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【#英语资源# 导语】以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《初中生中秋节英语作文》,每逢佳节倍思亲,中秋快到了,这是团聚的节日,却有很多游子回不了家,只能独自望月。欢迎大家阅读。

1.初中生中秋节英语作文 篇一

  Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. My parents plan to take me to xx for Mid-Autumn Festival. Mom has already bought the train ticket. After getting on the train, my mother took out the water she had just bought from the store in her bag and gave it to my sister and me to quench our thirst.

  How time flies! In less than an hour, we arrived at xx. In the evening, Grandma's house was very busy. The eldest aunt, the second aunt, the third aunt uncle, etc. My father's seven brothers and sisters took my cousins back to Grandma's house. We spent the night before Mid-Autumn Festival happily.

  Finally, it was the night of Mid-Autumn Festival. After our family had dinner in my uncle's restaurant, my sister and brothers and I looked at the moon with astronomical telescopes. The moon was so big and round! I see a tree and a little white rabbit on the moon! My mother told me that it was the mythological Wu Gang and his osmanthus tree. Later on, we went to barbecue, played cards, rode bicycles, and ate mooncakes together.

  Ah。 This is really a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

2.初中生中秋节英语作文 篇二

  Today is Mid-Autumn Festival. After dinner, my two cousins and I sat in my grandmother's yard in the countryside, eating sweet mooncakes and listening to beautiful music, waiting to enjoy the full moon of the Mid Autumn Festival.

  The moon has not yet come out. Looking up, the deep blue night sky was particularly charming, with stars shining like dancing on the night curtain or talking to me with blinking eyes. In a moment, the Moon Girl climbed up the mountaintop and climbed over the roof, revealing a round and smiling face. Moonlight poured down through the branches, casting a silver carpet over the courtyard. The wind gently blew on the pomegranate tree, rustling and rustling, playing a wonderful piece of music.

  Slowly, a full moon hung high in the sky like a jade plate. How bright and gentle the moonlight is! Even the twinkling stars shy away to the horizon. Looking at the round and bright moon, I couldn't help but think of an ancient poem I had learned: "When I was young, I didn't know the moon. I called it a white jade plate. I also suspected that the Yaotai mirror was flying in the blue clouds

  Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for family reunion. I wish people all over the world a family reunion and a delicious reunion dinner!

3.初中生中秋节英语作文 篇三

  The moon in the Mid Autumn Festival is bright and round, so beautiful!

  People often say, 'The moon is particularly bright during the Mid Autumn Festival,' which is very reasonable. Although countless stars are hidden in the clouds today due to cloudy weather, a full moon hangs in the sky like a sparkling crystal ball, illuminating the pitch black world. It is as big as a golden plate, as round as mooncakes, as bright as a mirror, shining brightly, like a doll's face, full of childishness. She seems to be playing hide and seek with you, sometimes bright, and sometimes you can't find it. A thin cloud drifted in the distance, gradually covering her lovely face, as if it had covered her with a veil. After a while, the thin cloud became thicker and heavier, slowly rising. She ran and jumped like a mischievous child, trying her best to escape the encirclement of the black cloud. Finally, she once again revealed her big, round, and bright face, no longer playing hide and seek with us. She quietly looked at the earth, shining brightly as if she had draped a thin veil over it. Ah, I seem to see someone moving faintly in the moon, as if Chang'e is dancing gracefully; The Jade Rabbit was pounding medicine nearby, admiring the dance movements of Chang'e.

  Ah, the moon in the Mid Autumn Festival is really beautiful!

4.初中生中秋节英语作文 篇四

  Looking forward to the stars and the moon, we finally look forward to the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15!

  Today is the day for family reunion, and we returned to our grandmother's house early in the morning. The house was bustling with activity, and relatives rushed back from other places. My mother and aunt are cooking, my father is chatting with my uncles in the living room, and the bedroom has become an entertainment place for me and my brothers. The home is a scene of joy and harmony.

  At night, everyone sat in front of the window, and the round moon slowly rose from the east. Gradually, the moon hung up high like a large disk, scattering soft moonlight on the earth and happiness on each of us. What a beautiful scene! I couldn't help but think of Li Bai's poem: "The moonlight in front of the bed is bright, I suspect it's frost on the ground." We looked at the moon, ate mooncakes, and were round and round, really nice!

5.初中生中秋节英语作文 篇五

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. On the Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone should visit relatives and friends. The whole family should get together to enjoy the moon, eat moon cakes, drink osmanthus wine, etc.

