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【#三年级# 导语】如今,英语已经成为了世界语,渗透在全世界的每一个角落,政治、经济、文化、娱乐,可以说,我们每天的生活,以及生活的每个方面,都在这种语言的影响之下。所以,从小教育孩子学习英语,是为了将来更好融入社会而刻不容缓的事情!以下是®文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您!


1.早上好,应该说: A.Good morning. B.Yes, Mr.Green. C.I’m sorry.

2. 上课了,老师要同学们看自己,她会说: A.Look at the door, please. B.Look at me, please.C.Look at the blackboard, please.

3.你请同学打开书,可以说: A.Please open the door. B.Please open the window. C.Please open the book.

4. 今天来了新同学,你想问他叫什么: A.What is this?

B.What your name? C.How are you?

5. 你想知道那边的东西是什么,可以问: A.What’s this? B.What’s that?

C.What would you like? 6. 请别人合上书,可以说: A.Open the door. B.Open the book. C.Close the book.

7. 你想知道对方来自哪里说: A.Where are you from? B.Where are you? C.How are you?

8. 上课时,我们在教室里不应该做的是: A.Eat a cake.

B.Listen to the teacher. C.Don’t shout.

9. 你想告诉对方,你的朋友是一名学生: A.He is my friend.

B.My sister is a student. C.She is a student.

10. 当别人问你,这是什么,应该问: A.What’s this? B.What’s that? C.What is it?

11. 当别人问那是什么,你回答: A.What’s that? B.It’s a book.

C.No, it isn’t.

12. 你不确定这是不是一支铅笔时,可以问:A.Is this a pen? B.This is a pencil.

C.Is this a pencil?

13. 当别人问你这是不是你的书包时,你可以回答: A.Yes, it is. B.No, it is.

C.It’s my schoolbag.

14. 同学让你看他的新帽子,你可以说: A.How nice! B.Thank you.

C.Look at my new cap.

15. 你找不到你的蜡笔,可以问: A.It’s a crayon. B.What’s this?

C.Where’s my crayon?

16. 新来的同学,大家欢迎他应该说: A.Welcome.

B. My name is Amy.l C.Nice to meet you.

17. 同学让你看她的玩具汽车,她可以说: A.How nice! B.Thank you.

C.Look at my toy car.

18. 你想知道那个女人是谁,可以问: A.Who is that woman ? B.What’s this woman ? C.Who’s this woman ?

19. 当别人送礼物给你时,你应该说: A.This is for you. B.Thank you.

C.What’s that?

20. 对方问那个男人是谁,你会说: A.Who is that man? B.Who is this man ? C.He is my father.

21. 他的是你的哥哥吗,怎么问: A.Who is your brother? B.Is he your brother? C.Yes ,he is.

22. 我有12个苹果,可以说: A.I have twelve apples. B.I see twelve apples. C.I has twelve apples.

23.不要喂动物,可以问: A.Don’t feed the animals. B.Don’t feed the ducks.

C.Not feed the animals.

24. 想知道教室里的女孩是谁,可以问: A.Who's the girl?

B.Is that girl your sister? C.Who's the woman?

25. 长颈鹿是高的,你说: A.The giraffe is tall. B.The giraffe has tall.

C.The giraffe have tall.

26. 你想问他是不是他的爸爸时,你会说: A.Is he your father? B.Is he your uncle?

C.Is she your father?

27. 你告诉别*象有长鼻子,你会说: A.The elephant is a long nose. B.The elephant has a long nose. C.The elephant have a long nose.

28. 你想告诉朋友那是你的爷爷,可以说: A.He's my father. B.This is my uncle. C.That's my grandpa.

29. Nancy穿了一件漂亮的新短裙,你可以说:A.Look at my skirt. B.How nice!

C.Thank you.

30. 想问刘涛那个是不是他的妹妹,可以问:A.Who's that girl, Liu Tao?

B.Is that girl your sister, Liu Tao? C.That's my sister.

31.你想知道对方是否喜欢吃梨,应该问: A.What do you like? B.Do you like pears? C.Do you like pear?

32. 对方问你是否喜欢吃苹果,你会说: A.Do you like apples? B.Yes ,I do. C.No, I do.

33.你请别人吃葡萄,可以说: A.Do you like grapes? B. I like grapes.

C.Have some grapes.

34.你想吃一个桔子,可以说: A.Have an orange.

B.Do you like an orange? C.Can I have an orange?

