

时间:2023-03-03 11:54:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. ___________________________ (批评与自我批评是非常必要的)in that it helps us to find and correct our mistakes.
  2. Frequently single-parent children take on some of the functions that _________________________ (这些义务本来由他的父亲或母亲履行的).
  3. Despite __________________________ (机票涨价),most people still prefer to travel by plane.
  4. ___________________________ (工人们的要求是适度的),they only asked for a small raise in their wages.
  5. __________________________ (我宁愿出来找工作)instead of moping around here every day.
  1. Criticism and self-criticism is necessary (批评与自我批评是非常必要的)in that it helps us to find and correct our mistakes. (本题考查名词用法。了解了“批评”和“自我批评”的表达法之后直译就可以了。题干中的in that意为“由于,因为”)
  2. Frequently single-parent children take on some of the functions that the absent adult in the house would have served (这些义务本来由他的父亲或母亲履行的)
  3. Despite the increase in airfares (机票涨价),most people still prefer to travel by plane.
  (本题考查despite的用法,despite 考试&大意思是“尽管,不顾”,后面接名词或名词性词组)
  4. The workers’ demands were moderate (工人们的要求是适度的),they only asked for a small raise in their wages.
  5. I would rather go out to look for a job (我宁愿出来找工作)instead of moping around here every day.
  (本题考查短语结构,would rather+动词原形,表示“宁愿”)

