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【#英语资源# 导语】童年是美好的,是人们最美丽的回忆。童年是多彩的,是自己小小世界的夜明珠。©文档大全网为大家准备了《有关童年趣事英语作文》,希望对大家有帮助。

1.有关童年趣事英语作文 篇一

  What happened in my childhood, like the number of stars in the sky, is countless, but the most unforgettable thing for me is to play with my neighbors in the snowy day. Five years have passed, that is, when I was 8 years old, there was a heavy snow. I saw the white snow and couldn't wait to go to my neighbor, I said, "Hi, Lily, let's go outside to play! We each prepared gloves, washbasins and shovels, and we set off immediately with things. I wore a hat and walked to the neighborhood in white air. We discussed to play snowball first, and began to play. I grabbed a handful of snow with my hands," Oh, it's cold! " I said softly, throwing my hand at my neighbor, ah! No! When the neighbor saw that I didn't throw it, he threw it at me and threw it on my stomach. I grabbed it while the neighbor wasn't paying attention, and threw it at me. "Throw it!" I shouted, but the neighbor threw it at me again and threw it on my face. "How cold!" It was like cutting a knife on my face.

  Then we played making snowmen. We put on gloves and covered the snow with shovels and washbasins. Finally, we made a small snowman. Suddenly, a message came from behind me, "Get out of the way!" I got a brainwave and walked away. It turned out that other snowmen rolled out. So my neighbor and I also learned to make a big snowman. There was a small snowman between the two big snowmen. It was really like a warm family! We were all purple, so we rushed home.

  There are many interesting things in childhood that need to be recorded and recalled. The life in childhood is so wonderful.

2.有关童年趣事英语作文 篇二

  Childhood is like a precious pearl necklace. Every pearl has a beautiful and interesting story. And. My childhood is one of the unique and dazzling pearls.

  When I was five years old, I saw a brother eating gum. I thought to myself, "It must be delicious. I want to eat it too". I walked slowly to my mother and whispered, "Mom, I want to eat chewing gum." My mother said, "Baby, you are too young to eat. How about eating when you grow up?" I said anxiously, "No, no, I want to eat now!" After a long time of persuasion, my mother was angry. I thought to myself: Mom turns her face faster than her book! This method doesn't work, so I think of another one.

  The second tactic begins. "Whoa, whoa, I want to eat." I rolled in the ground and looked at my mother from time to time. My mother came over angrily. At that time, I thought my mother must hit me. Forget it. Mother picked up the stick and said, "Stand up." But I kept rolling without listening. Mom came over and said as she fought. Later, I cried again and said I wanted to eat. After that, my mother was distressed. I had to give me money. A carp rolled up to take the money and said, "Mom, you are so nice!"!

  I saw my aunt on the way back. I said happily to my aunt, "Look, I'm making a noise. Is it great?" My aunt smiled and said, "Well, it's great." Even the cousin next to me laughed. I also smiled silly. Back home, I gave my father and mother a candy. After that, my mother gave me some medicine.

  how! This is the most wonderful thing in my childhood. I still remember the fifth grade now!

3.有关童年趣事英语作文 篇三

  Childhood is a colorful box filled with my happy time.

  I still remember when I was five years old, my mother and I went back to our hometown after a long separation. I was sitting under the grapevine in the yard to enjoy the cool while throwing stones to play. When I was careless, the stone hit the big cock that my grandmother was fond of saying "good". I was shocked and stared at it without blinking. The big cock shook his wings and strode towards me. I stood up hurriedly and begged to the big cock: "Big cock, I didn't mean to, would you please don't come here?" But the big cock didn't hear me, the hair on his neck stood up and ran towards me quickly. As soon as I saw something bad, I ran away. The big rooster was not willing to be outdone and kept chasing. I was so tired that I was sweating. When I saw a wooden stick next to me, I picked it up and shouted to the big cock, "If you go further, I will kill you!" The big cock stopped abruptly. I thought to myself: I'm afraid. I can't handle you. However, the big rooster retreated back and suddenly rushed forward, with its wings slightly flapped, its feet off the ground, and its neck extended. I was frightened. In a hurry, I waved a wooden stick and hit the rooster on the head. The rooster fell to the ground, and I took the opportunity to escape.

  Now that I am in the fifth grade, I often have some lingering palpitations when I see the big cock?

4.有关童年趣事英语作文 篇四

  There are many interesting things about my childhood in my memory. As long as I think of one interesting thing, I will laugh.

  I remember one time, it was a late night in the summer vacation, and everything was quiet. Our family was sleeping soundly. Suddenly, with a "thump!", the mother with sensitive ears was awakened. The mother shook up the sleeping father and asked him in a panic: "Is there a thief?" The father said, "Where is it?" "No? Is that the son fell on the ground?" The mother said, and the father said vaguely, "I didn't listen? Go to sleep!" Then the mother called me, "Son, did you fall out of bed?" I don't know what happened, Just snore. They didn't hear the response, so they fell asleep. Suddenly, a wild cat woke me up. As soon as I saw that I was sleeping on the ground, I quickly asked my parents to help me make the bed and continue to snore.

  The next day, my mother came to my room to mop the floor. Suddenly, "Blood!" cried my mother, and I ran to it and was also shocked. My mother hurriedly looked at me to see if I was injured. Surprisingly, I was unharmed. I looked at the blood again and saw a dead mosquito lying on the side. It was mosquito blood. It was a false alarm.

  Mom actually said that I rolled out of bed last night and killed this mosquito. Are you funny?

5.有关童年趣事英语作文 篇五

  "Under the banyan tree by the pond, cicadas are crying for summer..." Whenever I hear this song, I will think of those interesting things in my childhood.

  When I was in the second grade, my father and mother were not at home. I was playing at the door. When I saw someone selling cotton candy, many people went to buy it. But I have no money, so I want to go home and make one myself. Back home, I brought cotton, sticks and sugar. I put cotton on the stick, sprinkled sugar, and looked at my masterpiece. I took a bite of it with great interest. Why is it so bad. Doesn't make sense? Did I do something wrong? Or I don't know what to do? At this time, my father came back and I told him the whole story. Dad laughed after listening. Looking at my father's appearance, I'm a bit of a monk - I can't figure it out. My father told me that cotton candy is not cotton plus sugar, but there are other ways. As for how to do it, I don't know.

  Another time, my brother and I were alone at home. My brother said he was thirsty and asked me to brew sugar water for him to drink. I found a cup, opened a kettle, and there was less sugar. I saw some white powder in a white bag. Without thinking about it, I picked it up and poured it into the cup. Then I filled it with boiling water and gave it to my brother. I also made a cup myself. One drink, Bah, Bah, Bah. Why is it so hard to drink. At this time, I heard my mother looking for her washing powder. She heard a voice from our side. She came quickly to have a look. She was a little sad at once. She told us that I took washing powder and could not drink it. At this time, I suddenly realized.

  I can't help laughing at the embarrassing things in my childhood when I think back now!
