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【#英语资源# 导语】童年的趣事一摞摞,童年的趣事一筐筐。下面是®文档大全网整理的《童年趣事英语作文》,希望对你们有帮助!

1.童年趣事英语作文 篇一

  Childhood is a string of colorful notes and a happy nursery rhyme. The years award sharpened the childhood into a piccolo, playing happy and unforgettable memories.

  I remember when my father brought back a big octopus. When I came home hungry, I was greeted with a fragrance. I looked at the octopus: the golden soup held up the brownish octopus meat, which was very attractive under the light of the light. I could not help but drool when I looked at the delicious meal. So I began to "clean up" all over the place, such as the wind sweeping the clouds, and then all of them were wiped out, leaving only a small piece of "meat". I looked at it carefully. It was similar to internal organs. Alas, no matter whether it is three or seven or twenty-one, I swallow the meat with a whimper. So, I looked at my "record" - the plate was empty and completely swept, as if I had experienced a tornado. I belched proudly, patted my stuffed stomach and walked to the sofa.

  After a while. My mother called me. So I went to my mother. As soon as I opened my mouth, my mother pointed at me and laughed.

  "What? What happened to me?" I couldn't understand. Mother looked at me and laughed even more. So I ran to the mirror, didn't see or know, and was startled. Isn't there a "little coal man" with a mouth full of "black paint" in the mirror. There are black things in the mouth and on the tip of the tongue. I grinned and felt like a "clown who ate ink by mistake". My face was full of embarrassment. I mouthed with water and spit out a pile of "black water". Later, I suddenly realized that it was the "ink bag" of octopus.

  Childhood is a crystal ball, from which we can see the carefree and interesting memories; Childhood is also like a lollipop, sweet and fragrant. I can't help laughing when I recall the interesting things in my childhood. Yes, childhood is loaded with many happy words and happy memories.

2.童年趣事英语作文 篇二

  In my memory of growing up, there are many interesting things. They are just like seashells on the sea. But the most memorable thing is the "good" thing I did in my childhood. Now, I can't help laughing.

  When I was very young, I often watched TV at home, but I just didn't understand that every time I watched TV, as soon as I turned on the screen, someone would appear, and as soon as I turned off the screen, people would disappear, and the people inside would never come out. I thought: They have been inside for a long time, don't they want to come out? Someone must have kept them inside and kept them from coming out. If it is true, then I must save them!

  Do as you say. I look for tools everywhere at home and continue to look for more suitable ones whenever I have time. Three days later, we finally found the tools. The next thing to do is to wait. I will act when my parents are not at home. Because if I ask my parents to help me, I will have no credit, so I must wait.

  During that time, I looked forward to my parents going out together every day, so that I could save them earlier. Once, my parents said they would take me to the amusement park. I deliberately said that I wanted to sleep. My father said, "It's rare that my son wants to sleep. Let's go shopping!" My mother repeatedly said, "OK." After they left, I got up immediately and thought, "No one will take my credit now. When they come back later, they will praise me for my ability! I hurriedly took out the hidden tools, turned on the TV, swung the hammer and threw it confidently at the TV. Who knew that the TV had been smashed a big hole, but no one was saved. I was so anxious that I cried.

  In the evening, my parents came back and saw the smoking TV. They were shocked. They looked at the tools on the ground and at me again, and criticized me.

  This stupid thing in my childhood made me realize a profound truth from it - don't do things you don't know and don't know recklessly.

3.童年趣事英语作文 篇三

  Many interesting things in childhood, such as stars, are shining in the memory sky, and the brightest one is our family's trip to the seaside in Qingdao.

  At noon on a summer vacation day, we arrived in Qingdao as we wished. We first came to the "Stone Old Man" beach, where the waves were flat and the sand was fine, the sun was warm, and the sea breeze blew our faces, which was very comfortable. Suddenly, his brother shouted excitedly like Columbus when he discovered the New World: "Come here! Come here!" It turned out that there was a strange stone not far away, like a hunchback old man; Looking closer, it looks like a big turtle. My brother suggested that we compare who can climb this stone, who is the king! We listened, rubbed our hands and were eager to try. My brother held the stone and jumped up like a monkey. But the stone seemed to be tickled and trembling, while the elder brother was like a drunken man, shaking on the stone with a "plop". He fell into the water and splashed several feet high. In this way, we scrambled up the stone one by one, and fell into the water again, with laughter and laughter.

