

时间:2022-05-03 10:51:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



  —It rained cats and dogs this morning. I’m glad we took an umbrella.

  —Yeah, we would have got wet all over if we _____. (2013重庆)

  A. hadn’t B. haven’t C. didn’t D. don’t

  解析:Awould have got wet可知,



  Maybe if I ______ science, and not literature then, I would be able to give you more help. (2011北京)

  A. studied B. would study C. had studied D. was studying

  解析:C。当条件从句与结果主句所表示的时间不一致时,虚拟语气的形式应做相应的调整。句意:也许如果当时我学习的是科学而不是文学的话,那么我(现在)就可以给你更多的帮助了。根据句意和would be可知主句表示对现在的虚拟,根据then一词可以确定此处条件句表示与过去事实相反,从句谓语动词使用had done的形式。



  Had they known what was coming next, they _____ second thoughts. (2012浙江)

  A. may have B. could have C. must have had D. might have had

  解析:Dwere, had(助动词)或should,if,were, had或should放在主语前构成倒装。如果条件句是否定形式,倒装时只能把not放在主语的后面。句意:他们要是早知道将要发生什么的话,也许就会有另外的想法了。 根据Had they known可知,应用与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。



  We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we ______ more places of interest yesterday. (2012福建)

  A. visited B. had visited C. would visit D. would have visited

  解析:D。虚拟语气中有时假设的情况并不以条件从句的形式表现出来,而暗含在上下文中,通过某些词语(如without, otherwise, but, but for等)表现出来。句意:我们在小村庄里迷路了,否则昨天我们就会参观更多的名胜。

  考点五、“(should) do” 型虚拟语气 (主要用在名词性从句中)


  Teachers recommend parents ______ their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety. (2010福建)

  A. not allow B. do not allow C. mustn’t allow D. couldn’t allow

  解析:A。句意:为了安全起见,老师建议家长不要让12岁以下的孩子骑自行车上学。在表示建议、要求、命令等的名词性从句中,谓语动词用“(should)+动词原形”形式。常用于此情况的词语有:坚持(insist),命令(order, command), 建议(suggest/suggestion, advise, recommend/recommendation),要求(ask, demand,request, require/requirement)等等。


  —Don’t you think it necessary that he ______to Miami but to New York?

  —I agree, but the problem is ______ he has refused to. (2005江苏)

  A. will not be sent; that

  B. not be sent; that

  C. should not be sent; what

  D. should not send; what

  解析:B。“(should)+do”型虚拟语气还包括It is necessary, important... + that+主语+(should)+ do句型。



  — Where are the children? The dinner’s going to be completely ruined.

  — I wish they ______ always late. (2011北京)

  A. weren’t B. hadn’t been

  C. wouldn’t be D. wouldn’t have been

  解析:A。句意: ——孩子们都到哪里去了?宴会就要被他们彻底破坏了。 —— 我希望他们不要总是迟到。由always可知本题表示从句动作与wish同时存在或发生,故选择A。在wish后面的宾语从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气。与现在事实相反用动词过去式(be常用were); 与过去事实相反用过去完成时或could/would+ have done;与将来事实相反用could/would/might +动词原形。注意:“hope +从句”结构中,从句要用陈述语气。
  考点七、特殊句式中的虚拟语气 (It’s time that / would rather / as if /if only等)◆在It is (high) time that句型中,从句常用一般过去时。

  3. If you like, we _____ send you some samples (样品) of our latest skin creams for you to try out.

  A. may B. can C. must D. should

  4. The rule states that all the people present _____ stay until the meeting is over.

  A. can B. could C. may D. shall

  5. Tom, you _____ leave all your clothes on the floor like this!

  A. wouldn抰 总B. mustn抰 C. needn抰 ld D. might not

  6. 桵y umbrella has disappeared. Who _____ have taken it?

  桰 have no idea.

  A. should B. must C. could D. would

  7. How _____ you expect your children to be truthful when you yourself tell lies?

  A. can B. shall C. may D. must

  8. —What language are they speaking?

  —I’m not sure. It _____ be French or Spanish.

  A. might B. will C. must D. would

  9. You _____ take the book out of the library. You have to read it here.

  A. daren抰 B. can抰 C. needn抰 . m D. wouldn抰

  10. 桰s the girl over there Wei Fang?

  桸o, it _____ be her. She has gone to Tianjin.

