
时间:2023-05-23 02:54:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】夏天是一年中最热的季节,也是人们最喜欢的季节之一。在这个季节里,人们可以享受阳光、沙滩和海水的美好,也可以品尝到各种美食和冰凉的饮料。夏天是一个充满活力和快乐的季节,让我们一起来探索夏天的魅力吧!在©文档大全网,我们为您提供面、最有趣的关于夏天的英语演讲稿,让您更好地了解夏天,享受夏天的美好。

1.关于夏天的英语演讲稿 篇一

  Dear teachers and classmates      hello everyone!

  Summer, is it a painting? Alone? A song? Or is it a poem? When it comes to summer, everyone has their own feelings. It can be either a person or a painting. There is one summer a year, and I only spent ten summers. Some people believe that every summer is the same, just blowing the air conditioning, watching TV, reading and writing. What else can we do? I don't think so. I think summer is full of changes.

  The first summer I experienced was the season where I was born, and I was definitely happy at that time. I don't know how it went, so let's start a new summer journey.

  The summer days are always hot and annoying, and no one dares to go out because they will be bitten by mosquitoes. There is a riddle that goes like this: who will give you so much red envelopes every day. That's right, the answer is: mosquitoes. If someone wants to go out during the day, especially in summer, they should wear really tight clothes such as sunscreen jackets, masks, sunglasses, etc., in case their skin gets sunburned.

  Summer nights are delightful. The evening was very lively, and our community alone had a lot of laughter. There are children playing together downstairs, women watching children, elderly people talking, and aunts walking dogs.

  Because I was born in summer, I love summer, love every minute and second of summer, love every happy and troubled time of it!

  thank you.

2.关于夏天的英语演讲稿 篇二

  hello everyone!

  Summer can be considered one of the four seasons of the year, and one's favorite season. Although it lacks the revival and vitality of everything in spring or the joy of harvest in autumn, with numerous fruits, it has a passion that is exclusive to it.

  Many people say that summer is too hot. However, I feel that the heat of summer is also its own unique fireworks. Enthusiastic, unrestrained, and fiery, it makes people think about it and can't help but boil their blood.

  Of course, the most exciting things in summer are watermelon and ice-cream, which represent summer and make us drool when we think of them.

  In the hot summer, cutting a piece of chilled watermelon gives you a cool feeling, instantly making you feel truly worth it on earth! There are also summer ice creams, especially now, with the development of society and the progress of the times, there are more and more flavors of ice creams, such as chocolate, mung beans, red dates, hawthorn... there is really everything you can choose from, let you choose at will.

  As a girl, the most indispensable thing is a summer dress. On a summer afternoon that is not particularly hot, wearing a long dress that you like, painting a beautiful light makeup, and then meeting two or three friends to go shopping, or having afternoon tea, are all beautiful scenery lines in summer.

  If you still have swimming skills, you can go to a swimming pool, go for a swim, find an unpolluted river, wash clothes, and see the scenery by the river.

  In short, summer is all that every season cannot have

  Sometimes I am truly grateful that the city I live in has distinct four seasons, or perhaps because of the cold winter. After experiencing the cold winter, we can cherish the heat of summer even more!

  In short, in the four seasons of the year, my favorite is the passionate summer!

  thank you.

3.关于夏天的英语演讲稿 篇三

  Dear teachers and classmates

  hello everyone!

  The wind in winter is cold, the wind in spring is warm, the wind in autumn is cool, and the wind in summer is colorful.

  The summer wind is warm. A gentle breeze gives people a very comfortable feeling, warm and sweeping away all their troubles.

  The summer wind is cool. In the evening, the cool wind blows through your hair and ears, making you feel particularly happy and inexplicably happy.

  The summer wind is also lazy. No matter what happens, it shyly hides under the leaves and refuses to come out. The Wind Girl seems to be playing hide and seek with us, and only the old man who sells ice lollies is not afraid of the heat. He pushes the freezer truck into the sun and shouts loudly, hoping that the weather will get hotter and better in his heart.

  The summer wind is hot. A gust of hot wind blew in, and the temperature rose to over 35 degrees Celsius. The cicadas on the tree were chirping incessantly, the ground was boiling hot, the dogs were sticking out their tongues, and the asphalt road was soft and soft in the sun. People working in the scorching heat were sweating profusely, with sweat streaming down their cheeks and backs. The crops were wilting from the sun, standing lazily there. At this point, eating an ice lollipop and drinking a cup of watermelon juice is absolutely exhilarating!