  "Alas, the tide is ebbing, let's go to the sea!" Dad called us, and a group of us went to catch up with the waves. Like a naughty child, the spray kept running towards the sea. When I was exhausted, it suddenly turned around and ran towards me, kissing my little feet. When I bent down to embrace it, it ran away singing again

  At this time, there are many tourists on the beach, some lying on the beach, enjoying sunbathing; Some are digging for small shells... At this time, a voice of "oh, oh" came from a distance. It turned out that the younger brother's foot was caught by a small crab. He sat on the beach in a row and tried desperately to shake his foot off, but could not shake it off. He was so anxious that he was about to cry, and the little crab stared, but did not release the big claw, It seems to be saying, "Who sent you to my territory? Today, let me show you how powerful I am!" We can't help laughing when we see my brother's discomfiture.

  At sunset, we bathed in its afterglow and went home happily.

4.童年趣事英语作文 篇四

  In my colorful childhood life, many interesting things have happened. Like bees and butterflies flying through flowers, like springs flowing through valleys. Every time I recall the story of my childhood, I can't help laughing.

  This happened seven years ago, when I was a three-year-old boy. One day, my father bought two fish and put them in a big pot for dinner. At this time, I saw my mother sweeping the floor, so I grabbed the broom, smiled while sweeping, and fell back. With a plop, I lay in the basin, and my mother hurriedly brought me out. I looked like a drowned rat, crying and laughing. Look at those two fish, struggling on the ground. Another time, it was a scorching summer, and cicadas kept shouting, as if saying, 'It's hot, it's hot.' When I was in the air-conditioned room, my grandmother came in and said, 'This weather can hatch chickens.' Grandma's joke made me take it seriously.

  I rushed into the kitchen, took an egg and put it on the balcony. But after watching for the whole afternoon, the egg remained still. I went to ask my mother, 'Why doesn't it come out?' My mother was dizzy by my sudden question and said, "Who?" "Chicken." I saw that my mother, the second monk, was confused, so I stopped asking. At this time, Grandma found an egg on the balcony. Mother suddenly realized. Smile and say, "What do you think every day? You want to be a hen." My story has become a joke of my family for a long time, but it has also become the past with my childhood. Everyone has some silly things in his childhood. I really want to be silly all the time. Let's grasp our childhood and live each day well.

5.童年趣事英语作文 篇五

  I had a golden childhood, which filled me with memories. The interesting things in childhood are as many as the stars in the sky.

  I still remember that it was a midsummer afternoon when my mother bought a big watermelon from the supermarket. I still remember the appearance of the watermelon. It was so big in my eyes when I was a child, and it was round and full. My mother put it on the table laboriously. In the hot weather, when she saw a big watermelon, she immediately made me swallow, so she asked her mother anxiously when she could eat it?, What is your little greedy cat's hurry? When my father comes back to eat together, I still remember my mother smiling and answering. Then I went into the study reluctantly. I stared at the watermelon and licked my lips, and quarreled with my mother for a second time, but she just didn't agree or said the same. So I puckered up, turned my head and thought of a plan. But when I was young, I was very short and not as tall as the table. So I took advantage of my mother's inattention to quietly move the chair out of the kitchen, crept up to the chair, pushed the watermelon gently with my small hand, and the big watermelon rolled towards the table. At this time, I pretended to be unaware and jumped out of the chair and shouted to my mother, saying that the watermelon was rolling down! As soon as I finished speaking, the watermelon fell to the ground before my mother came out of the kitchen, but it was really broken into eight pieces. So my mother picked up the watermelon, complained, and told me to eat two pieces at once. I was very happy, not to mention how happy I was, while eating the watermelon, showing a proud expression. I thought that my mother was cheated. Jiang is not only old and hot. Then I secretly looked at my mother and found that she didn't see any flaws, so I grinned.

  Think for yourself, am I very naughty in my childhood?
