新概念第三册Lesson 59 Collecting 收藏
【New words and expressions】 生词和短语
●amass v. 积聚
●indiscriminate adj. 不加选择的
●clutter n. 一堆杂物
●string n. 细线
●requisite n. 必需品
●mania n. 癖好
●sketch n. 草图,图样
●remote adj. (机会,可能性)少的,小的
●strong-minded adj. 意志坚强的
●relaxation n. 休息,娱乐
●verify v. 查证,核实
●bearing n. 关系,联系
●like-minded adj. 志趣相投的
●specimen n. 标本
●constructively adv. 有益的,积极的
●contented adj. 心满意足的
●boredom n. 烦恼,无聊
Paragraph 1
l.7 accumulate
l.20 collection
l.22 addition
l.23 hobby
l.25 the latest find
◆amass v. 积聚
gather: (小型)聚集
assemble: (大型) 集会
amass: (书面化)积聚, 所积累的东西有很高的价值
collect: 收藏
collect stamps
collect matchboxes
collect tax
collect parcel
store / hold up: 大量贮藏
◆◆indiscriminate adj. 不加选择的
Eg: He is indiscriminate in making friends.
uncritical 不加以评判的
critical :批评的,批判的
L59-01 end 10’38” (60-01)
L59-02 begin 10’56”
Eg: He is uncritical while going shopping.
unselective 不加以选择的
haphazard adj. 任意的,无计划的
make haphazard remarks 妄加评论,随口乱说
random adj. & n. 任意的, 胡乱的
at random
Eg: This is my random guess.
casual adj. 随便的(漫不经心)
casually adv.
undiscriminating adj. 不加以区别的
discriminate: 加以选择
Read: undiscriminating; unselective; uncritical; haphazard; random; casual; at random;desultory
desultory : 随意的(无条理)
Eg: The careful study of a few books is better than the desultory reading og many.
◆clutter n. 一堆杂物
piles of junk / clutter litter that floor
◆string n. 细线
string : 连锁的
a string of: 一串
◆requisite n. 必需品
living resquisite
necessity: 生活必需品,必不可缺的因素
◆◆mania n. 癖好
have a mania for doing sth.: 有做某事的癖好 (狂热)
L59-02 end 10’56”
L59-03 begin 11’11”
craze: 狂热,时尚
be crazy about
hobby: 很重视(不会忽略)
mania: 癖好(老年人)
desire: n. 做某事的强烈愿望
have desire for (to do ) sth.
madness n. 疯狂的行为
be mad about
insanity n. 疯狂(=madness)
insane adj. 失支理智的
Eg: His insanity is unexpected.
◆sketch n. 草图,图样
◆remote adj. (机会,可能性)少的,小的
possibility / chance
Eg: The chances are remote that he will pass his examination.
The chances that he will leave the hospital for new year celebration are good.
◆strong-minded adj. 意志坚强的
◆relaxation n. 休息,娱乐
◆◆◆verify vt. 查证,核实
Eg: You must verify the numbers / statistics.
verify the facts
certify : 证明,保证
confirm: 证实
Eg: My boss can confirm that I was here at that time.
文档 n. 文件; v. 用文件证明
Eg: Please 文档 what you said just now.
I don’t believe you. I only believe in 文档.
substantiate: 证明(某事有根据)
L59-03 end 11’11”
Lesson59A end 32:39
Lesson59B begin 33:48
L59-04 begin 11’49”
Eg: I can substantiate it.
validate: 使生效,确认,证实
valid: 有效的
Eg: We must validate the law.
When we use a new teaching method, we must validate it at first.
prove: 证明证实是否怎样
Read: verify / certify / confirm / 文档 / validate / prove / substantiate
Eg: Please check the figures / statistics.
◆bearing n. 关系,联系
relation / connection
association: 联想
◆like-minded adj. 志趣相投的
Eg: We’d like to make friends with like-minded people.
◆specimen n. 标本
◆constructively adv. 有益的,积极的
◆◆◆contented adj. 心满意足的
pleased / satisfied / delighted
Eg: Robert was not only pleased with my arrival but also delighted with my little gift.
be contented with sth. / sb.
◆boredom n. 烦恼,无聊
monotonous / tedious / tired / tiresome / bored