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考点一、状语从句中的省略   (1) 当主句主语与从句主语相同(或从句主语为it),并且从句谓语中含be动词,常将从句主语和be动词省略,构成省略形式。   (2) as / than引导比较状语从句时,从句通常使用省略形式。如:He earns less than his wife (does).   When _____ for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding. (2012安徽)   A. asking B. asked   C. having asked D. to be asked   解析:BWhen引导的状语从句,When he was asked for his views about his teaching job。   考点二、动词不定式的省略   (1)在主动语态中,感官动词或使役动词后接不定式作补足语时将不定式符号to省略。   【考例】   The director had her assistant _____ some hot dogs for the meeting.   A. picked up B. picks up   C. pick up D. picking up   解析: Chad是使役动词,to。   (2) 在同一句话或同一情景对话中,当同一动作再次出现在后面的不定式位置上时,可以只保留不定式符号to。   【考例】   The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police _____. (2013课标1)   A. not to do B. not to   C. not do D. do not   解析:B “在路边停车”这一动作前面已经提到,:… but was asked by the police not to park his car near the roadside.   句式would have done sth, should have done sth, ought to have done sth, needn’t have done sth, used to be...等省略形式为 would have, should have, ought to have, needn’t have, used to be。要保留不定式后的have或be。如:   —Are you a sailor?   —No, but I used to be (a sailor).   so / not   英语中常用so / not等来代替省略的肯定内容或否定内容,I’m afraid / I hope / I think / I guess / I believe / I expect / I suppose等开头的答语中,: if so / if not   【考例1】   —Everybody is going to climb the mountain. Can I go too, mom?   —_____ Wait till you are old enough, dear. (2010全国I)   A. Will you? B. Why not?   C. I hope so. D. I’m afraid not.   解析: D: I don’t think so. = I think not. I don’t expect so. = I expect not.   —The boys are not doing a good job at all, are they?   —_____.   A. I guess not so B. I don’t guess   C. I don’t guess so D. I guess not   解析:DI guess not 中的not 并不是否定动词guess的,,: (that) the boys are not doing a good job at all. , I guess not“我不这么猜想”,“我想是的”或“我看他们干得不好”。   考点三、情景交际中的省略   在情景对话中,常常省略大家都知道的内容或不会引起歧义的部分,只保留主干部分或关键词。   【考例】   —Goodbye, John. Come back again sometime.   —Sure. _____. (2012四川)   A. I did B. I do C. I shall D. I will   解析:D。答语句意:当然,我会的。I will后面省略了come back again sometime。   倒装   考点一、完全倒装   (一)在here, there, now, then, away, down, in, up, off, out等副词开头的句子中(主语一般为名词,be, come, go, run等),   【考例】   Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away _____. (2009上海)   A. fleeing the thief B. was fleeing the thief   C. the thief was fleeing D. fled the thief   解析:D。句意:一听到狗叫得厉害,小偷赶紧逃走了。副词away位于句头,使用完全倒装。   (二) 地点状语位于句首时,主语为名词且谓语动词为不及物动词(如lie, stand, sit等),常使用完全倒装句式。   【考例】   At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River _____, one of the ten largest cities in China.   A. lies Chongqing   B. Chongqing lies   C. does lie Chongqing   D. does Chongqing lie   解析:A:At no time _____ the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them. (2013辽宁)   A. they actually broke   B. do they actually break   C. did they actually break   D. they had actually broken   解析:C。at no time为否定词语,因此主句用部分倒装结构。句意:实际上他们从没有打破游戏规则。处罚他们是不公平的。   (二)“only+状语”位于句首时引起的部分倒装   【考例】   Only with the greatest of luck _____ to escape from the rising flood waters. (2012上海)   A. managed she B. she managed   C. did she manage D. she did manage   解析:C。句意:她最终逃脱了上涨的洪水,只是因为运气极佳。   (三) 在so…that句型中,如果so引导的部分位于句首,则主句要使用部分倒装。   【考例】   So sudden _____ that the enemy had no time to escape.   A. did the attack B. the attack did   C. was the attack D. the attack was   解析:C。句意:这次袭击非常突然以至于敌人没有时间逃跑。sudden是形容词,在句中作表语,故动词应用was。   (四) as或though引导让步状语从句置于句首时引起的部分倒装(although不能引导倒装)。其倒装句型是:表语(形容词或单个名词)/ 状语 / 谓语中的行为动词(动词原形)+as / though+主语+…。   【考例】   Hot _____ the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey. (2012陕西)   A. although B. as   C. while D. however   解析:BHot as the night air was尽管夜晚的空气很热。   (五) so / neither / nor位于句首表示前面所说的情况也适用于另一个人或物, so 用于肯定情况,neither / nor用于否定情况。其句型是: so / neither / nor+ / 系动词 / 情态动词+   【考例】   Bill wasn’t happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and _____.   