a letter of friendship
6188 maple str eet
dallas , texas 75201
may 15 , 2003
dear ruth ,
why don’t you write ? of course, you’re busy with the close of school so near ; but do take time to as sure me that you will be here for my birthday . you have a standing invitation to attend all my birthday celebr ations , and this is to warn you not to fail to attend this one . mother says that you must stay at least two weeks — and mother must be obeyed .
don’t forget your tennis racket . the court is better than ever this spring . don and ted pronounce it“better than per - fect”because they have done the perfecting . and by way of warning: ted slings a mean racket this year — so you’d better be in practice . he plays rings a round me .
please write immediately to tell me when to park the family bus at the station . i mu st run now, or be late to english class .
your pal ,
1122 maple wood
houston , texas , 77002
may 22 , 2003
dear betts ,
it’s a shame that business has kept me from answering your last let ter . your note makes me feel guilty , and i pause in my mad rush to say — hold everything till that streamliner pauses at your station at half past five next saturday af ter - noon . tell your mother i may not“obey”in full , but that i’ll make he r glad to be rid of me . as for ted , say i’m out of practice — but unafraid .
i’m five minutes late — but i’ll make that committee meeting .
good-bye till saturday .
本文是一封友谊信, 信中邀请收信人参加发信人的生日派对。从信中可得知他们交往密切, 因此说话方式比较随意。下面一封是收信人的回信。
a standing invitation 长期邀请
fail to + v . 不能⋯⋯
tennis racket 网球拍
tennis court 网球场
perfect ( ing) v .( n .) 完善
slings a mean r acket 打一个巧妙的球
keep . . . from . . . 使⋯⋯不能⋯⋯
feel guilty 感到惭愧
stream- liner 流线型汽车
in full = fully
be rid of 摆脱
as for 至于