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【#英语资源# #我爱我家英语作文范文(精选10篇)#】每个人都有属于自己的家,属于自己那个温馨的港湾。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《我爱我家英语作文范文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.我爱我家英语作文范文 篇一

  Home is a dream, a hope. Through the bridge of hope, you reach a warm home.

  Tibetan antelope father

  My father is very gentle and strong. He plays basketball very well, never makes a mistake in passing, and dunking is also easy for him. Dad is still an absolute phone enthusiast! Every day, whenever he has free time, he sits down and picks up his "precious phone". I don't know what software makes his impression of the phone so favorable.

  Mother Tiger Mother

  My mother is very gentle when she is gentle, and very fierce when she is fierce, just like a kitty cat turning into a big tiger. I remember one day, my mother asked my father to take me to a classmate's art exhibition. At this time, my mother was like a gentle lamb. When she came back, my mother was going to do my homework for me. My speed was a bit slower than before, and she was angry and shouted at me, like a mother tiger.

  I am a dolphin

  My name is Dolphin because I run very fast and I am very gentle towards my friends, just like dolphins do towards people. After breaking up, I can use my "super dolphin sound" to bring them back. I remember when I broke up with them, I would stick a sticky note on each of their desks and write on the one for Wang Mingqi: "What is the chess that no one in the world can afford? On the note for Han Yi, it was written: What precious memory is it? They were all curious, but they didn't know the answer, so they came to me and asked, and I replied, "The precious chess is Wang Mingqi, and the precious memory is Han Yi!" They all laughed, and then we made up again!

  My home is really a beautiful 'animal family'.

2.我爱我家英语作文范文 篇二

  Everyone has a home, but each home is different. Some families are harmonious and warm, while others are very disharmonious and often cause noise.

  I have a harmonious and warm home, so I love my family. Whenever I do something wrong, my parents never hit me or scold me. They will slowly teach me and make me deeply convinced. I know that the reason why they teach me this is for my own good. They know that teaching children through beating and scolding is not good.

     There have been instances where one of my cousins was a mischievous child who was very headstrong and had poor academic performance. No matter how his father beats him, it's useless. His grades are still so poor, still so mischievous and capricious. Why is this? This is because children are often beaten and scolded, and they will become rebellious. Whatever you ask them to do, they will follow you and refuse to do it. From here, it can be seen that my parents love me very much and hope that I can become a successful person. I am proud of this!

  Whenever I make progress in exams or some areas. My mother will continue to encourage me and ask me to continue to work hard. And Dad, he hardly praises me and often reminds me. I know this is also the love of my parents. They don't want me to lean towards any side and keep me walking straight forward.

  I love my family!

3.我爱我家英语作文范文 篇三

  I have an amiable mother and an understanding father.

  What's wrong with today, why is it so low on the exam? "This is my mother teaching me with a gentle voice, giving me confidence. My mother always smiles at me, even if I do something wrong, she always treats me with tolerance and gives me enough energy to move forward.

  I remember when I was in first grade, my nose was bleeding, and blood was always flowing out. I was afraid and anxious, and my father always said to me, "I know you're sad, but you have to remember the simple words" A man bleeds without tears ". However, there was an immense concern for me inside.

  Faced with me, they were all smiling, but when I realized that my mother was in poor health at that time, my father took on the heavy burden and always went out early and returned late. Because he wanted to earn more money, he opened a small shop in Yuge and barely supported this family. However, I gained happiness from this family. In order to save money, I only bought a small electric fan in the summer, which blows out hot air. I always play coquettish with my dad and say, "It's too hot." Dad looked at me helplessly

  A kind and amiable mother, a considerate father, and a humorous and optimistic me. A happy home, I love my family!

4.我爱我家英语作文范文 篇四

  My home is like a string of happy notes, filled with happiness and joy.

  Luo Zao Gui "- Mom

  My mother is a well-known 'devil' in our family. Fanfan, you're not getting up yet! "" What? You only scored 96 in math? Do you think you should be wrong with these questions? Even if you're wrong with such a simple question, do you still smile all day without feeling ashamed? "Mom kept nagging and couldn't stop. However, I am not feeling bored at all now. Instead, I feel that these words have become an essential part of my life, and as soon as I leave them, I feel that there is no fun in life.