35. 你不喜欢吃香蕉,可以说: A.Sorry,I don’t like bananas. B.Do you like bananas? C.No, I don’t.

36. 对方问你有多少个钢笔,你可以说: A.I have ten pens.

B.How many pens do you have? C.I see ten pens.



1.car ,Small. 2.teacher 3.bag ,big 4.brother 5.the USA 6.ball ,desk

7.chair 8.monkey, tail 9.map,in the box 10.brother


1.I have a new friend today. 2.Where are you from? 3.I’m from Canada.

4.Can I have some water? 5.Nice to see you again. 6.Mr. Black is a teacher. 7.This is my new friend.

8.Who’s that woman? 9.She is my mother. 10.I love my father. 11.I have a new kite.

12.How many cats can you see? 13.The black one is a bird. 14.Look at the new caryons.

15.How many pencils do you have? 16.Open it and see.

17.I have three long pens. 18.Do you like bananas? 19.I don’t like pears.

20.Welcome back to school.


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.C 21.B 22.A 23.A 24.A 25.A 26.A 27.B 28.C 29.B 30.B

31.B 32.B 33.C 34.C 35.A 36A


班级__________姓名__________ 学号__________

1、老师叫孩子们过来,她会说: Come here, children.


3、新学期开始了,你又见到了Amy,你对她说:Nice to see you again!

她会说:Nice to see you, too!

4、妇女节(3月8日)到了,你对妈妈说:Happy Women’s Day!


Happy Children’s Day! 他会对你说:Thank you! Happy Children’s Day!

6、你想知道对方是谁,你会问:Who are you?

如果她是Amy,她会回答:I’m Amy.


8、早晨老师在课前向同学们问好,说:Good morning, boys and girls!


Boys and girls, we have two new friends today.

10、新的学期又开始了,同学们又回到了学校,老师说:Welcome back to school!

11、你想知道Chen Jie从哪里来,你应问:Where are you from?

12、Chen Jie来自杭州,她应说:I’m from Hangzhou.

Chen Jie想知道你来自哪里,她会反问:What about you?/ How about you?


14、你想向别人询问你不认识的女孩,你应说:Who’s that girl?

你想知道这个女人是谁,应问:Who’s this woman?

你想知道那个男孩是谁,会问:Who is that boy?

你想询问这个男人是谁,会问:Who is this man?

15、利利和明明是好朋友,他们总是在生活和学习上互相帮助,他们经常说:Let’s help each


16、你想知道Sarah看见了多少只鸟,你会问:How many birds do you see? Sarah看见了17只,她会回答:I see 17.

17、你想知道Amy有多少支蜡笔,你会问:How many crayons do you have?

Amy有12支,她应回答:I have 12.

18、“打开来看一下”用英语表达是:Open it and see!

19、当别人提出不合理的要求,你想拒绝,应说:No way!(没门!)

20、你想打包带走没吃完的东西,应对服务员说:Doggy bag, please.

21、如果你想吃个苹果,可以问:Can I have an apple, please?

Amy愿意给你吃苹果,她说:Sure. / Here you are. / Sure, here you are.

Amy想给你吃,但是她没有苹果时,她会说:Sorry, I don’t have apples.

22、你想问别人是否喜欢吃梨时,可以问:Do you like pears?

如果喜欢,可以回答:Yes, I do.

如果不喜欢,可以回答:No, I don’t. / Sorry, I don’t like pears.

23、你想问Amy那个女孩是不是她的姐姐时,可以说:Is she your sister?

如果是的,可以回答:Yes, she is.

如果不是的,可以回答:No, she isn’t.

24、如果你想问某样东西是不是在椅子上时,可以说:Is it on the chair?

如果是的,可以回答:Yes, it is. / 如果不是的,可以回答:No, it isn’t.

25、让对方把手放在书桌上,你可以说:Put your hand on the desk.

26、想知道书包在哪里,你可以这样问:Where is my bag?

27、祝Amy玩得愉快,你可以这样说:Have a good time!

28、告诉奶奶钥匙可能在书桌里,你可以说:Maybe it’s in the desk.

29、委婉地告诉对方你不喜欢水果,你可以说:Sorry, I don’t like fruit.

30、表达自己喜欢某种水果时,可以用I like…句型。

如:I like apples. 如果你也喜欢吃苹果,你可以说:Me, too. (用于肯定句) 表达自己不喜欢某种水果时,可以用I don’t like…句型。

如:I don’t like apples. 如果你也不喜欢吃苹果,你可以说:Me, neither.


