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【CET6】【电脑用户】→点击进入免费试听>>四六级考试课程! 211.maritime ['mærɪtaɪm]
a. 海洋的,海运的,海事的
✎ 示例:
Over on Maritime Community there was an article about Ship Spares In Transit and what the term means. 在海洋界,有一个条约是关于运输中的船用备件以及此条款的定义。
212. maternal [mə'tɜːn(ə)l]
a. 母亲的,母系的
✎ 示例:
I have no desire to have a child, no maternal or paternal instinct. 我没有想要孩子的意愿,没有母性的或父性的本能。
213.medication [medɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]
✎ 示例:
And always, we think about a medication treatment for each and every problem. 往往我们每遇到一个问题都会想到药物治疗。
214.mentor ['mɛn'tɔr]
n.①导师 ②顾问
✎ 示例:
Pick one program, course or mentor you resonate with, and stick with it. 选择一个方案、课程或与你有共鸣的良师益友,并坚持下去。
215.merchandise ['mɜːtʃ(ə)ndaɪz]
✎ 示例:
We delivered the merchandise to them. 我们把货物送交给他们。
216.metabolism [mɪ'tæbəlɪz(ə)m]
✎ 示例:
All living matter undergoes a process of metabolism. 一切生物都有新陈代谢。
217.metaphor ['metəfə]
✎ 示例:
This metaphor is very appropriate. 这个隐喻很贴切。
218.meticulous [mə'tɪkjələs]
✎ 示例:
He was meticulous in his use of words. 他用词很谨慎。
219.mindset ['maɪn(d)set]
✎ 示例:
I try to have a positive mindset, and keep my mind focused on what I have to do. 我努力保持一个乐观的心态,并让我的思想集中在我必须做什么上面。
220.monarchy ['mɒnəki]
✎ 示例:
People are going to be questioning the role of the monarchy more and more. 人们会越来越多地质疑君主制的作用。
221.monotony [mə'nɒt(ə)ni]
✎ 示例:
This is a good way to develop new interests, and friends and to break up the monotony of everyday life. 这是一个发展新的兴趣,结交朋友和打破每天的单调生活的好办法。
222.morale [mə'rɑːl]
✎ 示例:
Morale perked up immediately at the good news. 听到这个好消息,士气立刻振作起来。
223.mow [məʊ]
✎ 示例:
They mowed the field so as to provide the cattle with fodder. 他们把地里的草割下来以便为牛提供饲料。
224.nap [næp]
n.①打盹 ②短绒毛vi.打盹
✎ 示例:
I usually take a nap after lunch. 我午饭后通常要小睡一会儿。
225.navigate ['nævɪgeɪt]
✎ 示例:
She is the first woman who navigates a sail crossing the English Channel. 她是迄今为止驾船横渡英吉利海峡的第一位女性。
226.negligent ['neɡlɪdʒənt]
✎ 示例:
Mr. Brown was found guilty of negligent driving. 布朗先生被判疏忽驾驶罪。
227.oar [ɔː]
✎ 示例:
The roaring oar hit the coarse keyboard on the cupboard aboard the boat. 轰鸣的桨击中了船上碗柜上的粗糙键盘。
228.observatory [əb'zɜːvət(ə)rɪ]
✎ 示例:
An observatory on the back side of the Moon would be a giant leap for astronomy, but there is a far more important reason to return. 即使仅仅在月球的背面设置一个天文台,也将为天
229.obsess [əb'ses]
✎ 示例:
They were obsessed by her song. 他们都被她的歌声迷住了。
230.obstruct [əb'strʌkt]
vt.①阻塞 ②阻挡,妨碍
✎ 示例:
The heavy rain obstructed our view. 大雨挡住了我们的视线。
231.opaque [ə(ʊ)'peɪk]
a.①(液体等)不透明的 ②难懂的
✎ 示例:
Unlike the other two types, this is not an opaque type; its structure is documented. 与另外两个类型不同,这是一个透明的类型;其结构在文档中有介绍。
232.ordeal [ɔː'diːəl]
✎ 示例:
And that can be an ordeal for the child, and of course, for the parents or the nurses who were looking after him. 这对于孩子是一种折磨,当然,对于照顾他的父母和医护人员也是如此。
233.orphan ['ɔːf(ə)n]
✎ 示例:
He was an orphan, he had no family, and he was on his first long voyage at sea.他是孤儿,没有家人,这是他首次出海远航。
234.outlaw ['aʊtlɔː]
✎ 示例:
The bill would have outlawed several types of guns. 这项法案将几种枪列为非法枪支。
235.overhaul ['ovɚhɔl][,əʊvə'hɔːl]
✎ 示例:
This engine needs an overhaul. 这台发动机需要大修。
236.override [,ovɚ'raɪd]
vt.①否决 ②凌驾
✎ 示例:
As a matter of fact, his remarks overrode your motion. 事实上,他的评论否决了你的提议。
237.panorama [,pænə'ræmə]
n.①全景 ②综合研究
✎ 示例:
From the inside the guests will be able to appreciate the panorama of the snow mountain under any weather condition. 从内部游客可以欣赏雪山的全景,无论在任何天气状况下。
238.pant [pænt]
✎ 示例:
The dog was panting because of the hot weather. 因为天热这只狗不停地喘气。
239.paradigm ['pærədaɪm]
n.①范例 ②词形变化表
✎ 示例:
However, the space shuttle paradigm is only one model of space travel. 无论如何,航天飞机的范例只是太空旅行的一种模式。
240.parish ['pærɪʃ]
n.①教区 ②(英国)郡以下的行政区
✎ 示例:
I'll discover the parish of that parishioner. 我会找到这个教民所属的教区。