
时间:2021-08-02 10:38:10 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】“中国梦”与“个人梦”唇齿相依。我们追逐自己的梦,本身就构成了“中国梦”的一块块基石。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  hello everyone!

  The title of my speech is: "my educational dream, the dream of peach and plum fragrance".

  Only when there is a dream can there be innovation, and only when there is a dream can there be a future“ To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation since modern times, which is the "Chinese dream".

  In the spring of 20XX, because dreams become passionate, because dreams become extremely heavy. Carrying the pursuit and heavy trust of hundreds of millions of people, "China dream" deeply stirs the hearts of every Chinese. Dream, future; Pursue and work hard; Prosperity, happiness

  Yes, it is because of the dream that we go through the ups and downs and still move forward. It is because of the dream that we go through the vicissitudes and remain confident.

  170 years ago, when imperialist gunboats opened the door of the Chinese nation, the Chinese people had a dream, a great dream of national rejuvenation.

  Today, in the new historical journey of realizing this great dream, Xi affectionately expounds the "Chinese dream", casting the yesterday, today and tomorrow of the Chinese nation in the historical picture of China's vicissitudes and great changes in more than 100 years, and showing the hard course of several generations of people's struggle for national rejuvenation, which makes people feel sad and urge people to make progress!

  China has a dream, so do I“ "Chinese dream" is closely related to personal dream. With the prosperity of the "Chinese dream", we have the freedom to realize our dreams. The realization of thousands of individual dreams is the realization of "China dream".

  As an ordinary teacher, "we shoulder the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the happiness of thousands of families and the future of every child.". Every student who comes to the school is entrusted by his family and has a beautiful dream. As a teacher, let parents satisfaction, let children dream come true, is our persistent pursuit, eternal dream!

  I dream that every student has a solid foundation, quick thinking and excellent potential;

  I dream that every student has a healthy attitude, good habits and strong physique;

  I dream that every student can show the youth and beauty of our Donggang students with rich cultural heritage, noble moral sentiment and positive attitude towards life!

  The realization of the dream requires us to pay love. Teaching is a profession with the theme of love; Love is the most beautiful language of teachers. My colleagues and I will take our own actions, love students wholeheartedly, try our best to cultivate students, and strictly require students to be sincere and kind. To love students, we should appreciate their advantages and let them continue to pursue the height of life; To love students, we should correct their mistakes and let them rekindle the spark of life wisdom; To love students is to enter their spiritual world, to be their mentor, to feel their joys, sorrows and joys... To water them with love, to influence them with true feelings, to enlighten them with wisdom, to edify them with personality, to shape them with ideals, and to shape these lives full of hope and dreams! For a dream of peach and plum fragrance, we are willing to fight for life!

  Life is like a boat, dream is a sail. China, the great ship of the East, has sailed through the wind and waves! The oars of history have been handed over to each and every one of us. Practice the spirit, let the party flag more bright, let the dream come true early! To this end, as educators, we want to make a loud declaration: let's care for innocence with love, grow up with wisdom, open our hearts with sincerity, let's hope to fly our dreams, work silently with our hands, and hold up the sun of tomorrow together!


  Ladies and gentlemen

  hello everyone!

  To be a teacher is the greatest happiness of my life. Because this is my childhood dream, now, it can be said that the dream has come true.

  Mr. Liang Qichao said: Youth wisdom, then national wisdom! Strong youth, strong country! The youth is more powerful than the earth, the country is more powerful than the earth! Education is "the cheapest national defense", the most unique and important wealth of a country, and the most stable and sustainable strength of a nation“ We should strive to make education satisfactory to the people. This is the Chinese dream of the Chinese people. However, "Chinese dream" and "personal dream" are closely related, so this is also my educational dream.

  Mr. ringer said: educator's education, like water, infiltrates all things without words. Education is to put oneself in the position of "useless" life, and finally realize "useless for great use".

  Once said such a sentence to the student: remembering is painful and happy. I often think that pain and happiness are inseparable from a pair of good friends, love, work, honor, wealth and so on. People are always unable to meet the status quo. In the material world, the more we have, the more we lose.

  However, dreams cannot be lost. If people have no dreams, then life is bleak. Dream is the search for young people going to the west tower alone; It is Yi's Thoughts on the water side; It's coffee with jasmine fragrance; Is a beautiful and thought-provoking ballad, urge people up!

  When I first stepped onto the platform, I often encountered confusion in teaching and occasionally conflicts between teachers and students. I was confused, disappointed and asked myself whether I should give up. For teaching, I keep improving. If there is something wrong with it, I regret it and change it immediately; For students, I am active, but also passive in the pursuit of teaching, let me physically and mentally tired. This kind of self closed education, with a low-key melody, played my distressed, sad, but powerful dream of education. Master said to me: it's not a mountain, it's life that needs climbing; It's not the abyss, it's the self that needs to be crossed.

  Three feet platform, there are familiar, friendly, constant childlike innocence, four years of experience, created a new me, less the past immature, strange, more confident, independent.

  Education is a way, not a technology. The real education is to find a vivid education strategy suitable for students, so that "there is no sword in the hand, but a sword in the heart".

  I often ask myself, "what am I going to teach my students?"

  A few years ago, I would have answered: knowledge. Now, I would say, "happiness.". So, what is happiness? Happiness is the fragrance of students' soul, the three petaled flowers of teachers, and the wisdom of my questions and answers in class. I used to treat the general successful experience in the society with two attitudes: disapproval; Try to follow suit. Of course, the result is unsatisfactory, because only the wisdom generated from their own students or children is the real wisdom. My wisdom is: put yourself in a low place, in order to accept all rivers. This is the most "happy attitude" of teachers.

  As an old saying goes: "watch the sunset to realize its impermanence, watch the clouds to realize its volume, watch the mountains to realize its spirit, watch the rivers and seas to realize its vastness..." learning is important to understand by heart, but not by understanding.

  The secret of education is "three teaching, seven grades", a beautiful and happy "low attitude". My education dream, pretty also does not fight for spring, only the spring to report, when the romantic flowers, I laugh in the cluster.

  "Chinese dream", a dream of history, modern and future! My dream of education is to go through the yesterday when "the road is as strong as iron", cross the today when "the right way in the world is vicissitudes", and go to the tomorrow when "there will be a time when the wind blows and the waves break".

  Ten thousand years is too long, seize the day! May our great motherland be prosperous and strong, and may every dream come true for you!

  My speech is over, thank you!


  Good afternoon, teachers and parents

  I'm glad to stand here as a parent to express my concern for my children. I also have my own Hongyuan for my children. I hope they are healthy and happy; I hope they are outstanding in all aspects. But I love them more. My theme is: give children a future of their own.

  We used to kiss each other, didn't we? At that time, I looked at other people's "lollipops" and new clothes; At Liu Xiang's speed, he turned off the TV, went back to his seat and pretended to be a good boy; He was educated to lie and fight; It's more serious education because of bad grades! In such an environment, do we meet the requirements of our parents and are we happy? Do we laugh at ourselves in memory?

  For us, everything is no longer important. Because we have already passed! But for our children, their future belongs only to them. We are just guides!

  Compared with before the cultural revolution, the material is more and more abundant. Teaching tools, children's daily necessities, food richness and other aspects are not comparable. However, since the reform and opening up, has our education improved? Are we still leading the way? The abundance of material brings us great convenience. In the material aspect, we can give more to our children. However, everything is not all, not the reason why we ask him to grow up according to the track we set! Their future only belongs to them, what they need is our guidance!

