
时间:2022-07-15 09:52:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】童话故事培养了儿童的想象力,让他们认识到真、善、美,多了一份天真和纯洁。阅读童话故事不仅可以丰富孩子的课外知识,而且还能提高孩子的语文修养,培养孩子的读书兴趣,丰富课余生活。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Once upon a time, there was a small forest. There are a group of hedgehogs inside. One of them is very curious about the outside and wants to go outside every time, but his mother doesn't agree. By chance, when his mother was not at home, the hedgehog ran out of the woods and came to the city.

  There are so many people in the city that little hedgehog is very happy. Suddenly a bag caught him, and the little hedgehog was stunned. When he woke up, he had been sent to a market. The little hedgehog was crying and crying, and some regretted leaving the forest. At this time, a man came over and said to the catcher, "boss, this hedgehog is good. How much is it?" The man who caught him said, "280 yuan." The man took the money and left. Little hedgehog hated the people who caught him and bought him. Little hedgehog was taken to a house, but fortunately the owner was very kind to him. After a period of time, the host is going on a business trip. Put him in a cage, the little hedgehog was very sad and jumped around in the cage. One night, the owner's window suddenly opened, and the little hedgehog was startled. He looked carefully. It was his mother. The little hedgehog was too happy to describe. His mother ran over, climbed onto the table, picked up the key with her mouth, and opened the cage. Their mother and son hugged each other happily. After a few days, they will arrive at the original grove again.

  After this, little hedgehog never thought of the forest again.


  Night is coming. Everyone is sleepy and ready to sleep.

  The sun collects the heat, which will make you sleep warm. The moon turns her body into a cradle like a curved boat, rocking her to sleep. The wind blows it into a thin roll, so that it won't float everywhere and can sleep safely. The star is also sleepy and wants to sleep, but it always doesn't sleep. It just blinks its eyes and wants to drive away sleepiness. Why don't the stars sleep when they are sleepy? Originally, it is for a flower, a small Epiphyllum.

  That little Epiphyllum is really too small and inconspicuous. It only dares to open at night. In the evening, the little Epiphyllum quietly opened its thin petals, stretched out its thin stamens, and quietly opened. The star looked at it quietly and sprinkled the starlight on the little Epiphyllum. It looked so beautiful! Finally one day, the star said to the little Epiphyllum, "you are beautiful, and you still have a faint fragrance!" Little Epiphyllum heard a friend's praise and laughed happily

  The night was very deep, and the star did not sleep. It was in the sky with a small Epiphyllum. Little Epiphyllum didn't sleep either. It was ready to bloom bravely in the sunshine after dawn and in the sweet dream of stars


  Today is little mouse's birthday. Little mouse is very happy. His mother sent him a red vest. Little mouse crossed his waist with both hands and said angrily, "how about my vest?"

  The little duck "quack quack" came over and saw the little mouse's vest. The little duck thought it was very beautiful, so he grabbed the little mouse's vest and said, "this vest is really beautiful. Can I wear it?" Little mouse agreed. The little duck put on the little mouse's vest and said, "this vest is a little tight, but it's very beautiful."

  When the orangutan saw the vest, he slowly climbed down from the tree and said, "wear a vest for me, too!" Then the lion put on a vest, and her body trembled. The zebra also wore it, and his hair was tied up. Finally, the animals in the vest became bigger and bigger.

  When Uncle elephant was wearing a vest, he was found by little mouse. He was stunned, "ah! My vest." The little mouse's vest has been stretched into a red line. He sadly took off his vest and went home.

  Seeing that the little mouse was so sad, Uncle elephant thought of a way. He said to the little mouse, "hang your vest on my nose and I'll make you a swing." The little mouse hung his vest on the elephant's trunk, climbed onto the elephant uncle and played on the swing. The more he played, the happier he was.


  At noon on Sunday, pigs, rabbits and bears made an appointment to go camping by the river in the evening.

  In the evening, they walked hand in hand to the river. The little bear said to everyone, "let's play football first. If it's late at night, we won't be able to play. The little friends raised their hands in favor.

  First of all, the little rabbit kicked the ball first. He kicked the ball out of an arc on the ground and came to the side of the little bear. The little bear kicked the ball aside and kicked it into the grass beside him. The little friends looked for it together, but they couldn't find it.

  At this time, a deer ran over, and the pig asked the deer anxiously, "Miss Lu, have you seen our ball?" The deer said, "I'm sorry I didn't see it, but you can ask my brother." They asked sister Xiaolu's brother, and her brother said, "your ball is in the hole in my garden." The three of them went to his garden and took out the ball.

  At this time, the little rabbit understood a truth. When he met something he didn't know, he had to ask others for advice.

  It was already dark, and the three friends fell asleep in their tents.


  There is a rare deer in the jungle. Because its fur is colorful, it is called colorful deer. It lives in a very hidden cave, only its good friend crow knows.

  One day, the five colored deer went to the river to drink water. From a distance, they heard someone crying, "help!"

  The five colored deer spread their hooves and ran to the river. "Plop" jumped down the river to save the drowning people ashore. The saved man was very grateful to it. It said, "as long as you don't say you saw me here."

  The man rescued by the five colored deer was obsessed with money and told the king the news of the five colored deer. The king immediately led the first five encirclement and suppression. The five colored deer didn't know all this, and fell asleep safely in the cave as usual.

  The crow flew into the hole: "no! Five colored deer, the king brought someone to catch you!" Wuse deer was surprised and wanted to hide, but it was too late. It decided to accept this grim reality and calmly walked out of the cave.

  "Ready to shoot!" The commander issued a password. "Wait a minute!" The king must have found a reason. The five colored deer knelt down in front of the king and said, "I want to know how you found me?"

  The king said, "he brought us here." It glanced at the man it had saved, shed a line of tears, and said, "you forget, didn't I save you?" The king understood everything and took the army away. And ordered that no one should hurt the five colored deer in the future.
