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【#高一# 导语】高一新生要根据自己的条件,以及高中阶段学科知识交叉多、综合性强,以及考查的知识和思维触点广的特点,找寻一套行之有效的学习方法。今天©文档大全网为各位同学整理了《高一英语必修四重要知识点归纳》,希望对您的学习有所帮助!



1. represent 代表,象征

2. approach 接近,靠近

3. defend 保护,保卫

4. defend against 保卫…以免受

5. likely 可能的

6. be likely to 很可能

7. in general 总的来说,通常

8. ease 安逸,减轻

9. at ease 舒适,自由自在

10. lose face 丢脸

11. turn one’s back to 背对,背弃


1. The first person to arrive was Tony Garciafrom Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.


△ 句中 closely followed by…是过去分词短语作伴随状语,一般现在分词作伴随状语的时候较多,但如果伴随的动作与所修饰的名词构成被动关系,则用过去分词。

2. Not all cultures greet each other the sameway, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance betweenpeople.


△ 本句中 not all“并不是所有的”,是部分否定,在英语中有一些用来表示“全体”或“完全”意义的总括词,如 all, both, every, everything, entirely, completely 等,与 not 连用时,无论 not 在它们前面还是后面,都构成部分否定,意为“并非所有……都”,“并非每一……都”。

3. These actions are not good or bad, but aresimply ways in which cultures have developed.


△ 句中 ways 后面跟的是 in which 引导的定语从句。当先行词是 way 时,后面的定语从句如果缺少方式状语,引导定语从句的引导词有三种方式:inwhich, that 或不用任何引导词。


1. frost on the ground地上覆盖了一层薄霜

2. around noon中午时分,

3. the most wealthy and biggest city in Canada加拿大最富有的城市

4. leave for…离开去……

5. go on a tour of the city继续在市内游览一番

6. go up the tower登上塔顶

7. look across the lake俯瞰湖面

8. flow into…流人……

9. flow over…流经……

10. on one’s way to…在去……的路上

11. a covered stadium加顶的运动场

12. walk north向北走

13. phone… from a telephone booth到电话亭给……打电话

14. have dinner in downtown Chinatown在市内的中国城吃晚饭

15. move to…移居到……

16. meet… at…在……迎接……

17. get good Cantonese food吃到好吃的广东菜

18. come from South China来自中国南方

19. go as far as Ottawa去到远至渥太华

20. about four hundred kilometers northeast of Toronto距多伦多东北大约有400公里

21. take too long花费的时间长

22. at dawn黎明

23. at the train station在火车站

24. have English words in small letters有小字体的英文标注

25. go downtown到市区去

26. be close to…,接近……

27. spend the afternoon in the lovely shops整个下午在可爱的商店

28. visit… in…在……拜访……

29. sit in a café坐在咖啡馆

30. look over…眺望……

31. sit down with…和……坐在一起

32. on a train trip across…坐着火车上横穿……

33. have a French culture具有法国文化

34. speed along the river toward…沿着河流驶向……

35. dream of…梦想……

36. on a trip在旅途中)

37. on the Atlantic coast在大西洋海岸

38. take the aeroplane乘飞机

39. fly from… to…从……飞行到……

40. take the train from… to…乘火车从……到……

41. from west to east从西到东

42. across Canada横穿加拿大

43. cross the whole country横贯整个国家

44. at the airport在机场

45. take…to…把……带到……

46. catch the train乘坐火车

47. on the way to…在去……的路上

48. see great scenery看美丽壮观的风景

49. on the trip在旅途中

50. go eastward向东行驶

51. pass cities经过城市


1 sunburn v.日晒,晒黑→sunburntadj.晒黑的

2 struggle v./n.挣扎,奋斗,努力 struggle against struggle for struggle with

3 decade n.十年,十年期

4 super n.冗员, 额外人员;[口]特级品, 特大号商品; 超级市场adj特级的, 极好的, 非凡的

5. hunger n.饥饿,渴望/v.使饥饿→hungryadj.饥饿的;渴望的

6.output n. 产量,输出,input输入,消费

7.disturbing adj 引起烦恼的,令人不安的,disturb v. 打扰,麻烦

8.expand vt.扩大, 扩展,张开, 使发, 详谈; 引伸

9. circulate v.循环,流通→circulationn.循环,流传

10. battle n.战役,战斗v.搏斗,奋斗

11. therefore adv.因此,所以

12. rid vt 摆脱,除去

13.freedom n 自由,自主→free adj 自由的,免费的

14.equip v.配备,装备→equipmentn.设备

15. export v.输出,出口n.输出(品)→import v.输入,进口n.进口(品)

16.nationality n 国籍,national adj 国家的,民族的nation n. 国家

17.occupation n 工作,职业,占领occupy v.占用,使从事,把注意力集中于...占领, 占据

18.confuse v.使迷惑,使为难→confusedadj.感到迷惑的confusing adj.令人迷惑的

19 regret v./n.后悔,遗憾→regretfuladj.后悔的,遗憾的

20.production n.生产,制造,productive可生产的,可制造的,produce –v 生产,制造

21.discovery n. 发现,发觉,discover-v发现,

22.focus v. 集中,聚焦,n 焦点,中心点

23. reduce v.减少,缩减→reduction n.减少,缩减

24 comment n./v.评论,议论



1. human beings 人类

2. campaign 运动,战役

3. behave 行为

4. shade 阴凉处

5. move off 离开,启程

6. observe 观察

7. respect 尊重

8. argue 讨论,辩论

9. lead a...life 过着…的生活

10. crowd in 涌入脑海

11. support 支持

12. look down upon/on 看不起

13. refer to 查阅,参考,涉及

14. by chance 碰巧

15. come across 偶遇

16. intend 计划,打算

17. deliver 提送,生(小孩),接生,发表(演说)

18. carry on 继续,坚持


1. She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other and her study of their body language helped her work out their social system.


△ work out 解决、解答、计算出;产生结果、发展;锻炼;作出、制订出

2. She is leading a busy life but she says …


△ lead a …life = live a …life 过……的生活

3. Many people look down upon poor people. 很多人瞧不起穷人。

△ look down upon / on 蔑视;轻视;瞧不起

You mustn’t look down upon/ on the disabled.


4. If the word group refers to different members, use a plural verb.


△ refer to指的是:提及;谈到;提到;查阅、参考

5. By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women’s diseases.


△ by chance=by accident 偶然地,意外地

6. Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?


△ carry on 继续;坚持




(1)表示主语现在所处的状态及所具备的特征、性格、能力等。 Eg:They are both tired and hungry.


常用时间状语:always often sometimes now and then every day


Eg:The earth moves around the sun.


Eg:If it doesn’t rain tomorrow,we will go climbing.



Eg:Here comes the bus!








