Excuse me. Do you sell vegetables here?


  店员:Yes, we do. They're right in front of you.


  顾客:We need to buy some soy sauce. Which aisle is the soy sauce in? 我们想买一些酱油,酱油在哪一个走道?

  店员:That would be in aisle 7(或者直接说That would be there.然后用手指出位置),

  with the condiments. It is right next to the ketchup.


  店员:Good evening, can I help you?


  顾客:Yes, I'd like to buy some skin care lotion.


  How much is it?


  店员:Final price…660 yuan.


  There is a promotion going on for 10% off.



  1.Let's foot the bill.我们结账吧。

  2.Is there a duty-free shop?这有免税店吗?

  3.We're all out of carrots.胡萝卜全卖光了。

  4.Cute but not very durable.可爱但是不耐穿。

  5.I'd like to buy kitchenware.我想买厨房用具。

  6.All the bacon is sold out.所有的培根都卖完了。

  7.This is sold by package. 这个是一包一包卖的。

  8.It performed as advertised.和卖家描述得差不多。

  9.What time do stores open?什么时候商店开始营业?

  10.Where can I find the shampoos?请问洗发液在哪里?

  11.There's none in stock./It's out of stock.没有货了。

  12.Where is the frozen foods section?冷冻食品区在哪里?

  13.What a crowd!It's so crowded!What a big crowd!人多得要命!

  14.How often do you visit the supermarket?你多久去一次超市?

  15.The condiments shelf is in the 5th aisle.调料货架在第五通道。

  16.What do you like to buy at the supermarket?你喜欢在超市买什么?

  17.This shopping cart has a wobbly wheel.这辆购物车的轮子摇摆不定。

  18.Please put the fruit in the shopping cart.请把水果放在购物手推车里。

  19.Excuse me, which aisle can I find diapers?请问,哪个过道可以找到尿布啊?

  20.Make sure you pay for your shopping before you leave.确保你在走之前把东西钱给付了。

