

时间:2021-08-22 00:06:50 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】作文是另一种方式的与人交流,在倾诉中宣泄情感,陶冶性情,平静心灵,还可以获得精神上的收获,写作能让作者获得一种满足感和成就感,这种感受是作者写作中的收获。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Early in the morning, I came to the suburbs and picked many wild chrysanthemums. Quietly walked to the window of the teacher's office and inserted some tender wild chrysanthemums into the pen holder near the window. I saw something on the teacher's desk. Which doesn't explain the hard work that teachers pay for us day and night?

  Over the past few years, teachers have taught us knowledge, helped us set up lofty ideals, taught us politeness, and trained us from an ignorant child to an excellent young pioneer. But the teacher's head has added silver. Whenever I see some silver, my heart is always full of infinite respect for the teacher. How much love and care the teacher gave me!

  Once, I was ill and didn't have class for a few days. It was our teacher who held my tired body to give me remedial lessons after school, so that my academic performance did not decline. I am very grateful to my teacher and secretly determined to study hard to repay my teacher.

  Teacher, you have been engaged in education for 30 years. For decades, you have been busy giving classes to your classmates during the day, preparing lessons at night and correcting your homework late at night. Long term fatigue, your eyes spent. But you didn't work in vain. The students you taught are really rich all over the world: some went to college, and some are holding important jobs in their own posts.

  You are so passionate about your education, so serious and responsible for your work, and so concerned about your classmates.

  Teacher, your students love you deeply from the bottom of their heart! I wish you a happy Teacher's Day!


  September 10 is the festival of our teachers - hard gardeners.

  "What gift should I give?" I thought. Suddenly, an idea flashed through my mind. That's right! It's flowers!

  So I bathed in the morning wind and came to the grass. WOW! There are many wild flowers here! I picked a lot of wild chrysanthemums and some small purple wild flowers.

  I came to the office and opened the door. Ha ha, what a wonderful opportunity! There is no one in the office. I crept into the office and looked left and right for fear that the teacher would suddenly appear in front of me. After about two minutes, the teacher still didn't show up. At this time, I had the courage to insert the flowers into the teacher's pen, and I was very happy.

  Then, as soon as I looked at the teacher's desk, my happy mood immediately disappeared. The shabby pen holder, reading glasses, the open lesson plan and the ink bottle that forgot to cover all show that teachers are bent on education and only for us.

  Seeing the globe, I fell into the ocean of reverie. The globe symbolizes the earth where we live. It records the development of human civilization history! Teacher, you are so familiar with it. Doesn't it symbolize your profound knowledge?

  There is half a bottle of ink in front of the globe. Teacher, how many lesson plans have you written and how many students' homework have you corrected with this thick ink!

  The reading glasses on the table are shining at this time. Teacher, you have been engaged in education for many years and your eyes are tired. However, your hard work is not in vain. Isn't that batch after batch of excellent students the result of your labor?

  Here, I wish all the teachers in the world years and health forever. The fragrance of wild chrysanthemum floats away with my wish


  September, a cool season, a vigorous' season, a season of gratitude. The long summer vacation has passed and a new semester is coming. On this beautiful day, we ushered in the first festival of this semester - teacher's Day!

  This year's teacher's Day is just Monday. The students came to the school early. Several of the most funny boys began to "show their talents" and became busy. A man organized * to draw on the blackboard. The others closed the curtains and turned off the lights to create an atmosphere. Even the students who sell flowers are arranged into a bouquet team. The cadre of my class looked at these boys busy. They really looked like a deputy leader! But it'll show up soon. "Oh, I haven't painted here yet!" the curtain is leaking again! "And so on. They are busy one after another! Gradually, there was a faint sound of footsteps in the corridor. We quickly calmed down. As soon as the teacher pushed the door, we shouted, "Happy Teacher's Day!" and sent the prepared gifts one after another. I could clearly see the teacher's serious flashing tears.

  When raising the national flag, we solemnly salute the national flag. At the same time, we are also saluting the teacher.

  Teacher, we see and feel your greatness and commonness. You never care what you get or lose, because you deeply understand what you are giving and what you are gaining. This is the result of life value and happiness that can not be calculated by any number!

  Teacher's day, let's sincerely say, happy Teacher's Day! Teacher, you worked hard!

