

时间:2022-09-18 02:40:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】托业口语写作考试采用计算机考试的形式,直接衡量应试者的英语口语及写作能力。口语部分和写作部分的得分将分别转换成一个介于 0~200 区间的分值,总分为0~400分。口语水平分为 8 个等级,写作分为 9 个等级。以下是®文档大全网整理的托业英语口语的考试指南,欢迎阅读!


  托业口语写作考试的结果通过在线评分系统(Online Scoring Network)传递至美国 ETS,每名考生的成绩由至少 6 名通过ETS 认证考试的评分员评估并通过系统进行评分,确保成绩的可靠性以及公正性。

  (一)   口语部分

  第一大题:朗读 2 题

  第二大题:图片描述 1 题

  第三大题:回答问题 3 题

  第四大题:使用提供的信息回答问题 3 题

  第五大题:提供解决方案 1 题

  第六大题:表达一个观点 1 题

  (二)  写作部分

  第一大题:根据图片造句 5 题

  第二大题:回答问题 2 题

  第三大题:议论文写作 1 题


  1、 不要无的放矢


  2、 不要言语啰嗦


  3、 不要忽略练习


  4、 不要打断谈话


  5、 不要要求过高


  6、 不要畏惧变化


  7、 不要暗示考官


  8、 避免使用以下词语

  (1) challening,interesting等这些词语往往被考官是为俗不可耐,考生应变换词语进行细节描述。

  (2) 不可使用Do you agree? 或Do you think so?这类带有讨论成分的句子反问考官的观点。

  9、 不要畏惧出错和担心听不懂





  不管有无错误,如果你不进行大量口语练习,你就不会在口语水平上取得真正的进步。 你练习得越多,口语就会变得越容易。 如果你尽可能多地练习口语,你的口语水平很快就会得到迅速提高。


  如果你不能与母语为英语的人的谈话也不必担心。 你也可以自己独自练习口语。 虽然独自练习口语的时候没有人回应你的谈话,但是只要开口练习,你就能有机会去尝试用不同的方式来说话,而这也将增强你的信心。同时这也会弥补你在词汇量和语法上的缺点,让你以这种集中的方式学习新的单词和语法结构。








  发音是发出正确的英文读音。 当然,应该首先确保你的语调和节奏是正确的,不仅仅是各自单独的发音,还有他们在一起时的发音。

  改进发音最重要的方法就是练习听力。 通常,语言学习者在领会到各个发音的区别之前,都想尝试发出正确的读音。

  如何能够听出这些发音的区别呢?一种方法就是对广播或电视节目(如:新闻)录音30秒。 然后自己重述,以此来对比自己的发音与广播电视节目里发音的不同。


  当你练习发音时,学习如何连读尤其困难。 当一个单词是以辅音结束而下一个单词是以元音开始的时候,这时两个单词可以连读。 在“jumps over”中,第一个单词的结尾辅音应与下一个单词的元音连读。


5.雅思口语之A Leader话题

  You should say:

  who this person is

  (how he or she became a leader)

  what this person did (has done) that you admire

  how you know this person or know about this person

  and explain how ( = why) this leader's qualities impressed you.


  Times need heroes, and heroes stand out. Franklin Roosevelt is just a hero of the times. Well known for his unprecedented 13 years as the President of U. S. , he is regarded as a savior of America. However, it is not his brilliant achievements that attract me. What I really admire are some qualities shining in his whole life such as fortitude, courage and also his amiability.

  His early time, I mean before his forties, was smooth. He was born rich and had a happy marriage. After graduating from Harvard, he served in the Navy. At that time, he had already shown his remarkable leadership and since his uncle was a President, he would surely enter the political arena. But everything changed when he was 39. Healthy and strong as he was, he was attacked by polio after swimming, which caused the life long deformity in his legs. It was extremely hard for this ambitious man to face the misfortune. He was, of course, in a bad mood and wanted to give up all his dreams at first. Then, after careful thinking, he finally decided to bestir himself. He was not a man easy to surrender. Again he took part in political activities and, at the same time, practiced standing up and then walking with a stick. Eventually this brave man won the battle against fate. He became the only disabled President in American history and unprecedentedly served four terms. All should be attributed to his fortitude.

  "The only thing we fear is fear itself." This famous saying now has spread all over the world and encouraged lots of people. Roosevelt first said it, and as a great leader, he made all his people believe it. He practiced what he preached for he was surely a courageous person challenging the tradition. He formulated new policies to help his nation out of the Depression. He declared war against Fascists though most of the Congressmen opposed him at that time. All proved that he was right for his courage was not rash but based on careful thinking. "A leader is one who dares to dream, and then, dares to achieve."

  He was great, but not great in appearance. He looked like a kind grandpa at the first sight. He initiated the fireside chat to express his ideas and explain his policies in a relaxed atmosphere on radio. He always smiled sincerely when speaking and listening. These didn't lower his prestige but made him amiable and welcome.

  He is surely not a perfect man no one can be perfect. Every age has its hero in the forefront, just like Franklin Roosevelt, a man I admire.