  Fake seriousness - Dad

  Once, my dad made an exception by sending me to school with a serious expression on his face that I didn't even know what medicine he was selling in his gourd. Don't look at Dad so serious, he's a real master of humor at home. Because many of my sample essays are written by my father, he always smiles and says to me, "What unique charm does your father have that fascinates my precious daughter so much

  Iron Head Skill - Brother

  Ju Haoran! "" Hmm! "" Ju Haoran! "" Hmm! "" Ju Haoran! "" Ah! "Whenever you hear this sound, you know it's me playing with my brother! Although my younger brother is less than seven months old, every time I call him, he unconsciously agrees. You may not have imagined that although my younger brother is very young, he possesses the unique skill of "Iron Head Skill". You may not believe it, so let me take my time to explain it. Once, I was lying in bed with my eyes closed and my father was sitting in bed with his "barbaric" brother watching TV. I don't know why, my younger brother stretched out his hand and kicked his foot, breaking free from his father's arms. It was too late, but it was too fast, and my younger brother's head hit me hard. I cried in pain and my head turned red, while my younger brother indulged himself as if nothing had happened. I was so angry and funny.

  I love my family!

  Home is just one word!

  'Home' is more than just one word!

5.我爱我家英语作文范文 篇五

  I have a home, a warm and beautiful one. Although my life at home may not be very luxurious, it is these ordinary and ordinary small things that make me feel the warmth and happiness of home.

  I have a home, a home composed of five people, an ordinary and enviable home. In my family life, my family members care and help each other, so I live a very happy life. In my family, there is a hardworking father, a virtuous mother, an obedient younger brother, and a grandmother with excellent health. My father and mother are very filial to my grandmother, and my brother and I are also quite sensible, so we have formed a harmonious family.

  I love my family, I love every aspect of it, and I love every plant and plant in it. In my opinion, these are all good things. Because here is my golden childhood, my unforgettable memories, and my beautiful memories.

  I love my family and the loved ones who care for each other every day. They gave me a home, gave me everything, gave me all their love, and made me feel the warmth of home.

  I love my family, I love those in my family

  Home allows me to experience the true love in the world, so I love my family.

6.我爱我家英语作文范文 篇六

  I have a warm and harmonious home. My family members include: father, mother, sister, grandmother, and I. Our family has a wide range of hobbies, especially liking to study quietly, and the learning atmosphere is very strong.

  After dinner every day, our family enters a state of learning: Mom always lies in bed, focused on reading books about accounting. Dad's eyes were fixed on the news on the computer, occasionally telling us about the national events and anecdotes that happened that day. My sister would shake her head and head while reciting history, babbling on English, and pondering on math. She often didn't go to bed until 11 or 12 o'clock. And before dinner, I had already finished my homework that I could do. After dinner, I will consult my parents for homework that I cannot write. My mother is responsible for solving Chinese language problems, while my father is responsible for math and English.

  After I finish my homework, I will take out "Grimm's Fairy Tales", "An Waitsheng's Fairy Tales", and others to watch. Almost half of our bookshelves are my books. I like the fairy tale 'The Poor and the Rich' among them. It says that the greedy rich end up losing a horse, while the kind-hearted poor end up with a big house. I excerpted the sentence 'not afraid of long distances, afraid of short aspirations, not afraid of slow progress, afraid of standing often. Not afraid of poverty, afraid of laziness'. Then I used this sentence in the post production of a movie. The teacher praised me and said, 'This ending is very philosophical.' I think it's very enjoyable. Whenever I have free time now, I will bury myself in the pile of books and wander in the ocean of books. I can't help but extract words describing spring, summer, autumn, and winter because I think these sentences are very beautiful. Guess how much I have extracted now? I seem to have written a large excerpt.

  Classmates, do you also think that the learning atmosphere in our family is very strong?

7.我爱我家英语作文范文 篇七

  Everyone has a home, and everyone loves their own home very much. Therefore, I am no exception: a "Xishi" mother, a "Zhang Fei" father, and an optimistic me. So my home can give people a warm feeling, make them full of confidence, and cheer up from failure.

  Our family's hobby is sports. Remember once, our family got up at 5 o'clock in the morning. Do you know why? Let me tell you, it's because we need to exercise. Mom and Dad often say that exercising more is good for our bodies. In that case, let's hold an exercise day. We were running in the community with a towel in the morning, but we didn't know how many laps we had. When we returned, we were already panting and sweating profusely, as if we were going to lie down. I asked my mother, "Mom, Mom, what are we doing now

  I'm almost exhausted, Mom. Let's go back How can this be! "Dad said solemnly," You have this bad habit of giving up halfway when you do things! "" Oh, Dad, I see! Your cute little baby will correct it! "I pretended to have a" good girl "smile. In the blink of an eye, it was a peaceful night again. Mom told us that she has booked a seat at a badminton hall for our family of three to compete. And I, on the other hand, became a "true" little "referee". I watched my parents beating around, my head was almost dizzy! I love this family, and I love the warmth and happiness even more.

