
时间:2022-10-15 03:10:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】我们的校园是一座美丽而整洁的校园,那里每天都充满着欢声笑语。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Campus is where we learn and grow.

  I like every corner of the campus. The eyes are like a camera, taking pictures of the solemn and tall teaching building, the thick and tall trees, and the beautiful flower beds

  The most beautiful time on campus is in the morning. In the morning, the campus was full of vitality. With a happy smile on our faces, we came to the school cheerfully. The day of hope began again. After class, the students walked into the classroom quickly, and the campus suddenly became quiet. Loud sound of reading is beautiful music, which can never be tired of listening to

  The most beautiful campus is our busy teachers. They came to school at the earliest every day. When the students finished school, they carefully accompanied us through the zebra crossing. That moment was definitely a warm picture. After a hard day's work, they finally left again. It is with the teacher's hard cultivation that we can thrive. It is teachers who make the campus more beautiful.

  I love my campus, but also our teachers.


  The morning on campus is beautiful. "Twitter, twitter..." The campus has started a new day with bursts of clear birdsong. The tall and straight banyan tree in front of the school seemed to have just washed its face and still hung with crystal dewdrops. The flowers in the flower bed are one after another beautiful and beautiful. The morning wind blows, and the fragrance of the flowers immediately rushes in.
  The morning on campus is quiet. The students seemed to be competing with the teachers. They all rushed into the campus in the direction of the classroom. When the bell rang, a loud sound of reading broke the peace of the school. "Tink, Tink, Tink"...... After class, the morning on campus will gradually disappear, but the clear and pleasant sound of reading will accompany you until the end of a beautiful day.

  The morning on campus is tense. The students who were late rushed into the school and rushed to the classroom. Their pace was tense. Some students who had not finished their homework were nervous, afraid of being criticized by the teacher.

  I love this beautiful campus morning.


  My school is Tanfeng Primary School, which is beautiful all the year round.

  The campus in spring is full of vitality. Look! After a winter's sleep, the grass woke up, put on their green hats one by one, poked out their heads, and looked strangely at the new world. The children, like happy swallows, left a lot of laughter on the hallway, playground and lawn of the campus.

  The campus in summer is full of vitality. The first thing that catches my eye is the flowers and grasses in the campus, which are luxuriant and colorful. Although the sun is burning the campus like a fireball, the classroom is still full of "the sound of wind, rain, and reading"

  The campus in autumn is full of smiles. The fruit trees in the campus bear fruit, the osmanthus blossoms, and a burst of fragrance comes to our nostrils. The children stepped on the carpet made of golden leaves, as if they were in a fairy tale in autumn.

  The campus in winter has a different taste. A gust of north wind blew, and the little tree shivered with cold. However, the children lined up in a neat line and did the radio exercises vigorously. Where is the cold winter on campus? Only a group of lively students.

  I love my school. I am proud to be a student of Tanfeng Primary School!


  Everyone loves their campus. My school is located in the west of Hexiang Community, Xinglongtai District, Panjin City. It's beautiful here.

  When entering the school, the first thing I saw was a wide and bright playground. The outer circle of the playground was a vermilion plastic runway, and the inside was a soft green lawn. Whenever we do exercises in the morning and afternoon, we will step on the playground and sacrifice ourselves silently.

  At the northwest corner of the playground is a tall Chinese parasol tree. In spring, the buds of the tree quietly drill out with bright colors; In summer, it is our sunshade. Through the sun, the shadows of trees are speckled; In autumn, the fallen leaves turn golden yellow. Sister Feng blows gently, like a small butterfly, fluttering; In winter, it seems to say, "See you next year."

  Then I walked straight and saw some fitness equipment, including parallel bars and horizontal bars... When class was over, we played on the single and parallel bars. Looking up, we found our teaching building. It's pink. Count it. It has six layers. There are five classes of Grade One on the first floor, Grade Two and Grade Three on the second floor, Grade Four on the third floor, and our classroom - Class Three, Grade Four on the east. When we walked into our classroom, the most striking thing was the neat light blue desks and chairs. There was a display board at the back with twelve learning habits on it. There are goldfish and flowers on the windowsill. Then, we can see a big blackboard, which is like a fertile land, providing us with abundant knowledge.