A. I was neither B. neither was I   C. I was either D. either was I   解析:B:   The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor _____ it a thought.   A. does he even give B. he even gives   C. will he even give D. he will even give   解析:C   This is not my story, nor _____ the whole story. My story plays out differently.   A. is there B. there is   C. is it D. it is   解析:C。句中it代指前面的This,nor在句中表示连续的否定。   (2) neither…nor…连接并列成分,且neither和nor放于句首,前后都倒装。连接并列主语时不倒装。   Neither does he work hard, nor is he interested in math.   Neither he nor I am a student.   (3) 表示对对方所说的话加以肯定或赞同时,不用倒装语序,意为“的确,真的”。如 :   —John is very polite. 约翰很有礼貌。—So he is. 他确实如此。   (4) 当前面有两个(或两个以上)不同动作也适用于后者时,常用“so + it + be + with + sb”结构。   (六) hardly…when / no sooner…than / not until等连接复合句时,如果hardly, no sooner, not until放于句首,主句使用部分倒装,从句不倒装; not only…but also连接并列分句时,如果not only放于句首, 前一个分句使用部分倒装,后一个分句不倒装。   【考例1】   Not until he retired from teaching three years ago _____ having a holiday abroad.   A. he had considered B. had he considered   C. he considered D. did he consider   解析:D   The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only _____, but students became more interested in the lessons.   A. saved was teachers’ energy   B. was teachers’ energy saved   C. teachers’ energy was saved   D. was saved teachers’ energy   解析:Bnot only…but also…连接并列分句,not only   【考例3】   —Did Linda see the traffic accident?   —No, no sooner _____ than it happened.   A. had she gone B. she had gone   C. has she gone D. she has gone   解析:Ano sooner…than句型,no sooner位于句首时,: Outside the doctor’s clinic were 20 patients.   练习题:   1. —How about going for a walk?   —_____ great. Let’s get going.   A. Sound B. Sounding C. To sound D. Sounds   2. —I didn’t go to the party yesterday.   —Oh, but you _____.   A. ought to B. should have C. must have D. should   3. — Can you still catch the last bus?   — I’m afraid _____. It left ten minutes ago.   A. so B. not to C. not D. that not   4. _____ word by word, needless to say, the passage will be difficult to understand.   A. If translating B. Having translated C. If translated D. To translate   5. I like this red bike better than that black one, but it costs almost twice _____.   A. as much B. as many C. so much D. so many   6. He has been out of work for half a year. Do you know the difficulty he has _____ the family?   A. supported B. supporting C. to support D. support   7. It’s recommended that the plan he put forward _____ discussed at the next meeting.   A. be B. would be C. was D. must be   8. Mary opened the door. There _____ she had never seen before.   A. a boy did stand B. a boy stood C. did a boy stand D. stood a boy   9. Under the tree _____ of about ten, who was waiting for his mother to come back.   A. a boy sat B. did a boy sit C. sat a boy D. a boy did sit   10. I’m very sorry. _____ you are a vegetarian (吃素的人), I wouldn’t have cooked this pork for you.   A. Had I known B. Did I know C. I had known D. I knew   11. —Will Peter go to the party?   —If Mary doesn’t go, _____.   A. so will he B. neither will he C. neither he does D. so he will   12. His uncle is a worker and has been working in the factory for more than ten years. _____ his aunt.   A. So it is B. So is it with C. So is it D. So it is with   13. Never in my life _____ such delicious food. Can you tell me how you cooked it?   A. I have had B. had I C. have I had D. I had   14. —May I have permission to leave the table?   —Not until _____ their food.   A. has everyone finished B. everyone has finished   C. will everyone finish D. everyone will finish   15. As far as I know, not only is he interested in science, but also _____ a gift for music.   A. has he B. does he have C. does have he D. he has   16. It’s years since we last saw each other. So much _____ that I can hardly recognize him.   