8.我爱我家英语作文范文 篇八

  Hi! My name is Lin Lei, and I am 11 years old. I am in fourth grade at Dongyu Elementary School. My parents love me very much. I have been given a perfect environment since I was in elementary school.

  In the morning, as soon as I woke up, I could hear the wonderful sound of bowls and chopsticks colliding, as my mother was preparing a hearty breakfast. When I finished grooming, the whole family gathered around the table to have breakfast. After eating, my dad will act as my "little bodyguard" to take me to school. My home is very close to school, but my dad picks me up and sees me off every day, regardless of wind or rain. Every time I hold my dad's warm hand, my heart warms up, even though the weather is so cold! After school, there are always some Dim sum on the desk in my room. That's Dim sum my mother prepared for me because she was afraid I was hungry. When I finished my homework, I gently pushed open the door with my hand, and a cool breeze blew in. A delicious table of food came to my nostrils, which was the dinner my mother had cooked. Let your family taste and enjoy this delicious food. After dinner, we would sit in the living room, watch TV, chat, and so on.

  I also love reading very much. As the saying goes, "One day without books, a hundred days are barren." There are many knowledge in books that you don't understand! I advise everyone to read more books in order to increase their knowledge! Books are the ladder of human progress! You are always happy in the ocean of books.

  I love my mom more than my dad. My mother's love is gentle and delicate, while my father's love is unrestrained and unrestrained. These loves encourage me to move forward and accompany my growth. Ah, I feel from the bottom of my heart: I am a happy little seedling, growing up in this perfect environment, enjoying and nourishing the sunshine and rain. My parents also feel relieved to have this happy little seedling.

  This is my family.

9.我爱我家英语作文范文 篇九

  When my parents came to Shanghai to work, I was only three years old. Every year, only during the Chinese New Year can our family get together, and my childhood passed away in loneliness.

  Until one day, my mother excitedly said on the phone, "Lulu, my parents have received a comprehensive insurance card in Shanghai and received three government subsidies. They have a secure life, and I will pick you up in a few days to reunite with our family..." I held the phone and shed tears, which I have been looking forward to for a long time.

  However, I was still very uneasy in my heart: "Mom, can I continue studying there?" "Yes, if the doll goes to Shanghai to study, it will cost a lot of money. Our family doesn't have that condition, alas..." Grandma said anxiously. Mom immediately comforted and said, "You don't know yet. Shanghai has already cancelled the 'compulsory education loan fee' for migrant children this year, and you only need to pay the textbook fee

  In the blink of an eye, my parents and I have been living in Shanghai for two years, studying in a nearby public elementary school. At this time, the grand World Expo was held in Shanghai, and we unexpectedly received the World Expo commemorative medals and tickets issued by the community. I have broadened my horizons in the Expo Park: various energy-saving products, exotic buildings, unique exotic flavors, and personally experienced aviation simulations

  You see, our motherland is like a big garden. Under the shining light of the Party, we will continue to grow and thrive. I love you, my country, I love you, my home!

10.我爱我家英语作文范文 篇十

  I was born into a warm and happy family, an ordinary family of three, with a hardworking father, a gentle mother, and a lively self.

  Dad used to be a worker, but now he runs a car repair shop and becomes the boss. His business is very prosperous, and many cars come here for repairs. At midnight one day, suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It turned out that someone's big car was broken and couldn't continue driving. They wanted to come here for repairs. After hearing this news, Dad put on his clothes and quickly arrived at the workshop without saying a word. He drove the car to the workbench and skillfully repaired it. Busy until dawn, the car was finally repaired.

  My mother is very concerned about me. She gets up early every day and cooks for me. When I got up, the delicious food was already on the table. Whether it's windy or rainy, my mother always picks me up and takes me to and from school without interruption.

  I am my parents' little baby. Once, when I was sick, my parents were very anxious. They took me to the hospital and gave me an intravenous drip. My parents stayed by my side and didn't sleep a wink all night. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart for my parents' love for me. A few days before Women's Day on March 8th this year, I was very anxious and didn't know what gift to buy for my mother. That day, I went to the street and selected a very beautiful decoration for my mother. When I returned home, my mother saw this gift and was extremely happy, praising me for growing up.

  This is our family of three, and I love my family.