  Can I not love my campus?


  I have enjoyed the picturesque Guilin and the colorful Tianshan Mountain, but I love our beautiful campus more.

  The air on campus is fresh, the sky on campus is blue, and the scenery on campus is charming. The campus makes me linger and forget to return.

  On the morning of spring, when I walked into the campus, I could see many trees. There are tall and straight pine trees, which guard our campus like soldiers; There are verdant cypress trees with green branches and leaves; There were tall Chinese parasol trees, rushing straight into the sky, as if they had inexhaustible strength; There is a beautiful osmanthus tree, which looks like a graceful girl from afar. More recently, we can see the grass and wild flowers, which set off each other and add a lot of vitality to our campus.

  In summer, the sun is blazing, and cicadas on the trees are singing happy songs. Poplars are like giant umbrellas that are stretched open. Students who are tired of playing are welcome to enjoy the cool under the trees. The students bathed in the golden light of summer through the cracks of the trees and thrived.

  In autumn, the wind is cool. The leaves of other places have fallen, but our school is still green, green so strong, green so lovely. The sweet scented osmanthus bloomed and gave off a light fragrance. The students learned happily from the fragrance of the flowers and felt the fresh and refreshing fragrance of the sweet scented osmanthus.

  In winter, a cold wind, with some white snowflakes, drifted down. The students are happy to look for the most beautiful.

  In this beautiful campus, we are flying our dreams and looking forward to a better tomorrow. Beautiful Red Star School, I love you!


  My lovely campus is so lovely all the year round!

  In spring, when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, the peach is red and the willow is green. My campus is even more colorful. You see, the lovely grass sticks out its head, the flowers rush out their heads, and the flowers rush out. Birds chirp and sing in the branches, adding a glimmer of life to the peaceful campus.

  In summer, trees shade and the sun is blazing. The students are sweating profusely after class. Everyone came to the playground to enjoy the cool under the big tung tree. The tung leaves are the students' fans. We immediately felt refreshed when we used them to fan the wind.

  In autumn, the air is crisp and the wind is blowing gently. Although there is no heat in summer, it is still warm up. The students' clothes have thickened a lot for fear of freezing themselves. At this time, there were some subtle changes in the school. Maple trees were like a palette, with green maple leaves, red and yellow maple leaves. Colorful, very beautiful.

  The campus is more beautiful in winter. Wrapped in silver, the jade tree is full of branches. The snowflakes are flying and shaking, like little elves, more like a girl in a beautiful dress, which makes people feel a smart beauty. The school is like a fairyland!

  This is my school. It is so lovely all the year round. I love my school!


  In the school, there are many beautiful scenes. As soon as you enter the school, you can see tall and straight banyan trees and a wide playground. The branches and leaves of the banyan trees are luxuriant and have the name of "cultivating people for a hundred years". The wide playground can be lively. Some students are playing football, some are running, some are jumping rope, and some are playing games on the playground. Among them, the fishpond on campus is the most attractive.

  Although there are not many fish in the fish pond, there is a rockery and tall teaching building on the left and right sides, accompanying it. The water in the fish pond is special! The water was as quiet as a mirror, as green as a jasper, and as clear as a small bubble blown by fish. Under the sunlight, the water surface was silvery. In the pond, there are several colorful small goldfish swinging their fan like tails gracefully, adding some vitality to the pond.

  The fish in the fish pond swim happily every day. They live, play and play freely. When classes are over, the students come to watch them.

  Bending down to look at the water in the pool, it seems that the sky is in the water, which is higher and larger. The teaching building seems to be reflected in the pool, which is taller and more magnificent. The trees are reflected in the water, which makes the leaves and branches more luxuriant.

  Whenever I pass the fish pond after class, I feel that I have become a lovely fish, playing with them

  I love my beautiful campus, but I prefer the small fish pond in this campus.


  I love my campus, because the campus gives me a lot of joy and warmth, more importantly, it gives us knowledge and teaches us how to behave. Tasting the wind chimes of time, looking back at the footprints, I suddenly found that I had such a deep relationship with the campus. Whenever the sun rises and the morning is fresh and elegant, I always taste the unique charm of the poem in the classroom.