  The Mid-Autumn Festival, which I have been looking forward to for a long time, has finally arrived. In the morning, the weather was sunny and the autumn weather was crisp. My parents and I packed our bags and went to my grandparents' house. When we arrived downstairs, I hurriedly got off the car and shouted, "Grandpa and grandma, I'm back!" Upon hearing this, my grandparents quickly opened the door to welcome me. I saw my grandparents very happy and hugged them tightly. After returning home, my grandfather said, "xx has grown taller again." My grandmother asked me how my studies have been lately, are you tired? I greet my grandparents and feel warm and happy.

  After lunch, I carried a box of mooncakes and went to my uncle's house with my parents to give gifts. As soon as I arrived at my uncle's house, I played hide and seek with my younger brothers and sisters. Later, we children sat in a row, each telling a small story about the Mid Autumn Festival. While eating mooncakes, everyone listened to the story, which was extremely warm.

  In the evening, we had a dinner with our aunt and her family. Adults talked about their work and life together, while our children played and laughed together. After dinner, everyone took a walk along the riverbank, and the moon quietly climbed up the treetops, as if a shiny big fruit had grown on the tree. Our family walked while looking at the moon. Grandma said, "Only today's moon is the most round in a year." I think that's why people want to reunite on this day!

  I like Mid-Autumn Festival, because Mid-Autumn Festival can reunite the whole family, eat moon cakes, watch the moon, happy and happy.

6.初中生中秋节英语作文 篇六

  Mid-Autumn Festival is also called Reunion Festival. You must have heard the story of Chang'e running to the moon. Chang'e ran to the Moon Palace because she had stolen the elixir of immortality that her husband Hou Yi had obtained from the Queen Mother of the West. In fact, the Mid-Autumn Festival has existed since the Tang Dynasty. There are many ways to celebrate it, including watching the moon, watching the moon, offering wine to worship the moon, and paying tribute to the moon.

  Mid-Autumn Festival, Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) and Dragon Boat Festival are three traditional festivals in China. Why is Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15 of the lunar calendar? Since August is the harvest season for fruits and melons, and August 15 is in the middle of autumn, August 15 is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, so our whole family will get together, and then cut round moon cakes to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. The fragrant lotus seed and golden egg yolk reveal. You can tell at a glance that it's delicious. Why are mooncakes round? That's because the moon on the Mid Autumn Festival is round, and very, very round, and the whole family is reunited on the Mid-Autumn Festival. I picked up the mooncake and took a bite. The smooth lotus seed melts in the mouth, and the golden egg yolk is salty and fragrant, very delicious. There are also various other mooncakes. For example, the ham with golden legs and five kernels mooncakes tastes delicious, while the ice cream mooncakes bite cold and refreshing.

  The moon we went to see last night was not as round as it was tonight. The cool breeze was blowing gently, and I stood next to the swimming pool and looked up. The moon was round, really like a big silver disk. Moonlight falls on the water like a waterfall, shimmering and beautiful!

7.初中生中秋节英语作文 篇七

  On Mid-Autumn Festival, my parents and I went to the yard to watch the moon.

  At this moment, the night was quiet, and on the pitch black sky, the moon looked like a large and beautiful disc, no longer an ordinary sickle. The moon sheds its bright moonlight on the earth, and the whole earth seems to be covered with a layer of soft light.

  I feel that the moon on Mid-Autumn Festival this year is particularly bright and round. I asked my mother: "Why is the moon so big on Mid-Autumn Festival?" My mother said: "Mid-Autumn Festival is a day for family reunion, so the moon on Mid-Autumn Festival every year is big and round." After listening to my mother's words, I couldn't help thinking of Li Bai's poem "Meditation at Night": the bright moon in front of the bed is suspected of frost on the ground. Raise your head to look at the bright moon, bow your head to think of your hometown.

  After a while, I saw the moon seem to be getting higher and higher. Firstly, the moon slowly climbed up, like a timid and shy little girl. Then, looking around, with a "whoosh" sound, it jumped up. I stared blankly at the moon in the night sky, as if seeing the beautiful Chang'e and lovely Jade Rabbit in the moon. Look, Chang'e is smiling at me with a jade rabbit.

  Ah, how beautiful Mid-Autumn Festival is! How round the moon is! How bright the moonlight is! I really hope the moon can be so round every day, with such bright moonlight every day!