31、如果Mike猜到了玩具盒在哪里,你可以这样夸奖他:Good guess!

32、你品尝了一个梨,觉得很好吃,你会说:It tastes really good.


34、你想表达它很高时,可以说:It’s so tall.

你想表达它有小眼睛和大嘴巴时,可以说:It has small eyes and a big mouth.

35、你想表达“我是复活节小兔”时,可以说:I’m the Easter Bunny!

36、当你想夸奖这只猴子真可爱时,可以说:Ah! So cute.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away.



1、当你想用英语向别人打招呼时,应说:Hello! \ Hi!

2、早上,你在校园里碰见了Miss White, 你对她说:Good morning!

3、下午,你见到好朋友问好要说:Good afternoon!

4、当你和朋友道别时,应说:Goodbye!\ Bye!\ See you!

5、当你想知道对方叫什么名字时,应问:What’s your name?

6、你想用英语介绍自己时,可以说:My name is …\ I’m …


Mom, This is my friend, Amy.

8、初次见到Sarah,你对她说:Nice to meet you!

她对你说:Nice to meet you ,too!

9、如果你和朋友Sarah好久不见了,见面时你会对她说:How are you?

她可以对你说:Fine, thank you.\ I’m fine. Thanks.\Very well, thank you.

10、新学期开始了,你又见到了Amy,你对她说:Nice to see you again!

她会说:Nice to see you, too!

11、在教师节(9月10日)这一天你对老师说:Happy Teachers’Day!

老师会说:Thank you!

12、妇女节(3月8日)到了,你对妈妈说:Happy Women’s day!

13、儿童节(6月1日)是同学们的节日,这一天你对小伙伴说:Happy Children’s Day! 他对你说:Thank you!



16、早晨老师在课前向同学们问好,说:Good morning, Boys and girls!


Class, we have a new friend today.

18、新的学期又开始了,同学们又回到了学校,老师说:19、上课迟到了,你应该向老师说:I’m sorry. 老师会说:It’s OK.

你不小心碰倒了别人,你应说:I’m sorry.

20、在校园里John的球差点砸到Sarah,John说:Watch out! Sarah大叫:Oh no!

21、你想知道你的朋友从哪里来,你应问:Where are you from?

22、你来自美国,你应说:I’m from American.

23、老师想让大家猜猜是男孩还是女孩,说:Guess! Boy or girl?

24、你想进入老师的办公室,应说:May I come in?

25、你想向别人询问你不认识的女孩,你应说:Who’s that girl?

你想知道这个女人是谁,应问:Who’s this woman?

你想知道那个男孩是谁,会问:Who is that boy?

你想询问这个男人是谁,会问:Who is this man?

26、你想让别人和你一起做事,你会说:Come on!

你想为Sarah加油鼓劲,你说:Come on!

27、你想邀请朋友和你一起看电视,你应说:Let’s watch TV.

28、你想夸奖朋友的衣服漂亮,你会说:How beautiful!/ How nice!

29、你觉得这件事很有趣,你就会说:How funny!

30、如果你见到了一条大鱼,你会说:What a big fish!

31、你想邀请朋友们一起去放风筝,你应说:Let’s fly a kite!

你想和朋友一起画画,你说:Let’s draw a picture!

32、你想知道Sarah看见了多少只鸟会问:How many birds can you see?

Sarah看见了17只,她会回答:I can see 17.

33、你想知道Amy有多少支蜡笔会问:How many crayons do you have?

Amy有12支,她应回答:I have 12.

34、“打开来看一下”用英语表达是:Open it and see!

35、表示说对了,应说:That’s right!

36、“你说对了”用英语表达是:You’re right!

37、主人请你吃东西,你已经饱了,想拒绝,应说:No, thanks. I’m full.

如果你感到很饿,你会说: I’m hungry.

38、你想打包带走没吃完的的东西,应对服务员说:Doggy bag, please.

39、如果你想吃个苹果,可以问:Can I have an apple, please?


40、你想问别人是否喜欢吃桃子时,可以问:Do you like peaches?

如果喜欢,可以回答:Yes, I do.

如果不喜欢,可以回答:No, I don’t.

如果你非常喜欢就可以说:I like them very much.

如果你不喜欢桃子,你会说:Sorry, I don’t like peaches.

41、你品尝了一个梨,觉得很好吃,你会说:It tastes good.

42、吃完西瓜后,Miss White邀请你再吃点,她说:Have some more?如果你不想再吃,你可以说:No,thank you.

