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【#英语资源# 导语】清明节,又称踏青节、行清节、三月节、祭祖节等,节期在仲春与暮春之交。清明节源自上古时代的祖先信仰与春祭礼俗,兼具自然与人文两大内涵,既是自然节气点,也是传统节日。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《有关清明节的英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.有关清明节的英语日记 篇一

  There are many traditional festivals in China, among which the Qingming Festival is my favorite. Because the Qingming Festival is in the growing season of all things, at this time I can go hiking and fly kites. What's more, I can also help my grandmother to make the dough and taste the delicious dough.

  That day, my grandmother and I went to the river to pick wormwood. Grandma reminded me: "The wormwood should be picked from the top, which is tender!" I picked up a wormwood, folded it gently, and the wormwood went into the bag. After picking a large bag of wormwood, I took an iron basin to wash the wormwood just picked, and then my grandmother and I took a rolling pin to beat the wormwood. "Dong Dong......" thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump. After hammering, we threw away the wormwood residue and kept the grass juice for standby.

  It's time to mix dough! I pour butter, milk, eggs and high-gluten flour into an iron bowl and mix them well, then mix the prepared wormwood juice into the mixed dough, and keep rubbing and pressing until the dough looks smooth. Granny pulled the big dough into small ones and kneaded them into round ones. Grandma has already prepared various fillings: bean paste, jujube paste, pickles... I first knead the small dough into a bowl, then put in my favorite fillings, and then close the dough like Grandma. Ha ha, so the Youth League will be ready. When all the green dough is wrapped, Grandma puts the green dough on the Ruo leaves and puts it in a steamer to cook. Wait for about 20 minutes, and the fragrant green dough will come out of the pot.

  It is precisely because of the delicious youth league that I have a special liking for the Qingming Festival.

2.有关清明节的英语日记 篇二

  Every Tomb Sweeping Day, the school will organize some students to go to the revolutionary martyrs' park to visit the tomb. Today I am honored to be a member of the team.

  In the morning, we came to the school early and gathered on the playground. After a while, the headmaster came to us with his car. We were surprised that the headmaster, who usually wore gorgeous and noble clothes, today turned into a "ragpicker" (because he was wearing simple clothes today, he was called "ragpicker") "little old man". We smiled and asked the headmaster, "What's the matter with you?" The headmaster looked serious and said, "Today we are going to sweep the graves of revolutionary martyrs. Why are we dressed so well?" After that, he winked at us again, and we laughed again.

  With that, we got on the bus and came to the tomb of the revolutionary martyrs. We swept the tombs and sacrificed them. I stood in front of the martyr's tomb and thought a lot: our former pioneers, for our good life now; In order to liberate our motherland, he sacrificed his blood and life. What reason do we have to disappoint their hopes? What reason do we have to disappoint their expectations. For the former pioneers; For their parents; In order to support our motherland, we have no reason not to study hard.

  On the Tomb Sweeping Day, everyone was touched by the bravery and fearlessness of the martyrs' memorial.

3.有关清明节的英语日记 篇三

  "During the Qingming Festival, there are many rains, and pedestrians on the road are dying." As the Qingming Festival is approaching, my mother folded bags of gold ingots to pay tribute to the dead relatives.

  On this day, we came to the tomb, put some flowers and burned some paper money to express our missing for our relatives, and prayed silently for them in our hearts.

  At this time, I can't help thinking of the days they used to spend with us. Those pictures are vivid, as if they had just experienced. Thinking of this, we can't help feeling sad and crying. Everyone knelt there and cried, unwilling to leave for a long time.

  When the wind blows, the wild grass in the field "shua shua shua" rings, as if crying for the loss of loved ones; When the wind blew, the leaves on the tree fell down, "whirring", as if crying for the loss of mother; When the wind blew, the dust on the mountain flew down "sand and sand", as if crying for the loss of father

  Tomb-sweeping Day is a special day. It makes me understand that people should cherish life, cherish every minute and every second with their relatives.