A. has he changed B. he has changed C. he does change D. he changes   17. Only when you have learned a lesson from failure _____ greater progress.   A. can you make B. you can make C. you will make D. you make   18. _____, she couldn’t work out the maths problem. So she turned to her teacher for help.   A. Might she as try B. As she might try C. She might as try D. Try as she might   19. The customer said that no sooner _____ the computer than it stopped working.   A. he had started B. had he started C. has he started D. he started   20. No matter how _____ outside, he insisted on going to the railway station to meet his friend.   A. heavily was it raining B. it was raining heavily   C. heavily it was raining D. was it raining heavily   21. As far as we know, Tom spends at least as much time chatting on line as he _____ his homework.   A. does doing B. does C. doing D. does to do   22. I’m sorry I hurt you. I didn’t mean _____.   A. to do B. to C. doing D. doing so   23. —Is Peter coming with us?   —I hope _____. He is really interesting.   A. that B. it C. not D. so   24. Hardly _____ our walk when it began to rain.   A. we began B. we had begun C. had we begun D. have we begun   25. Mr. Black was teaching math in a college last year and he still _____ now.   A. does B. do C. was D. is      参考答案及解析:   1-5 DBCCA 6-10 BADCA11-15 BDCBD 16-20 AADBC 21-25 ABDCD   1. D。句中省略主语。Sounds great.=It sounds great. 听起来不错。   2. B。根据上句可知是谈论过去的情况,故应该用“情态动词+have done”结构。句子采用省略形式“should have”。   3. C。英语中常用so / not等来代替省略的肯定内容或否定内容。I’m afraid not补全为:I’m afraid I can’t catch the last bus.   4. C。If translated= If it is translated. 当主句主语与状语从句主语相同(或从句主语为it),并且从句谓语中含be动词,常将从句主语和be动词省略。   5. A。补全句子为but it costs almost twice as much as that one. 句意为:比起那辆黑色自行车,我更喜欢这辆红色的,但是这辆是那辆的两倍价钱。   6. B。此题考查句式have difficulty (in) doing sth. 其中in可以省略。省略介词in的常考句式还有sb spend + 时间+(in) doing sth (某人花费时间做某事)。   7. A。虚拟语气用在名词性从句中,should可省略。根据句意应用被动语态。   8. D。由there开头的句子中,常用完全倒装。能用于这种结构的词除了be外,还有appear, seem, remain, exist, lie, stand等。   9. C。作地点状语的介词短语置于句首时,句子常用完全倒装形式。句意:在树下坐着一个大约10岁的男孩。他在等他妈妈回来。   10. A。在虚拟语气条件句中,若从句的谓语动词有were, had, should等词,可将if 省略,把 were, had, should 移到主语之前,采取部分倒装。句意:很抱歉。如果我当时知道你吃素的话,就不会煮猪肉给你吃了。   11. B。表示前面所说的否定的情况也适合于另一个人,用“nor/neither +助动词 / 情态动词 / 系动词+主语”结构。if引导的 条件状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时。   12. D。当前面有两个(或两个以上)不同动作也适用于后者时,常用“so it be with sb”结构。 句意:他叔叔是个工人,在一家工厂工作了十年多了。他婶婶也是如此。   13. C。表示否定意义的词或词组如never / seldom / not / little / nowhere / hardly / in no case / in no sense / by no means等开头的句子,常用部分倒装结构。句意:我一辈子从未吃过这么美味的食品。你能告诉我你是怎么做的吗?根据句意可知,应该用现在完成时。   14. B。not until 位于句首时,主句用部分倒装语序,而until引导的句子不倒装。until从句中用现在完成时代替将来完成时。补全答语为Not until everyone has finished their food may you have permission to leave the table。   15. D。not only…but also…连接两个分句,且not only位于句首时,not only后面的分句倒装,but also后面的分句不倒装。句意为:据我所知,他不仅对科学感兴趣,而且对音乐也颇有天赋。   16. A。在“so…that…”结构中,so及所修饰的部分置于句首时,主句用部分倒装结构。句意:我们好多年没见面了。他变化如此大以致我几乎认不出来了。   17. A。only修饰状语(副词、介词短语或状语从句等) 位于句首时,主句用部分倒装。句意为:只有当你从失败中汲取教训时,才能取得更大的进步。   18. D。as引导的让步状语从句置于句首时,一般采用部分倒装。须将表语、状语或动词原形提前。句意:尽管她尽力了,可是她不能解出这道数学题。所以她去找老师帮忙。   19. B。hardly …when…或 no sooner…than….句型中,如果hardly, no sooner放于句首,前面主句使用部分倒装,后面从句不倒装。句意:那位顾客说他刚启动这台计算机,它就不运转了。   20. C。however, no matter how 修饰形容词或副词时要前置,用以加强语气,该让步状语从句的主谓不倒装。句意为:不管外面下多大的雨,他也要坚持去火车站接朋友。又如:However hard the problem is, I am determined to work it out. 不管这道题有多难,我也决心将它算出来。   21. A。此题考查spend+时间+(in) doing sth.句式。does代替动词spends。句意为“据我所知,汤姆花在上网聊天的时间至少和花在做作业上的时间一样多。”   22. B。当同一动作再次出现在后面的不定式位置上时,通常省略该动作而保留不定式符号to。补全为:I didn’t mean to hurt you. mean to do sth意为“打算做某事”,mean doing意为“意味着……”。句意:对不起,我弄伤了你。我不是故意的。   23. D。英语中常用so / not等来代替省略的肯定内容或否定内容。句意为:——彼得和我们一起去吗?——我希望如此。他真的很有趣。   24. C。hardly…when句型中,如果hardly放于句首,主句使用部分倒装,从句不倒装。hardly后面一般用过去完成时。   25. D。句意:Mr. Black去年在一所大学教数学,他现在仍在教。 由题意及句中的still可知,Mr. Black现在仍在教书,应用现在进行时。为了避免重复,is后面省略了前面提到的相同部分。

