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  cet6六级级作文范文:a letter of appreciation一封感激信

  a letter of appreciation

  80 federal st reet

  boston , massachusetts


  october 24 , 2001

  dear miss webster

  years ago when i was in your class in english , i became discour aged , you will never know just how discouraged i was when you came to my rescue, you saw hope for me when i knew only despair . you gave me renewed faith in myself, and i am writing now, after all these years , to thank you . but in my heart i have thanked you a million times , and now i wish you to know that to you i owe the success which i am enjoying .

  in this mail i am sending you a copy of my latest book , which is having a very good sale , and i wish you to r emember as you read it that without your encour agement it would never have been written .

  gr atefully yours ,

  charles g . ma rtin






  本文是一封私人信件, 信中学生对老师的帮助充满了感激之情。第二段中, 学生向老师报告了所取得的成果。



  discour aged a . 沮丧

  come to my rescue 及时帮助

  despair n . 绝望

  renewed faith in myself 使我重新振作起来

  owe . . . to . . . 把⋯⋯归于⋯⋯

