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【#MBA# 导语】MBA联考英语作文共占25分,可以说一定程度上决定了你英语单科能否过线。趁此,©文档大全网分享几篇小作文万能模板,同学们熟练应用后拿到6分及以上是有可能的。



Dear Mr. Black,

I am writingthis letter for the purpose of informing you of my decision to resign from mycurrent post of ×××(职位) I feel thankful for the help you and colleagues gave to me during the past twomonths.

I am reallysorry for my resignation,but thejob as ××× is not suitable to me.During the pasttwo months,I have not made any contribution to this company. What’s worse, Iknow that the knowledge I lack causes my present situation, so I decide to quit my presentjob and to pursue further study.

Your promptattention to this letter would be highly appreciated.I apologize for any trouble caused by my resignation, andwish all of you every success.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming








Dear ...,

I have learnedthat you will resign from the present post two weeks later. It is really a great pity for I cannot cooperate with you.You have made such acontribution to our company during the past four years, and I am grateful for that.

You said that you would go abroad to further your studynext month. I know that you have your own pursuit and I quite understand it. I firmly believe that you will embrace a much morebright future for you have always been modest, passionate, andintelligent.

If you need anyhelp in the future, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming









Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you somuch forinviting me to present the international conference which will be held on thesecond Thursday in the next month, June 15th. It is really a great honor.

Unfortunately,I am afraid that I cannotattend thisconference. I am reallysorry about that. Thereason why I cannot join in this meeting is that I have promised to make a speech in theseniors’ Graduation Ceremony atthe same day. It isreally a pity. I am so sorry to disappoint you.

Once again,thank you foryour invitation and Iamlooking forward to attending the similar conference next time.

Yours truly,

Li Ming







Dear Jane,
I am sorry totell you that I won’t be able to come this afternoon because I have to go to the airport at 2: p.m.to meet an oversea visitor from Australia.

I really havekept our date in my mind all these days.However,I received my boss’ e-mail this morning,and he asked me to go to the airport to meet one of his friends from abroad.It’s suddenly and urgent and Imust go.

Once again,Please forgive me. Hope you can understand my situation. Would you please ring meup to make another time?

Yours Sincerely,

Li Ming



Dear Zhang Wei,

I am writingthis letter to express my sincere sorry for the inconveniencethat you met in ourlibrary.

It was the updating of the computers that caused thelong waiting time and slow searching for materials. Several other students also told me this problem,and I have realized theseriousness of it. I will immediately contact the providers of computers to buy some newones.I believe that thisproblem will be solved within three days.

Once again, Ihope that you can accept my heartfelt apologies. If you have any othersuggestions, please don’t hesitate to tellme.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming









Dear ...,

I am so excitedto learn that you will come to Beijing nextweek. This isreally a good chance for me to reward your warm reception that Iexperienced when I worked in America, as I have always been grateful for yourkindness.

You mentionedin the letter that you would stay in Beijing for at least a week. I think that I can show you around. There are a lot of places which really deserve to be visited, such as the Forbidden City, Great Wall, Summer Palace, FragrantHill, to name just a few.I firmly believe that you will enjoy yourstaying here.

Once again,thank you so much for your reception in America and I am looking forward to yourarrival.

Best regards,






Dear ...,

We have apleasant interview yesterday , Thank you very much for the interview , and yourkindness left me a deep impression.Ilearned a great deal about your company, its major projects, and itsambitious plans for future development in Guangzhou.

I believe I amfully qualified for the work you described. My experience with ABC Corporation is directly related tothe work you are offering. Also, my academic background and the training I received as anadministrative assistant provide a strong base for further development.

Thanks againfor the interview. I look forward to hearing from you soon.








Dear Sir/Madam,

I am so excitedto know that your company is going to hold a vocational training.And now I am writing to apply for an opportunityto join in it.

Firstly, wouldyou mind if I give a brief introduction about myself? My name is Li Ming,working in P&G as a manager. The reason why I want to join in your vocational training is that I am a green hand inthis field. I just have been employed by P&G for no more than three years.The lack of professional knowledge causes the trouble in my job, so I ammuch-needed for a vocational training.

Thank you forconsidering my application, and I am looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming


Dear Sirs,

I am interestedin graduate studyin physics,withthe ultimate goal of teaching at the college level, and would like to talk withyou about the requirements of your department.

After my graduation from peikingUniversity in 2,I worked for several years before my marriage as a teacherin Open College. During that time I completed three graduate courses at ZheJiang University, but did not finish my master’s degree. A resume of mybackground and experience is enclosed.

I couldprobably manage almost a full schedule if necessary. I will call your office ina few days for an appointment.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear Sir or Madam,

I write thisletter to apply for the position that you have advertised in Beijing Daily of lastweek. Not only do I havethe qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for aAssistant in Marketing. Inthe one hand, myexperience with ABC Corporation is directly related to the work you areoffering. On theother hand,myeducational background and the training I received provide a strong base forfurther development. Shouldyou grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful. If you need toknow more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at 1888888888.

Thank you forconsidering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear Tim,

I am quitesorry that I have to ask a favor of you, with the hope that you will be kind tohelp me.

I have beenlooking forward toapplying for the entrance examination for MA candidates for a long timebecause I want to pursue further studies. Unfortunately, I find myself far from the requiredstandard, especially my very poor English. Finally, the personal friendship leads meto approach you with the request whether you can give me some constructive guidance. Ipromise to be a diligent student. If you agree, please call me as soon as youare free, I hope I can visit you twice a week.

Thank you verymuch for your kind helps again.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Ming