  Stepping into our campus, you will see many flowers and plants carefully served by our pupils, just like coming to a beautiful small garden. Every spring, these flowers and plants sprout, and there are several bright flowers interspersed in the hazy green, which is very beautiful.

  When we read in the morning, our whole class would come out of the classroom together and read a book for 30 minutes with the light music and the fragrance of flowers and plants. When you are tired, pick a petal to make a bookmark. It is here that I know that the original text can become so elegant, but also can become so wild. It can not only absorb colorful, but also be pure as a mirror. At this time, the campus is a sea of reading and a green field.

  Gradually, summer came. On hot days, our school felt cool. In summer, with a glass of ice water, our little friends went downstairs to take a walk in the playground, smelling the fragrance of chrysanthemums and grass, listening to the gentle singing of birds, looking up at the light blue sky, we talked excitedly, expressing our views, and all the annoyance disappeared. At this time, the campus is lively and beautiful, with pleasant coolness in mind.

  In a twinkling of an eye, half a year has passed, and the Mid Autumn Festival is coming. The ground of the school is covered with dead leaves, which are either golden or dark red, showing that they may be the last beauty. At this time, we would collect beautiful fallen leaves together, chat with each other, and enjoy the charming autumn in the breeze of dawn. At this time, the campus is golden, full of laughter and imagination.

  The year is coming to an end. Winter is coming, which brings cold and bleak. But my school is warm. Every day, we read and write in our respective spaces, or get together to chat. Sweet and warm weather dispels the cold of winter. In the conversation with classmates and teachers, we have increased our experience and deepened our friendship. At this time, the campus is yellow, soft and warm, making people intoxicated.

  I spent several years on campus. Like a mother, she nurtured us, educated us, and urged us to grow up happily! I love the campus, love her laughter, love her laughter.


  Facing the early spring morning wind, I came to the English Corner, a small garden located in the southwest corner of the campus.

  In front of the garden stood a spray shaped sign with several red letters: English corner. Two bodhi trees were planted at the gate of the garden. They shook their long arms and seemed to welcome us. Go ahead and you will find a path. A cypress tree grew on the left side of the path, and an octagonal thorn grew on the right side. Their rustling sound seems to warn us not to damage the greening. I followed the path, crossed the bridge and came to the center of the garden.

  Several tall magnolias grow in the east of the garden. The magnolias are still in bud, hairy outside, like a newborn baby.

  There are two fountains in the south of the garden. The fountains are very quiet, only the sound of fish swimming. Occasionally, you can see them. Beside the pool is a beautifully stacked rockery, which is made of some strange stones. From a distance, it looks like a castle. Beside the rockery, there is a quiet little bamboo forest, which is full of green and dripping bamboos. When the wind blows, the bamboo leaves rustle, as if the Queen is whispering with her close friends.

  The west side of the garden is full of flowers. The wintersweet is in full bloom, one cluster here and one cluster there. Look, the petals of Chimonanthus praecox are thin and tall, and they are transparent and light yellow. The center of the layers of petals is covered with bright yellow stamens. You can smell them and smell them. Behind the wintersweet, several tea flowers were planted, like shy little girls. The outermost layer is some Magnolia grandiflora, which have tall bodies and seem to be protecting the garden here.

  In the north of the garden is a green lawn. There are many unknown small flowers and grasses on the grassland, including wormwood. Several camphor trees are planted on both sides of the grassland, which seems to be the green owners guarding the grassland.

  I love my campus and every corner of it!


  Our school is very beautiful. In one corner of our school is a green bamboo forest. On the left of the bamboo forest is a green grassland. There are also various stones on the grassland, some like birds and some like frogs. There are also two peach trees growing on the grassland. In spring, it has pink flowers, like a smiling face of children.

  In the middle of the playground is a man-made lawn, outside is a red runway, and there are four white lines on it. There are several banyan trees over there. In summer, the banyan tree is full of small pink flowers with charming fragrance. There are also morning glory over the school gate. The morning glory has many colors, including red, purple and dark red. It is very beautiful. There is also a pear tree on the left side of the school gate. Pear trees are full of white flowers. How vibrant the campus is.

  I love the vibrant campus, and I also love the beautiful campus.
