小学作文my friend英语作文:小学英语作文:以爱为主题的作文Love


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  【篇一】以爱为主题的作文 Love

There are four people in my family. They are my parents, my sister and I. My parents always give us the best things they can provide, but they educate us to be a nice person. My sister and I sometimes will have argument, but we solve it soon and just like nothing happens. This is a classic family, and love is always around. 我们家有四口人,我的父母,我的姐姐和我。我的父母总是把的给了我们,他们也教育我们要做一个好人。我妹妹和我有时会吵架,但我们很快就把问题解决了,就像什么也没发生一样。这是一个典型的家庭,爱无处不在。

  【篇二】冬天 Winter

Most people like autumn, because the weather is cool. For me, I like winter, because snow attracts me all the time. As I live in the southern areas all the time, so I haven’t had the chance to play snow. When winter comes, I want to visit my aunt. She lives in the northern areas, so I can play snow.

  【篇三】我发现了什么 What I Have Found

There is an strange old man who lives near my house. He doesn’t talk much and likes to hang around in the living zone. One day, I saw he searching for something and I was very curious to ask him. He said he was looking for the key. The next day, a boy came to thank the old man for helping him find the key. I find the old man is a nice person.

小学英语作文:以爱为主题的作文 Love.doc
