

时间:2024-09-23 22:14:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#小学英语# 导语】英语练习首先解决了面对应试教育的问题,让你多方位学习和掌握英语类型题的解决方法,其次,做英语练习题可以让你增加做题量,积累更多英语知识点,对将来的发展也有很大的作用。以下是©文档大全网整理的资料,希望有帮助到您。


  Hello, everyone. 今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话:万圣节当晚,Sara\Steve和Linda打扮好,出门挨家挨户要糖果。我们快来看看他们的对话是如何展开的吧。

  Linda:Trick or treat.(不给糖就捣蛋)

  Woman: Wow, you are a little fairy, very nice.(哇。你这个小仙女,非常好看。)

  Linda:Thank you.(谢谢你。)

  Woman:Oh, you look so scary, please don‘t hurt me.(哦,你看起来好吓人,请不要伤害我。)

  Sara:Ha ha, thank you. Please give me some candies.(哈哈,谢谢。请给我一些糖果吧。)

  woman:Who are you dressed up as?(你装扮的是谁呢?)

  Steve: I’m Harry Porter. Trick or treat. Thanks for the candies.(我是哈利波特。不给糖就捣蛋。谢谢你的糖果。)

  woman: You all look good.(你们看起来都很好。)

  S+S+L: Thank you for your candies. Have a good evening.(谢谢你给的糖果。晚安。)


  candy 糖果

  fairy 小仙子

  scary 害怕的、吓人的

  hurt 伤害

  dress up 打扮

  evening 晚上


  Trick or treat. 不给糖就捣蛋。(用于万圣节当天,孩子挨家挨户要糖果时说的话。)


Move to a new apartment

  Hello, everyone. 今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话:Tim和Bruce在放学的路上聊天,我们快来看看他们的对话是如何展开的吧。

  Tim:I move to a new apartment today.(今天我搬进了新公寓。)

  Bruce:Where is your apartment?(你的公寓在哪?)

  Tim: It‘s next to our school.(它临近我们学校。)

  Bruce: Wow, that’s great. (哇,太好了。)

  Tim:We can play a while after school together.(我们可以放学后一起玩会儿。)

  Bruce: Of course. How is your apartment like?(当然。你新公寓怎么样?)

  Tim: It‘s very cozy. I have my own room. Welcome to my apartment and play.(非常舒适。我有自己的房间。欢迎你来我的公寓玩。)

  Bruce: Thank you. I would love to.(谢谢。我很愿意去。)


  move 移动

  new 新的

  apartment 公寓房间

  where 哪里

  next to 临近、毗邻

  school 学校

  can 能、能够

  while 一会儿

  after 在……之后

  cozy 舒适的

  own 自己的

  room 房间

  welcome 欢迎

  would 将;愿意


  I would love to. = I’d love to. 我很愿意。(多用于回答别人的邀请)


My birthday party

  Hello,everyone.今天在这里和大家来分享一段情景对话:Ashley 要过生日自了,她邀请好朋友Mia参加她的生日聚会。我们快来看看他们是的对话是如何展开的吧。

  Ashley: Good morning, Mia. What are you going to do next Friday?

  Mia: Nothing.Why?

  Ashley: Well,next Friday is my birthday.After school, I want to throw a party.Would you like to come?

  Mia: Great!I would love to come.May I take a friend with me?

  Ashley: Sure, the more the merrier.

  Mia: Wow,That would be fun. When will the party begin?

  Ashley: 6 o’clock.

  Mia: I’ll be there on time. Happy birthday,Ashley!

  Ashley: Thank you!


  next 下一个

  Friday 星期五

  nothing 没事

  why 为什么,怎么了

  birthday 生日

  party 聚会、派对

  friend 朋友

  sure 当然

  fun 好玩、有趣

  begin 开始


  1.I’ll be there.我会去的。

  2.The more the merrier. 人越多越好。

