

时间:2024-06-13 18:38:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】说母语的人,尤其是商务人士,打电话的时候说话语速都很快。下面是一些实用的小贴士可以让母语是英语的人放慢说话的速度。欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

* Immediately ask the person to speak slowly.

* 直接请这个人慢点说。

* When taking note of a name or important information, repeat each piece of information as the person speaks.

* 记录一个名字或者重要信息的时候,打电话的人说一句你就重复一句。

This is an especially effective tool. By repeating each important piece of information or each number or letter as the spell or give you a telephone number you automatically slow the speaker down.


* Do not say you have understood if you have not. Ask the person to repeat until you have understood.

* 如果没听懂就别说你懂了。让这个人重复一下直到你懂了。

Remember that the other person needs to make himself/herself understood and it is in his/her interest to make sure that you have understood. If you ask a person to explain more than twice they will usually slow down.


* If the person does not slow down begin speaking your own language!

* 如果这个人还不放慢语速你就开始说你的母语。(这招狠!)

A sentence or two of another language spoken quickly will remind the person that they are fortunate because THEY do not need to speak a different language to communicate. Used carefully, this exercise in humbling the other speaker can be very effective. Just be sure to use it with colleagues and not with a boss :-)!