8.初中生中秋节英语作文 篇八

  On the Mid Autumn morning, I was very excited as soon as I woke up. Because today is August 15, the annual Mid-Autumn Festival is coming again.

  Early in the morning, my parents and I went to the vegetable market to buy groceries, and to the supermarket to buy mooncakes... In the afternoon, my grandparents were busy killing chickens, fish, meat, and vegetables in the kitchen, so happy! During dinner, I kept burying my head in my meal, as if I were wolfing down a bit. In a moment, I will be the first to have a good meal. I immediately went to do a good job of admiring the moon, got on a chair, grabbed a telescope, and headed straight to the balcony. Wait and wait, wait and wait, I have never been able to uncover the mysterious veil of the moon. I can't help but think of the story of "Chang'e Rushing to the Moon". It was in memory of Chang'e that people designated August 15th as the Mid Autumn Festival for people to hope for reunion! It also reminds me of a famous poem called "Silent Night Thoughts": The bright moonlight in front of the bed, suspected to be frost on the ground. Raise your head to look at the bright moon, bow your head to think of your hometown.

  This poem shows the poet Li Bai's feelings of missing his hometown, and reminds me that the soldiers stationed in the border areas cannot be reunited with their families on Mid-Autumn Festival! Why hasn't the moon yet appeared in its true form? I want to see the round, bright, and large Mid Autumn Moon mentioned in the book! I couldn't help but ask my mother, oh! Originally, it was influenced by the weather. Mom said you'll see the moon today, but it won't be too bright! Wow! Finally, the bright moon appeared with a mysterious veil over it! I quickly wiped my glasses, adjusted my binoculars, and leaned my head out of the balcony. Today's moon is very shy! I didn't showcase its unique charm, but I still saw: Chang'e, Wu Gang, Jade Rabbit, and Osmanthus Tree... When does the bright moon appear, ask the sky for wine... Near and far, the sound of firecrackers in the streets and alleys is endless, and beautiful fireworks bloom in the sky from time to time, presenting a festive and peaceful atmosphere everywhere.

  I am looking forward to August 15th next year!

9.初中生中秋节英语作文 篇九

  Divide the autumn colors equally, one full wheel, long accompanied by clouds and clear paths for a thousand miles. It was Mid-Autumn Festival again. After dinner, I sat alone in the yard. The moon of the 15th Five Year Plan was like a disk made of gold, hanging in the sky to give a few floating clouds, gilded with gold. I sat on the bench, looking at the round lunar disk floating low in the air, feeling a bit shy. After a while, the moon rose, and its bright moonlight fell on the ground, like a shining silver blanket covering the earth.

  After reading for a while, I felt a bit bored, so I brought my friends and parents to hold a poetry competition. The rule is that each person takes turns speaking a poem with a "moon" on it, and if they cannot say it, they will be eliminated. The champion can also receive a mysterious gift! My friend will be the referee, and my parents and I will be the contestants.

  The judge gave us an order and we started. "I'll come first!" So I carried it on my back and said, "The moonlight in front of the bed is bright. I suspect it's frost on the ground. I look up at the bright moon and bow my head to think of my hometown." As soon as the words were over, my mother picked up, "People are leisurely, osmanthus flowers are falling, and the night is still in the spring sky. The moon startles the mountain birds, and they sing in the spring stream." My father looked at it provocatively and said, You only know how to recite these little poems, look at me! "So my father memorized them and said," The river and sky are all clear of dust, and the moon is solitary in the sky. When did the moon first appear on the riverbank? When did the moon shine on people at the beginning of the year? "I immediately took on" A sunset spread over the water, half the river rustling and half the river red. Pitifully on the third night of September, the dew was like a pearl moon, like a bow. My mother immediately took on "Shugu Duan Ren Xing, the sound of autumn geese. The dew is white from tonight, and the moon is bright in my hometown It's Dad's turn again, but he can't say a word. In the end, I tried my best to drive my mother down, and in the end, I won! So the referee brought up a few mooncakes, and each of us took one and ate it with great relish.

  We look forward to holding another poetry contest next year when we celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

10.初中生中秋节英语作文 篇十

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is happy, a symbol of reunion, and one of the traditional Chinese festivals. The Mid-Autumn Festival is in the middle of the eighth month of the lunar calendar. People also call the Mid-Autumn Festival the Mid Autumn Festival. Every place has its own way of celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival.

