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【#六年级# 导语】做练习题可以检测小学生学习效果,及时发现和纠正学习中的问题和不足,提高学习成绩。下面是®文档大全网整理的《六年级上册英语中考试题及答案》,希望对你们有帮助!

1.六年级上册英语中考试题及答案 篇一


  Dear Mum,

  How are you? I'm fine at Li Jun's home. Tomorrow is Saturday. We don't go to school. We are going to take a trip with our friends. We are going to the Great Wall. It's far from Li Jun's home. We are going to take a bus. The Great Wall is very old and very long. It is wonderful. In the afternoon we are going to a zoo near the Great Wall. There are many animals. I will be tired in the evening. I'm going to have a good sleep. What are you going to do?

  Write soon,


  (  ) 1. Jack is in ________.

  A. the UK  B. the US C. China

  (  ) 2. Jack lives ________ now.

  A. with his mum B. with Li Jun's family C. with his friends

  (  ) 3. They are going to ________ tomorrow.

  A. visit the Great Wall B. watch animals at the zoo C. Both B and C.

  (  ) 4. They are going there ________.

  A. by bus B. by taxi C. on foot

  (  ) 5. Jack is going to ________ in the evening.

  A. see a film B. watch TV C. have a good sleep

  答案:1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C

2.六年级上册英语中考试题及答案 篇二


  (  ) 1. How can I __________ the park?

  A. get   B. get to   C. gets

  (  ) 2. Turn right__________ the restaurant.

  A. on  B. in  C. at

  (  ) 3. —__________ is the Pizza Restaurant?

  —It's near the park.

  A. How  B. When C. Where

  (  ) 4. Linda is going to buy a book __________ flowers.

  A. about  B. at  C. by

  (  ) 5. When you see the red light, you should __________.

  A. go B. stop and wai C. slow down


  1. B 点拨:get to the park“到达公园”。

  2. C 

  3. C

  4. A 点拨:about指“关于……”。

  5. B 

3.六年级上册英语中考试题及答案 篇三


  1. My father really likes to go to the Japanese r_________.

  2. Go s_________ and turn right.

  3. I’m going to the c_________ to see a film.

  4. Miss White usually goes to work by s_________.

  5. People will get t_________ on Mid-Autumn Festival.

  6. This story book is very i_________.

  7. You must be careful at the c_________.

  8. How can I get to the science m_________.

  9. F_________ me, please.

  10. Jim is going to t_________ to Sichuan on summer vacation.

  答案:1. restaurant 2. straight 3. cinema 4. subway 5. together 6. interesting 7. crossing 8. museum 9. Follow 10. travel

4.六年级上册英语中考试题及答案 篇四


  1. The hospital is near the bookstore. (对划线部分提问)


  2. going, what, park, are, to, nature, you, do, the, in (?) (连词成句)


  3. Jane comes to school by bus. (对划线部分提问)


  4. Go at the red light! (变为否定句)


  5. I go to the post office this afternoon. (用He, bookstore仿写句子)



  1. Where is the hospital?

  2. What are you going to do in the nature park?

  3. How does Jane come to school?

  4. Don’t go at the red light!

  5. He goes to the bookstore this afternoon.

5.六年级上册英语中考试题及答案 篇五


  A. What are you doing

  B. Excuse me

  C. You’re welcome!

  D. Yes, it is.

  E. Take No. 26 bus.

  A: 1. ____________, where is the bank?

  B: It’s on the Ren Ming road.

  A: Is it far?

  B: 2. ____________. You have to take a bus to get there.

  A: Which bus should I take?

  B: 3. ____________.

  A: OK, I see.

  B: 4. ____________?

  A: I’m going to meet a friend there. Thank you very much!

  B: 5. ____________.

