

时间:2023-05-10 21:19:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Passage 3
  Many cultural anthropologists have come to reject the scientific framework of empiricism that dominated the field until the 1970s and now regard all scientific knowledge as socially constructed. They argue that information about cultures during the empiricist era typically came from anthropologists who brought with them a prepackaged set of conscious and unconscious biases. Cultural anthropology, according to the post-1970s critique, is unavoidably subjective, and the anthropologist should be explicit in acknowledging that fact. Anthropology should stop striving to build a better database about cultural behavior and should turn to developing a more humanistic interpretation of cultures. The new framework holds that it may be more enlightening to investigate the biases of earlier texts than to continue with empirical methodologies.
  1. The author implies which of the following about most cultural anthropologists working prior to the 1970s?
  A. They argued that scientific knowledge was socially constructed.
  B. They were explicit in acknowledging the biases inherent in scientific investigation.
  C. They regarded scientific knowledge as consisting of empirical truths.
  D. They shared the same conscious and unconscious biases.
  E. They acknowledged the need for a new scientific framework.
  2. According to the passage, “many cultural anthropologists” today would agree that anthropologists should
  A. build a better, less subjective database about cultural behavior
  B. strive to improve the empirical methodologies used until the 1970s
  C. reject the notion that scientific knowledge is socially constructed
  D. turn to examining older anthropological texts for unacknowledged biases
  E. integrate humanistic interpretations with empirical methodologies
  答案:C D

