

时间:2023-03-02 07:38:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

天津热带植物观光园,坐落在中国晚香玉之乡,华北地区的花卉集散地曹庄花卉市场旁。由中北镇政府投资2.6亿元建成,占地面积500亩,建筑面积40 000平方米。其集观赏、娱乐、休闲、购物、科普教育于一体,堪称亚洲地区室内植物园,可与英国“伊甸园”相媲美,是天津壮观的新景区,被人们称为北方的“西双版纳”。
 Tianjin Tropical Botanical Touring Garden, situated at“The Tuberose Village of China”, locates beside Caozhuang flower market, which is the largest flower distributing center in the north of China. The total investment of the garden is 260 million RMB. The garden unfolds over 500 mu and the architectural area is 40 000 square meters. It integrates sightseeing, recreation, relaxing, shopping, etc. into science popularizing. This garden is by far the largest greenhouse in Asia, which can be compared to the Eden in England. It is a recently spectacular scenic spot in Tianjin. People regard it as “Xishuangbanna” of China North.

