
时间:2022-10-02 00:55:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#青年节# 导语】青出于蓝而胜于蓝,青年是雏鹰已经飞出了摇篮,青年是朝气蓬勃的太阳,青春是永远不败的力量,5月4日青年节,愿你青春勃发,活力四射,努力奋斗,实现理想!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理了青年节英语作文带翻译【五篇】,欢迎各位前来阅读。


  Today, we had the honor of this generation of young people living in the reform and opening up a good time, had the honor of standing at the meeting point of century and millennium on. We are fortunate. Facing the new century, our responsibility. Recalling our carry forward the “54” the spirit of thinking seriously, and they should have a kind of youth, what kind of life. Recall that the initial start Know “54” is a history lesson from the primary and secondary schools began. At that time, the teacher talked about “54” exercise, to us, on the imperialist powers of the various Chinese bullying on young people gave their lives for the motherland at various feat. At that time, although we still can not fully understand one of the profound truth, but like a ray of hope to illuminate the wilderness of ignorance, our young minds have sown the seedds of patriotism. Gradually, we grew up, we become their prime of youth, we more deeply understand the traditions and spirit of 54. Think of us once and almost 54 young people it big! They already provide us with the tender shoulders of a salvation from the task, and today the important task of the construction of the motherland will have no choice but to fall on our shoulders of the people of this generation, we should be even more prosperous homeland and dedication of us all?



  People often talked about our old Subei always feeling great. Subei earth, are a beautiful and magical land, our region has Yanfu at the history of the Chinese revolution had left a glorious chapter. Army horse倥偬era, the land side, once for the Chinese revolution, how to pay the expensive price. After new China was founded, the people here with their own hands, with people Subei diligenceand wisdom, so that their homeland has undergone enormous changes. Speaking of all this, our hearts are always filled with pride. However, we should also see that here with the motherland when compared to other developed regions have a large gap between the individual places where poverty has yet to be further management. Here is the economy as a whole have to be further off. Us, as Subei youth, first of all should feel what? Calligonum duty, duty should be felt. “Health is my land, take care of me are this piece of land.” We loved this piece of land at the foot. We have to assume the construction of homeland, prosperous homeland responsibility.



  Li Dazhao had at “their youth,” one paper wrote: “burst the shackles of history, wash away the history of Tourette's plot, the new national life, to restore the nation's crisis.” Although we have today without the face of lost territory, subject to war without smoke, but The task before us arduous same. We should strive to become Luxun described as “the creation of human history there has never been on the third generation.” “ dared not country” the world as, youth blood Xian homeland, tenacious efforts and selfless dedication for the prosperity of the motherland and contribute their wisdom and strength of all. Today, we are filled with people of talent, and tomorrow are the pillars of society, it is necessary to set off waves of Chinese take-off.




  Time and again sent the elderly May, and ushered in a "five four" youth day. In the enjoyment of peace, tranquility in the happiness of life, I can not help but think of those who had the Chinese nation‘s democracy, scientific, independent and shed, shed blood of young people, they are, in the national humiliation time step forward bravely, to turn back the powers of darkness Lebanon‘s potential to save the suffering; they, condensed with burning passion and blood into the spirit of the torch, ignited the future. This is how the brilliant young dazzling ah, this mission is very excite people‘s mind!



  Once upon a time, the land of China was in a mess of beacon fire, and the people could not live, which made the saints sad and the wicked happy. Fortunately, the Communist Party saved the country and the people, revived China. Now, with the spring breeze of reform, the order and speed of economic development coexisting, and the intelligent artificial intelligence, China's space station is about to become the only space station on orbit Every one of them has its achievements today because of the close unity of the youth around the Communist Party. General Secretary Xi warned us: "youth is the future of the nation; youth with lofty aspirations can stimulate their potential to advance; youth should keep their newborn calves fearless of tigers, be more vigorous and courageous, stand up to the tide of the times, and strive to be the pioneer of the times." "We look forward to a better future for the younger generation," the Secretary said We are the rising sun, we are the new bud, we are the winners of the world. For the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the peace and harmony of the whole world, our youth should work hard, arouse their fighting spirit, and bring their vitality to every corner of the earth. The sun and the moon will shine for us! Youth is dedicated to the party, building a new era. We remember the martyrs of the May 4th movement. The chant of the Martyrs: "patriotic, progressive, democratic and scientific" is still in our ears. We are dancing the trend of the times. The roaring voice of the trend: "striving for the cause of communism" will sing the strongest voice of the times.

