【#英语口语# 导语】托业考试即国际交流英语考试,该考试旨在衡量人们在国际商业、贸易环境中使用英语的熟练程度,已被视为国际标准,是全球参加人数最多的英语考试之一,所以多掌握一些托业英语句子对于托业考试是很重要的。®文档大全网为大家整理了一些托业日常英语口语例句,希望能够更好地帮助大家取得更好的成绩。
1.托业日常英语口语例句 篇一
1. You can book your accommodations online. 你可以在网上预订住宿。
2. You should arrange the airline tickets as soon as possible. 你必须尽快安排飞机票。
3. At this time of year, it is great to go hiking in the mountains. 一年的这个时候徒步登山非常好。
4. The restaurant will be fully booked on Christmas. 酒店在圣诞节时将会被全部订满。
5. It is always necessary to book a seat on the train. 一般有必要在火车上预订座位。
6. The view was breathtaking. 场面激动人心。
7. Please show your ticket to the conductor. 请向乘务员出示车票。
8. The customs of the host country confused him. 主方国家的风俗使他困惑。
9. My passport is about to expire. 我的护照快到期了。
10. Jill loved to explore new cities. Jill喜欢探访新城市。
2.托业日常英语口语例句 篇二
1. I need to get some time off to visit my father. 我需要休假去看我爸爸。
2. The travel itinerary will be emailed to you. 旅行日程将会用电子邮件发送给你。
3. When are you going to leave for Vietnam. 你什么时候离开去越南?
4. I wanted to move to another country. 我想搬到另外一个城市。
5. Tickets are non-refundable and valid only on AB Airlines. 机票不可以退,并且只可以用来乘坐AB航空公司的航班。
6. It took a long time to pass through Immigration at the airport. 在机场通过入境通道时花了很长时间。
7. She is holding her passport in her hand. 她手中拿着护照。
8. Where did you leave your possessions on the plane?你把你的物品放在了飞机的什么地方?
9. He is suffering from jet lag. 他因为时差受苦。
10. How about going to the Great Wall of China?去中国的万里长城怎么样?
11. I made a reservation at a travel agency in advance. 我已经提前和旅行社预约了。
12. The travel agent suggested that we’d better go there on the weekend. 旅行社建议我们周末去那里。
3.托业日常英语口语例句 篇三
1. The expenses incurred for this purpose will have to be borne by the Chinese side.用于该目的而引起的所有费用将由中方来支付。
2. We will pay all the expenses involved in documentation and transfer of knowledge. 我方将支付所有涉及到文献资料和技术转让的费用。
3. We will pay all the specialists for their services rendered to us. 我方将支付所有专家为我方提供的服务费用。
4. We hope you will continue offering us improved technology without extra charges. 希望你们不断向我们提供新的技术,不另外收费。
5. To help our joint venture, we hope that you would keep supplying us with advanced management techniques and technologies. 为了帮助我们的合资企业,希望贵方能不断向我方提供先进的管理方法和技术。
6. We shall help you to update the present and future technology concerned with the production from time to time.我们将不时地帮助贵方更新与生产有关的现有和将来的全部技术。
7. As you know that technology is advancing all the time, we hope that you continue offering us your improved technologies. 正如贵方所知,技术总是在不断改进的,所以我们希望贵方能一直向我们提供最新技术。
8. We think that it is better to transfer our knowledge in the form of know-how investment. 我方认为还是以技术投资的方式来转让我们的技术。
9. First let’s start with the delivery of all the drawings, technical data and other documents relating to the engines.让我们先提供所有与机械有关的图纸、技术数据和其它文件数据。
10. You will undertake the obligations to deliver to us the drawing, information and other data. 贵方将承担将这些图纸、信息和其它数据传送义务。
4.托业日常英语口语例句 篇四
1. For the success of our joint venture, it’s extremely important for us to acquire the information concerning the product design and the production processes. 为了使合资企业取得成功,对我方来说,获得与产品设计和生产过程相关的信息是极其重要的。
2. You should give us as soon as possible the blueprint plan for the introduction of the equipment and a report on a survey of the feasibility entire plan.你方应尽快向我方提供设备引进的蓝图计划以及整个计划可行性的调查报告。
3. Please turn over these technical data to our side at the earliest possible time.请尽早把这些技术资料转交给我方。
4. Shall we discuss technology transfer brief now?我们现在来扼要地讨论一下技术转让的问题好吗?
5. We want to import advanced technology from you in order to compete successfully on the international market. 为了能在国际市场上成功地参与竞争,我方想向贵方进口先进技术。
6. Since the existing know-how transferred by your company will soon become obsolete, we expect that you will continue offering us your improved technological expertise.由于贵方转让给我方的现有专有技术很快就会过时,我方希望贵方能继续不断地向我方提供改进的专门技术知识。
7. By advanced technology, we mean both industrial property and know-how. 所谓先进技术,我方指的是工业产权和专有技术。
8. If the documents you send us cannot be used, or if one item or more mentioned in the packing list should be lacking, you have to send all the documents or the lacking items at your cost, within 45 days from the date you receive the written notice from us. 如果贵方提供给我方的数据无法使用,或者缺少包装单里的其中一项或多项。贵方必须在收到我方书面通知后的 45 天内,将所有的文件或缺少的内容寄达我方,邮寄费用由贵方自己承担。
9. If any serious difficulties arise with regard to the working of the engines which we built, and if it is proved that such difficulties are at fault in any data, drawings or documents you sent us, you would, at your expense, correct such faulty data, drawings or documents. 如果我方生产的机械出现严重的问题,如果经证实,这些问题是由于贵方提供给我方的数据、图纸或文件中的缺陷而引起的,贵方必须修改这些错误的数据、图纸或文件,费用由贵方自己承担。
10. If the technical documents provided by you are not applicable to our actual production condition, you are obliged to assist us in modifying the technical documents.你方提供的技术数据,如有不适合我方生产条件的,你方有责任帮助我方修改技术数据。
5.托业日常英语口语例句 篇五
1. I'd like to know something about your foreign trade policy.我很想了解有关贵国对外贸易的政策。
2 . It is said that a new policy is being put into practice in your foreign trade.据说你们正在实施一种新的对外贸易政策。
3. Our foreign trade policy has always been based on equality and mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods. 我们的对外贸易政策一向是以平等互利、互通有无为基础的。
4 . We have adopted much more flexible methods in our dealings. 我们在具体操作方法上灵活多了。
5. We have mainly adopted some usual international practices. 我们主要采取了一些国际上的惯例做法。
6 . You have also made some readjustment in your import and export business, have you?你们的进出口贸易也有一些调整,对吗?
7. I'd like to know some information about the current investment environment in your country?我想了解一下贵国的投资环境。
8. We are sure both of us have a brighter future. 我们相信双方都有一个光明的前景。
9. We had expected much lower prices.我们希望报价再低一些。
10 . They are still lower than the quotations you can get elsewhere. 这些报价比其他任何地方都要低得多。