4.有关清明节的英语日记 篇四

  On the annual Tomb Sweeping Day, my parents took me back to my hometown in Henan Province to sweep the tombs. On the way, the spring was bright and sunny. On both sides of the highway, there were bright green wheat fields, yellow cauliflower, pink peach blossoms, snow-white pear blossoms. What a beautiful spring!

  The Tomb Sweeping Day in Henan is very grand. Our ancestral tombs are distributed on the beautiful Qingyuan. During the Tomb Sweeping Day, people are all over the mountains and there is a lot of excitement on the mountain. Adults prepared many cakes, Dim sum, fruit drinks, and carried them with shoulder poles in bags. Some children followed with hoes and others with shovels, and the whole family went to the mountain to sweep the tomb together. Tomb sweeping activities are very interesting. Every time we find an ancestral grave, we start busy separately, some weeding, some adding soil, and soon tidy up the weedy grave head a lot. Then we also need to insert the colorful tomb money into the new soil on the grave head, and use a brush to dip in red paint to completely paint the handwriting on the gravestone again, which makes the ancestral grave that has not been repaired for a long time look new.

  The adults took out the offerings and put them in front of the graves, lit incense candles and burned a lot of paper money. These offerings were for the ancestors to eat, and the paper money was for the ancestors to use, indicating the filial piety of our future generations. Finally, everyone should kowtow and worship in turn according to the seniority from the big to the small. Some people still recite words. Look, my cousin said, "Bless my ancestors, let me score five points more in the college entrance exam!" How ridiculous. What's more interesting is that there is a line of words left in the left column of grandpa's tombstone that has not been described. I took up the pen without thinking, and then drew it. In a panic, my father exclaimed, "Don't move!" It turned out that this line of words was reserved for grandma to write after her death. I almost ran into trouble, and immediately knocked four heads in front of grandpa's grave, and the adults laughed with joy

  After sweeping the tomb, we were all tired and limped down the mountain, but this day was really meaningful. The Tomb Sweeping Day made me pay some respect to our ancestors and also strengthened the kinship between my cousin and me.

5.有关清明节的英语日记 篇五

  Mixed with a few poems from the Tang Dynasty, the Qingming Festival is just like a light rain of apricot blossoms, which is coming hazily.

  I followed the crowd up the hill slowly. There are so many graves on both sides of the mountain path that I feel very complicated. These people in the tomb, like us, lived, tired, loved, hated, proud and frustrated, but now only one stone tablet hides in the weeds to describe his glory and tears.

  Looking into the distance, I saw a pool sleeping between two mountains. Feng Shui is very good.

  If Chinese people buy a house or other land, they will always ask Mr. Feng Shui to come to Feng Shui. Feng Shui is good for their children, and the older generation will feel secure. In the old man's mind, ego is secondary. What matters is that as a drop of the stream of life, the river and sea can flow away forever, and the waves are magnificent. Connect the city with the sky and become a dynamic eternity! With such thoughts, wouldn't there be footnotes for thousands of people to worship the mountains and sweep the tombs of the nation?

  There are more and more residents on the mountain. Fortunately, it has nothing to do with me. Since I was born, I have never experienced the separation of relatives. For those ancestors who have already slept peacefully and turned into a piece of loess, I thank them in my heart for giving me life. In addition, it is difficult to find any sense of pain in the heart. Only on the Tomb Sweeping Day can we go back to burn incense and offer sacrifices. Recall that an old man fed me, an aunt held me, and an old man saved me from adversity... All kinds of past events ferment over the years, and the more mellow they become.

  Yes, more and more people are leaving, but the vitality is not gone. You see, every Qingming Festival, isn't the crowd in the four fields getting more and more turbulent? In front of the tomb and behind the tomb, they bent over to weed, bowed their heads and prayed silently, or talked with each other for a long time, or burned incense to worship. Looking down the hill, people were worshipping in front of each grave. This is a procession of pilgrims, and the whole nation is involved in it. To worship our ancestors is the traditional belief and the strength of China. On the Qingming Festival, it has been drifting for thousands of years. The ferry boats are sailing in the sea of time and years. They tell us that the Sri Lankan people are waiting for us in the loess to get rid of the dust and settle down.

  This epiphany made me feel happy. A column of incense, pious prostration, smoke spread on the hillside.
