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【#英语资源# 导语】回眸,成长,这真是从一个世界中又到另一个世界里的故事,如梦一般,好漫长。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Everything in the world is growing_ On the spiritual growth, growth is always accompanied by happiness. I grow up because of happiness.

  During the winter vacation, I stay at home and play computer games bored every day, so I spend my time. There is no slightest value. Suddenly one day, an idea popped up in my mind that is to learn a skill. What do you want to learn? Wouldn't it be useless to grow up so old that you can't even cook a dish? So I went to learn how to cook. I hurriedly turned off my computer and rushed into the kitchen. When I set up the pot, I remembered what to cook? Yes, just make scrambled eggs. Use this dish to improve my lunch.

  I planned the first step first and then. But things are not as good as they think. In reality, it's a mess. All of a sudden, the sound of pots and pans on this side rang out, and chickens were flying and eggs were beating on that side. What a scene of havoc in heaven. This side is finally ready. Fire, boom! It turned out that the gate of the gas stove opened and sent out a huge tongue of fire. It made me tremble. I comfort myself in this way. After all, this is the first time that some mistakes are inevitable. Calm down, calm down. My heart soon calmed down. Step by step, I began to cook for the first time in my life. First, put the oil in it for about ten minutes, and then the oil became hot and made a sound of zlazzla. When I looked carefully, I could see small yellow oil droplets opening their claws in the pot, which made me afraid. I thought in my heart what it would be like if one of them splashed on my face. Although the heart is afraid, the action on the hand dare not delay a moment. Slowly pour the evenly stirred eggs into the pot, stir fry the eggs with a spatula when they are almost ripe, and finally pour them out of the pot into the plate.

  Looking at that plate of sweet scrambled eggs, chopsticks do not go under the mouth. Thinking about this practical experience in my heart makes me deeply realize that the principle of "do it yourself, get enough food and clothing" also makes me happy in practice. Although this skill is simple, it also taught me a survival skill and made my parents no longer worry about my diet. Use happiness to have plenty of time, not sink to kill time. This practical experience makes me feel that I have grown up and found the truth of happiness in the process of growing up.


  There is no mountain higher than man, and there is no road farther than feet. Life is a journey of constant exploration and growth. What we write down during the journey is the blooming of the flower of friendship, the gushing of the fountain of courage, the smiling face of friends and the happy smiling face of relatives; We cheered at the moment of success, did not lose heart at the time of failure, did not fear the hard road ahead, and went forward bravely. Crying, laughing, sadness and joy in memory are the most beautiful scenery in the journey of life.

  Looking back, the perception and understanding of growth in the past years is the most precious thing in life, and happiness has always been around.

  In my memory, there are many precious memories, but only one thing impressed me most. From my birth to now, sixteen years have passed in a hurry. Up to now, I am still confused and don't know the direction. I always thought that no one understood myself and allowed myself to degenerate, but one person once woke me up, that is my sister who is connected with my flesh and blood.

  My sister is very powerful. My relatives compare me with her, but I can't compare with her. My heart is gradually dissatisfied with her. Until that year, she was admitted to the University, will be far away from home, she left a letter to me.

  I don't remember what was written in the letter very clearly. I only vaguely remember her saying, "I know you tried hard, but you didn't insist enough. Maybe you think the whole world doesn't understand you. I can only tell you that you close the castle in your heart, don't let others in, and don't go out. How can we know you. I understand you and know your confusion about the future. Believe in yourself and your parents. Don't hold everything in your heart. You have to remember that we are all connected with you. " I remember only the general meaning, perhaps sister's original words is not so, but also not much difference.

  I still remember that after reading this letter, I hid in the quilt and cried for a long time. My eyes were red and swollen. It was moving tears.

  Here, I want to say that family members are always thinking about you. When doing something, they should think more about their family members and don't let them feel sad for you.

  Looking back at our growth, we all have many beautiful memories. Write down the most precious memories you think and share them with you.


  Take a nap on the road of life. When I wake up, I don't see the young and naive me. ——Inscrip tion

  Leaning against the window, looking up at the intoxicating sky, miss the good time... I waved my pen and began to think about everything after I went to high school.

  There are countless ups and downs on the road of growth, which is destined to defeat ourselves. When I was a freshman in senior high school, I was not very good at mathematics. I often saw the figure of a mathematics teacher dancing flexibly on the blackboard and heard the sound of writing on the blackboard like a fine insect chewing. I always had a few wires of anxiety and impatience in my heart, so that I was always in poor condition in mathematics class later. Still clearly remember the conversation with the teacher, "hate iron but not steel", the voice is gentle, but it reveals a kind of teacher's unique dignity. His broad smile like the sky moved me. Every word flashed a soft light and encouraged me. Recalling the teacher's words repeatedly, my heart began to roll waves, I carefully stare at me in the mirror, that is about to break out of the cocoon of the butterfly, it seems that as long as you break away from the past constraints of the pupa shell, you can become a beautiful butterfly. My vision suddenly became bright. There was no cloud in the blue sky, facing the light of tomorrow. Since then, I gradually became interested in mathematics, and after the baptism, I perked up and continued to move forward. Looking at the rapid progress of mathematics, I smile silently, I grow up bit by bit.

  There is a long way to grow up, from ignorance to ignorance, from young frivolity to maturity. See that pile of papers, will frown, like a tired pony. I'm tired of doing the topic. I'll stretch out_ With a sound, pick up the pen and move on. Time is running out, and the full sprint stage is imminent. For some reason, the students in the class suddenly became quiet. In the past, the rich and warm atmosphere was quietly eliminated. The class, which is always full of laughter, seems to have a trace of tragedy. Miss the past, but don't regret the efforts now, just for tomorrow will be better.

  Growing up, we will also hide in a corner to escape from reality because of setbacks. Do you remember those compositions when you first entered school? Naive and ignorant? Or refuse to work hard? Face the teacher's criticism, deeply reflect, clearly understand yourself and improve yourself. With the help of teachers and unremitting efforts, the composition has been greatly improved. Looking back on the original fork, it seems to be covered with dense thorns, but also mottled with my shadow of yesterday, wipe off the residual tears on my face, let the smile climb up my face, remember the past, and make unremitting efforts for tomorrow!

  Whenever night comes slowly, the noise of the day gradually disappears. In the hazy night, I often fall into boundless memories. In the memory, the bitterness, failure and efforts will always be carefully collected by me. Growing up in those bits of memory, recording the pain, but also engraved with joy, along the road of growth, step by step, to be the purest and truest self.