  A. needn抰 B. mustn抰 C. won抰 D. wo D. can抰

  11. Even experienced teachers _____ make mistakes, let alone a green hand like her.

  A. must? B. will C. can D. should

  12. You _____ know, drunken driving is forbidden in our country. It抯 against the law!

  A. must. B. will C. may D. need

  13. She _____ have missed the train, in which case she won抰 arrive for another hour.

  A. may B. can e C. should D. would

  14. 桾here抯 not a Peter here.

  桽orry. I _____ the wrong number.

  A. might dial B. can have dialed C. could dialn e D. must have dialed

  15. She _____ come in person; a call would have been enough.

  A. should have B. could have C. needn抰 have D. mustn抰 have

  16. You _____ have made fun of him. He is not the one you laugh at but learn from.

  A. mustn抰 B. needn抰 C. mightn抰 be D. ought not to

  17. What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he _____ better.

  A. need have done B. must have done C. can have done D. might have done

  18. Why are we not allowed to enter the park? It _____ be accessible to everyone.

  A. should B. would C. will D. might

  19. 桯appy birthday!

  桾hank you! It抯 the best present I _____ for. (2012ne 江苏)

  A. should have wished B. must have wished

  C. may have wished D. could have wished

  20. — Where is Mr. Smith? I can’t find him anywhere.

  — He _____ far, for his mobile phone is still here.

  A. mustn’t have gone B. wouldn’t have gone

  C. can’t have gone D. shouldn’t have gone
  21. As sales manager, I _____ admit, there have been some faults in our sales strategies (策略) in the past three months.

  A. may B. will C. must D. can

  22. Born in the city, you _____ imagine the difficulty a child in some distant mountain village has going to school.

  A. mustn抰 B. can抰 C. needn抰 D. shall not

  23. ?Has Mr. Zhang gone back home already? vill

  ?He _____ have left the office, but you抎 better go and check for you. rself.

  A. may not B. can抰 C. mustn抰 D. needn抰

  24. The words on the wall _____ written by Li Tong ?I抦 quite familiar with his unique handwriting.

  heck A. must be B. may not be C. might have been D. couldn’t have been

  25. If we _____ adequate preparations, the conference wouldn’t have been so successful. (2012山东)

  A. haven’t made B. wouldn’t make C. didn’t make D. hadn’t made

  26. The guide suggested that we _____ victim to wild animals, so we dismissed the idea to go deeper into the forest.

  A. fell B. might fall C. fall D. should fall

  27. You _____ worry about the children梩ohey are taken good care of in the kindergarten.

  A. mustn抰 B. can抰 C. needn抰 D. mayn抰

  28. It抯 important that these application forms _____ back as early as possible.

  A. must be sent B. will be sent C. are sent D. be sent

  2ildre9. The plant is dead. Maybe I _____ have given it more water.

  A. will B. can C. must D. should

  30. ?hI’ve taken someone else’s green sweater by mistake.

  —It _____ Harry’s. He always wears green.

  A. has to be B. will be C. mustn’t be D. could be

  31. —Shall I open the window?

  —I’d rather you _____. It’s too cold outside.

  A. don’t B. didn’t C. won’t D. hadn’t

  32. I really appreciate what you’ve done for me. Without you, I _____ in finding a job so soon.

  A. can’t have succeeded B. won’t succeed

  C. wouldn’t succeed D. couldn’t have succeeded

  33. She wishes that we _____ her the box of chocolate yesterday because she’s on a diet.

  A. didn’t send B. don’t send C. wouldn’t send D. hadn’t sent

  34. I don’t have a cell phone. If I _____ one, it would be convenient for me to get in touch with others.

  A. had B. have C. will have D. had had

  35. We _____ have bought so much food now that Suzie won’t be with us for dinner. (2012江西)

  A. may not B. needn’t C. can’t D. mustn’t

  36. We _____ at the bus station. Otherwise we would have been here by lunchtime.

  A. had been delayed B. were delayed

  C. have been delayed D. are delayed

  37. What do you think of his suggestion that we _____ to the beach for a holiday? Isn’t it excellent?

  A. will go B. go C. are going D. would go

  38. _____ six more votes in the last election, he would be our chairman now.

  A. Did Paul receive B. Should Paul receive

  C. Had Paul received D. Were Paul to receive

  39. It is required in the school regulations that teachers _____ cell phones in class.

  A. don’t use B. shouldn’t use C. won’t use D. mightn’t use

  40. The examination is coming. It’s time we _____ full use of every minute to go over our lessons.

  A. made B. will make C. must make D. make