  I clearly remember the scene of our family's Mid-Autumn Festival. We all steamed moon cakes. The fresh moon cakes were delicious and attractive. It's really a happy thing to eat delicious moon cakes that we have been looking forward to for a long time every Mid-Autumn Festival. Mom can't make moon cakes, so every Mid-Autumn Festival, you can eat delicious sesame sweet moon cakes steamed by grandma. Mom will also buy various flavors of mooncakes to take home, including egg yolk mooncakes, jujube paste mooncakes, cantaloupe mooncakes, peach mooncakes... And my favorite food is the sweet but not greasy acacia red bean mooncakes. We all sat around the big dining table on the balcony, eating delicious food. Dad's cooking skills were excellent. Our whole family sat together, eating and chatting, discussing work and learning, chatting about family matters, discussing the future, and enjoying ourselves. The elders couldn't keep their mouths closed, and the mooncakes tasted sweet unforgettable.

  I only heard a loud bang in the sky, and colorful fireworks flew up into the sky. My younger brother and I screamed, and our family's eyes were immediately attracted by the colorful fireworks. My younger brother and I jumped and laughed happily, and my grandfather picked up a small glass of wine and took a sip; Now there are fireworks on the Mid Autumn Festival, which has really improved our living standards. Grandpa smiled kindly.

  Hurry up, everyone! Hurry up, my younger brother shouted. My younger brother and sister danced and laughed; The moon is out, the moon is out... "We cheered! The moon at fifteen is like a shy little girl, dressed in silver gauze, walking step by step towards the night sky. My mother said that the moon is a symbol of purity, it is so bright, like a pearl hanging high in the sky. At this moment, I couldn't help but think of the "poetic fairy" Li Bai's silent night thoughts and the mythical story of Chang'e running to the moon.

  I once heard my grandfather say that Mid-Autumn Festival is the harvest season and the day when farmers uncles enjoy the harvest. What a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

11.初中生中秋节英语作文 篇十一

  On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the night is like an endless black goose down, and the moon on the fifteenth day is like a white jade plate. Its brilliance is scattered everywhere, casting a clear and bright light onto the earth. The stars, like diamonds, playfully blinked their eyes. Stars are embedded around the moon, and the stars hold it high in the sky. The moon is not shy, displaying its beauty like a beautiful and generous fairy.

  On the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, there was a big table at home. My father and I helped set up the dishes. My mother and grandma worked in the kitchen in full swing. My uncle and father hung up small lanterns for decoration. My brother and sister set up tables and chairs. Everyone's faces were filled with joy. At mealtime, the tables were filled with sumptuous meals, and the older brothers and sisters who were studying at university in another city and the uncle who was working there also came back, which was really rare. The whole family chatted while eating, talking and laughing. Uncle even took out his newly purchased camera to take a photo, and the whole family's expression was extremely happy. With a "click", the moment just now became eternal, and laughter filled the entire room.

  Fireworks have been set off, with various forms of fireworks, brilliant and dazzling, and flames shining everywhere; Flowing light overflows with colors. Some are like a blooming chrysanthemum, some are like meteors passing by... for an hour, it's incredibly beautiful. We saw that fireworks, but missed this one. One after another, the Mid Autumn Festival night passed like this.

  The Mid Autumn Festival night is different due to the bright moon and the colorful fireworks; Because a warm greeting from a loved one is different; Different because of the wandering child's longing for their hometown!

12.初中生中秋节英语作文 篇十二

  On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon is full, drinking osmanthus wine, eating mooncakes, enjoying the beautiful scenery, and reuniting together. The gentle mother-in-law of the moon has already hung high in the inky sky, and the bright moonlight is pouring down. Our family sits together, admiring the beautiful scenery, drinking osmanthus wine, and tasting mooncakes... Thank you for this holiday, making our family reunion.

  I sat on the bench, admiring the bright moon. Suddenly, I felt myself rise up, floating and floating, and come to a magnificent palace. Ah! So this is the legendary Guanghan Palace. "I walked forward and saw Sister Chang'e dancing gracefully. Wu Gang was accompanying Chang'e under the osmanthus tree, and the simple and lovely jade rabbit was" smashing "mooncakes to prepare a delicious banquet for everyone. I held my breath for fear of disturbing their beautiful scene

  Dinner is ready! "Mom's shout came, and I regained my senses. I quickly distributed mooncakes for everyone and had a reunion dinner together. As I ate, I thought to myself: in the future, I will design my own" Star Sky Shuttle "and fly the whole family to the moon to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival with Chang'e, Wu Gang, and Jade Rabbit, sharing the joy of reunion!

