[bec商务英语 高级]2017年BEC商务英语高级口语模拟辅导:PricingStrategy


时间:2023-12-31 17:06:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  Pricing Strategy
  1.the product itself: the cost of producing plus your expecting profit
  2.similar products, the rival firms: What are their prices? What are your product’s competitive advantages? In what aspect does your product superior to others? This can add extra value to your product.
  3.target customer: Whether they are wealthy or not? Can they afford the price?
  Ex: How to ensure that price levels for new products are set appropriately?
  ○1 The first problem is who your target customers are. Their income, occupation, preference.
  ○2 Do market research to make sure whether your target customers can afford the price level. There are mainly four ways of doing market research: survey, telephone interview, observation and questionnaire.
  ○3 Test your product in a small region. Find out how it sells, get the feedbacks of the customers. Decide whether to make any adjustment.

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  • 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/G82I.html

