

时间:2021-07-03 06:00:53 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#高考# 导语】让时间在知识的枝条上、智慧的绿叶上、成熟的果实上留下它勤奋的印痕!想要作文写的好,作文素材是必不可少的 。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《2021高考英语作文素材积累》供您查阅。


  Asthe development of our society, computer has become an necessity of generalfamilies. We students also have more chances to play it or use it in our study.However, everything has two sides. Many students are addicted to computer gamesand spend all their time in playing. Some of them even fail in their study.Therefore, some people argue that playing computer games in harmful to studentsand it should be prohibited strictly. From my point of view, spend some time incomputer games will not do harm to us. Firstly, it won’t cost us much time, soour study and rest will not be influenced. Secondly, all work and no play makeJack a dull boy. Although we are busy in our study, it doesn’t mean that we can’tplay at all. Some games may be good to us to some extent. I think the one thingwe should concern is that we should control ourselves properly. That is to saywe can’t play games all the day. We must keep in mind that games are just for pastimeand our priority is study.



  Now,I am a senior student in high school, who worked so hard in the past two years.As we all know, the study burden of high school students in China is heavy. Therefore,we spend most of our time in study and we have little time to have fun.However, I still consider the days in high school are the greatest, because I developmy strong will, improve my comprehensive abilities and make good friends inhigh school. In daily life, I meet many problems in life and study, but I overcomethem all. In the process, I get improvement. In addition, I develop deep relationshipswith my classmates while we study together. We help each other and makeprogress together. We share our happiness and sorrows and support each other.There is an old saying that a friend in need is a friend indeed. It’s the supportand sharing that make the days cherished.



  In my opinion, reading is of great benefit to us. Forone thing, reading is a good way to make one more intelligent. For another,good habit and active attitude can be formed through it. Just as an old sayinggoes, books are the ladder of human progress. So important are books that weshould attach significance to it.

  I go in for reading foreign literature, such asCelebrity Biography and How the Steel Was Tempered. Coming to know more aboutthe author, I always choose to read something concerning theirs unbelievableexperience and meaningful events. Realizing the value of time and life by them,I show more respect than sympathy to then. I wonder how they keep a positiveattitude towards life.

  I have ever read How the Steel Was Tempered, writtenby Ostrovsky. The hero, Palu, facing unexpected difficulties in life, however,he chose to face bravely but bot to evade. It is his courage that has a strongimpact on me. Now, no matter when and where, I try my best to be brave insteadof being craven and timorous.

  In brief, reading a good book is just like making agood friend. So, don't waste your time. Pick up your book and read it!

