
时间:2023-05-01 22:45:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】演讲稿具有宣传,鼓动,教育和欣赏等作用,它可以把演讲者的观点,主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。



  You know what? XX years ago, an ordinary soldier died unexpectedly. Our great leader Chairman Mao wrote an insc ription: learn from Comrade Lei Feng. From then on, Lei Feng's spirit is like the continuous drizzle in spring, moistening the growth process of generation after generation.

  My mother told me that in this 9.6 million square kilometers of land, no one doesn't know Lei Feng's name! When she was young, "learn from Lei Feng" was deeply imprinted in her mind. She and her partners picked up waste products, participated in voluntary labor, and quietly did good deeds without leaving a name. When I was in the first grade, I also solemnly knew Lei Feng from the teacher, learned about Lei Feng's deeds, and remembered the teacher's teaching in my ignorance: to be a useful person for the people of the motherland like Lei Feng. Since then, Lei Feng spirit has guided my actions from time to time and everywhere.

  Thank you!


  Dear leaders and colleagues

  Once upon a time, there was such a kind-hearted man: he would always help others without paying back; He always pays silently without leaving his name; He always likes to do things, big or small; He is the person worthy of our study - Lei Feng.

  "Lei Feng" is a household name. Almost everyone has heard stories about Lei Feng. Each story can fully reflect the spirit of helping others. His story is like a book. No matter children or adults, they will always be amazed when they hear about Lei Feng.

  I think Lei Feng is a great man, a man who doesn't flinch and chooses to face when things happen; He is a man who never leaves a name for good deeds. His deeds are worth learning by each of our students. Remember: March 5 is Lei Feng day. Let's learn together!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  good morning!

  Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is "learn from Lei Feng and be a civilized primary school student".

  There is a comrade who meets us every year in March. He has no experience of bloody battles on the battlefield, let alone earth shaking achievements. His name will always be remembered by the people just because he has done extraordinary things in life and work with a simple heart; There is a spirit, which is not shining for a moment, nor does it have the slightest grand reason, but it has become an example for us to learn. It has been integrated into our life again and again with the pace of spring, bringing a noble and warm atmosphere to our spirit. Everyone said, who is he? Yes, he is Lei Feng!

  Thank you!


  hello everyone!

  Lei Feng, a familiar and loud name, Lei Feng, an ordinary and great soldier. Lei Feng, an example in life, a memory that history cannot erase. "People's life is limited, but serving the people is unlimited. I want to devote my limited life to serving the people infinitely." this powerful sentence echoed in our ears, lingered in our minds and precipitated in our hearts

  Lei Feng is a spiritual narration, a vivid example, a historical legend... Lei Feng, Lei Feng. There are many "Lei Feng" in our life, and "Lei Feng" is everywhere.

  "Lei Feng" is everywhere. Lei Feng is our model, our example and Lei Feng in life. You give us warmth like sunshine, you give us freshness like a clear spring, you give us light like candlelight, and finally burn yourself

  Thank you!


  Dear leaders, teachers and students

  Good morning, everyone!

  The topic of my speech today is "learn from Lei Feng and start with small things".

  At the mention of Lei Feng, the Chinese can be said to be a household name and well-known. During his short 22 years of life, this ordinary Chinese soldier showed a shocking moral character and personality charm with ordinary and simple words and deeds; As soon as we mention Lei Feng, we can't help thinking of every little thing he did during his lifetime: helping the conductor mop the floor, cleaning the waiting room, buying tickets for his sister-in-law who lost his ticket, sending money to his comrades in arms in difficulty, etc. Therefore, it is often said that Lei Feng traveled a thousand miles and did a good job. It can be seen how many good things he did in his short life and how much happiness and comfort he brought to others.

  Students, let's join hands and work together to learn from Lei Feng. Start with small things, we will help each other and love each other, and be a "little Lei Feng" in the new era!

  My speech is over, thank you!


  hello everyone!

  The topic of my speech today is "the spring breeze in March warms people's hearts, and Lei Feng's spirit shines on me".

  The scorching sun in March is particularly bright, the spring breeze in March is particularly refreshing, and the students in March are also particularly enthusiastic, all because March is Lei Feng month.

  Although Lei Feng has long been away from us, his spirit is always in our hearts. Some people say that Lei Feng's spirit is far away from us, and Lei Feng's era has long passed. But I want to say, no, there are thousands of live Lei Feng in our life. One Lei Feng fell, but countless Lei Feng stood up. They explained what is Lei Feng's spirit and what is selfless dedication with practical actions. Under the light of Lei Feng's spirit, they strive to practice their own life value and inherit the great love of the world.

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  I want to talk about what Lei Feng is in my heart.

  Lei Feng in my heart is just an ordinary face, but it is admired by countless people. It is just a weak body, but it moves countless people. It is just a heart as big as ordinary people, but it makes countless people feel inferior.

  March is a season for the recovery of all things, and it is also a season for people to wake up and work. The reason why we say this is because March is the month of learning from Lei Feng. Let's understand what we should contribute to the society from the bit by bit of Lei Feng's dedication to the people.

  I think we should learn from Lei Feng not only this month, but also every day in the future. As long as we start from the things around us, these are not difficult to do. So. Why not do it now?

  Thank you!


  hello everyone!

  Lei Feng spirit is great, and Lei Feng spirit is eternal. Lei Feng spirit is the product of the combination of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and the spirit of the times. It is an important part of our national spirit and the precious spiritual wealth of the people of the whole country.

  If you are a drop of water, do you moisten a piece of land? If you are a ray of sunshine, do you illuminate a bit of darkness? If you are a grain, have you nurtured useful life? If you are the smallest screw, will you always stick to your post in life

  The spring breeze in March not only awakened all things, but also aroused people's memory of the ordinary and great soldier. Every time I think of Lei Feng, I think of this paragraph.

  Thank you!


  hello everyone!

  I have been thinking about a question, what is Lei Feng spirit and how can we carry forward Lei Feng spirit?

  But some students believe that only saving people is a Lei Feng spirit. In fact, it is also a Lei Feng spirit for us to do well what we should do. For example, as students, we should study hard, learn Lei Feng's "nail" spirit, be good at "drilling" and "squeezing", learn our skills well, and report to the society when we grow up. For example, doctors and nurses can save the lives and heal the wounded after meeting patients, so as to restore the patient to health; Uncles and aunts working in all walks of life are selfless dedication in their posts, conscientious and do their work well, which are Lei Feng's spirit.

  I think we should carry forward Lei Feng's spirit and start with me and small things. As the saying goes, it's not difficult to do a good deed, but to do a good deed all your life. Let's take action, start from me, start from now on!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  Good afternoon, everyone. I'm a student of grade XX. The topic of my speech today is to learn from Lei Feng and do well.

  Lei Feng, as we all know, is a very great man in the 20th century. In recent years, everyone has advocated learning from Lei Feng to do good. Yes, Lei Feng's spirit is really worth learning from. Some live Lei Feng is around us. For example, someone will help you when you are carrying heavy objects, and someone will tell you where the exit is when you get lost. They are all living Lei Feng. We should do good things like Lei Feng.

  Although Lei Feng appeared as a poor man, he was not discouraged at all and still worked hard for his work. Chairman Mao Zedong wrote an inscr iption for Lei Feng -- learn from Comrade Lei Feng. Yes, Lei Feng's spirit will never go out. Lei Feng wrote in his diary: Comrade Lei Feng, I wish you to be a pine and cypress in the storm, not a weak seedling in the greenhouse.

  Thank you, my speech is over!