13.初中生中秋节英语作文 篇十三

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. This year's Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather is not beautiful. Since the morning, it has been raining gently. After breakfast, my mother and I went to the supermarket to buy groceries.

  Although it's raining outside, there are no fewer people in the supermarket than usual. People push shopping carts to purchase vegetables, fruits, mooncakes, meat, and squeeze three layers inside and three layers outside the meat counter. We first bought a lot of fruits in front of the crowded fruit counter, and then bought some meat, shrimp, fish, and vegetables, and then went home.

  After returning home, my mother started preparing lunch and I started doing my homework.

  At 11:30, lunch is ready. We have braised pork ribs in brown sauce, braised prawns in oil, stewed fish with tofu, and mushrooms and vegetables. We have a great time together. After lunch, I had some fruit and mooncakes.

  At night, the moon hid in thick clouds and refused to appear. My mother prepared many offerings to worship the moon and placed them on a small table, facing the place where the moon came out, to worship the moon's mother-in-law. After the worship is over, we can eat those delicious things.

  This Mid-Autumn Festival, although it rained all day, I still had a very happy time.

14.初中生中秋节英语作文 篇十四

  Mid-Autumn Festival, when night falls, a bright moon rises into the sky.

  I went to the yard with my parents to admire the moon. The moon seems to know that today is Mid-Autumn Festival. It comes out earlier than ever, brighter than ever, and much rounder than ever. The moon also seems to be playing games with me. I run and run, I jump and jump, I stop and stop. It's like my shadow, following me wherever I go.

  The moon of Mid-Autumn Festival gives people a very mysterious feeling. Under the moonlight, the pine trees in the courtyard appear even more lush upright. Even the kittens and puppies don't want to rest, they seem to have come to Mid Autumn Festival!

  Look! There are many faint black spots on the moon, but what is the blurry scenery like? Is it a tree? Is it a mountain? Is it sandstorm? Or an alien base? I looked for a while and suddenly remembered Guanghan Palace. I wonder if the Chang'e Fairy and her beloved Jade Rabbit inside are okay? Are you also celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival! The moon is rising higher and higher, and has climbed to the top of the building. It gazes down at the earth, scattering the afterglow.

  The ancients said it well: "Children do not know the moon, they call it a white jade plate. They also suspect the Yaotai mirror, flying in the blue clouds." Speaking of these poems, both my parents and I think they are too beautiful. So, we decided to compete with the moon while eating mooncakes. Dad volunteered to say, 'When is the bright moon? Ask the blue sky for the wine.'. My mother also said unconvinced, 'When I open the curtain and see the new moon, I will bow down.' I also reluctantly recited 'The Song of the Twilight River'.

  Time flies so fast, it's time to rest in the blink of an eye. I look at the moon in the sky, humming softly, intoxicated by the situation just now.

15.初中生中秋节英语作文 篇十五

  Today is Mid-Autumn Festival, a day of reunion. My aunt brought my cousin back from Beijing and reunited with us.

  My cousin is so cute that anyone can't help but want to hug her. She is only one year and four months old, under her two curved eyebrows, she has a pair of big, watery eyes. She has a cherry like little mouth, and when she gets angry, she will raise her little mouth high or cry loudly.

  After lunch, we took our cousin down to play. My cousin is already able to walk, but I haven't known yet, so I've been holding her. I was already tired from holding her, so I put her on the ground to rest. Who knew that after my cousin came down, she cautiously walked the way to play. I was startled and immediately regained my senses, running quickly to her side. Stretching my arms and bowing my waist, I have been protecting my cousin. She walked for a while, then lowered her head, lifted her clothes, and patted her stomach, as if digesting the food he had eaten at noon.

  At this moment, I noticed that my cousin was a bit cold, so I took off my coat and put it on her. It's really funny, my clothes are too big. After my cousin put on my clothes, her hand couldn't reach out at all, and she kept swinging around like a big opera singer. Walking on the road, it sways like a cute little penguin.

  In the evening, we all sat on the balcony, putting mooncakes and various delicious foods on the table, and we chatted while eating. I told everyone the story of "Chang'e Runs to the Moon". Chang'e stealthily ate the elixir and flew to the moon, with a rabbit beside her named Moon Rabbit.

  Today, I became a big brother. I feel very meaningful. I have a very happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