  Miss Xia, I love you! Summer wind, I like you!

  thank you.

4.关于夏天的英语演讲稿 篇四

  Dear teachers and classmates

  hello everyone!

  The beautiful spring dresses the world up in a myriad of colors, the cool autumn brings people the joy of harvest, the cold winter makes everything snow-white, and the passionate summer brings more sunshine to everyone.

  Xia is a passionate girl. Enthusiastic, she used magic to make the sunlight more intense, so as to drive away the dark clouds in the sky and let more people go out of their homes to play. Sometimes, she gets so bored that she can't bear it anymore, so she brings in a small raindrop and the next sunny rain that freshens the air. In fact, she also loves beauty like other girls - she wakes up the sleeping lotus, morning glory, and various wild flowers, allowing them to bloom quickly and dress the world up in colorful colors.

  One day, this compassionate girl made a discovery: the children have to go to school in the bright sun every day, it must be scorching hot! So she founded summer vacation, allowing children to play at home.

  Later, she found out that the children still felt very hot at home, so she came up with a good idea: she persuasively convinced Winter Girl to bring her ice cubes to the children. In order to hold Winter Girl's ice cubes, Xia specially made an air conditioner. This way, everyone can eat popsicles while blowing the air conditioning! Xia laughed happily when she saw that the children were no longer 'complaining'. Her smile is so beautiful! The ancients wrote the beautiful smile of Miss Xia into their poetry, and Yang Wanli from the Song Dynasty was one of them. He wrote a seven character quatrain called 'Farewell to Lin Zifang from Jingci Temple at Dawn'. Look, Miss Xia is beautifully depicted in his pen:

  After all, in June, the scenery of West Lake is not the same as the four seasons.

  The lotus leaves in the sky are infinitely green, and the lotus flowers in the sun are exceptionally red.

  This is the beautiful and passionate Xia girl. Do you like her?

  thank you.

5.关于夏天的英语演讲稿 篇五

  Dear teachers and classmates

  hello everyone!

  Spring girl quietly left, taking away the coolness and freshness. Subsequently, the hottest summer of the year accompanied the scorching heat and scorching sun to this world.

  Summer has arrived in the sky. It is like a moody child, just now it was clear and trendy. There was no cloud in the blue sky, only a few birds were flying in boredom. Immediately, dark clouds were gathering, and a burst of thunder rumbled loudly, frightening the playful children and flying home.

  Summer has arrived in the suburbs. The wheat seedlings enjoyed warmth and grew stronger and stronger. Several large banyan trees carry small birds, stretching out dense branches and leaves to shelter people from the heat. The flowers are even more beautiful, with green leaves lining the red flowers, appearing extremely delicate. Especially the graceful and graceful lotus flowers, charming and moving, with a few drops of dew rolling on the lotus leaves, like pure white pearls under the sun. It's really the boundless blue lotus leaves that touch the sky, and the lotus flowers that reflect the sun are exceptionally red.

  Summer has arrived in the grass. Is it the crisp song of the oriole? Is it the clear melody of the thrush? Or the low murmur of a swallow? No, neither of them. This is a rock concert held by animals. The cicadas sang rhythmically, the crickets played the six stringed qin, and even the flower snakes couldn't sit still. They ran out of the hole, twisted their bodies, and performed a snake like twist dance.

  Summer has arrived at home. People are hiding in cool air-conditioned rooms, blowing a cool breeze, drinking a cold drink, quietly working or reading, isn't it a kind of enjoyment? Dogs are not so lucky, standing in the scorching sun and watching their homes in front of the yard. Their tongues grow long and they bark incessantly, but they have no choice but to secretly complain about the unfairness of heaven in their hearts.

  Summer has arrived at the lake. The crab waved its big clip and showed off its power to its companions. The fish leisurely strolled under the water, spitting bubbles, and chatting with each other. At this moment, the sun shone on the water surface, reflecting green trees and red flowers, towering peaks, and vast blue sky. Everything is so picturesque and beautiful, full of infinite poetry.

  It lacks the liveliness of spring, the honor of autumn, and the coldness of winter, but it is so sincere and uses all its strength to bring laughter to the world. Perhaps this is summer, a hot and charming summer.

  thank you.
