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【#英语资源# 导语】无论是春夏秋冬,无论是雨雪风霜,无论多么艰难,军人们始终坚守在自己的岗位,默默的为国家安宁坐着贡献。建军节,祝福送给最可爱的人,愿他们一生平安!以下是©文档大全网整理的军人建军节英语演讲稿【三篇】,希望对您有所帮助。


  Dear leaders, dear comrades in arms

  How do you do!

  When I was very young, I was looking forward to entering your ranks one day. Now, although he has white hair, he still often receives your charge in his dream. In your invincible hero team, in your invincible powerful force, I repose all the ideals, life and emotions of an ordinary soldier.

  You have gone through the glorious journey of XX years, the blood of countless martyrs, washed and dyed the flag of victory; The expectation of hundreds of millions of people holds up the glorious military emblem. The August day is the totem of my life forever.

  In the mighty iron current, I saw the great deeds of my father's generation. It was they who made great contributions in fighting for the liberation of the nation and the freedom of the people.

  On the extraordinary journey, I heard the powerful footnotes of my comrades in arms and me, and vowed to give our youth and life for the rise of China and the peace of generations.

  You shape me with your fearless spirit, so that I can feel the motherland and the world, war and peace, the times and the people, responsibility and mission with a broader mind and broader vision.

  You edify me with your courage and determination, so that I can master the technology, tactics and art of information warfare with more conscious will and more tenacious strength.

  There was also hesitation, but in the end, he still stood loyally under the banner of Bayi army; There have been painful helplessness, however, and finally firmly embarked on the motherland designated sentry. Experienced how many bumpy, experienced how much snow, rain, wind and frost, a set of military uniform full of dust, is enough to let us overcome difficulties and win!

  You didn't give me a high position, nor did you give me too much promise, but you gave me courage, tenacity and loyalty. You taught me that responsibility is not sacrifice, but honor; Sacrifice is not loss, but creation. You make the melody of my youth so high and exciting; You have made my life so simple.

  Waves and fire make me purer and stronger. I don't know how to repay your nurturing kindness. I don't know whether I can repay your forging love. All I can say to you is the oath deeply engraved in my heart - to love you forever!


  Dear leaders, dear comrades in arms

  How do you do!

  In my mind, there is a picture of a group of young people in green uniforms fighting on the battlefield full of gunpowder, throwing their heads and blood to defend the motherland. I have always felt that soldiers should hold a steel gun and fight in the battlefield. They should use their lives to compose their loyalty to the motherland. However, when we saw the snow disaster and the Wenchuan earthquake, the armed police soldiers pulled up the buried people with their hands. I also felt that the soldiers could use their hands to save our people.

  With the ambition of serving the country and defending the people, I bid farewell to my dear hometown, put on a brand-new military uniform, and come to the military family with the entrustment of my relatives. In front of the glittering national emblem, I solemnly swear: "I will compose my loyalty to the motherland on the guard tower."

  Dong Cunrui sacrificed his life to blow up the blockhouse, turning the loyalty of the soldiers into a loud noise; Huang Jiguang bravely blocked the loophole and turned the loyalty of soldiers into a leap; Wang Wei intercepted the invaders and turned the loyalty of the soldiers into a fight in the air... The loyalty of the soldiers is the immortal soul of a country and the unyielding backbone of a nation. My loyalty is the small guard tower under my feet. What he protects is the safety of soil and water.

  As a soldier, being in a military camp, I worry about the world. He has a strong sense of national self-esteem, self-confidence and pride. He always thinks that the Chinese nation can not be bullied and the territory of the motherland can not be lost. Although a guard tower is nothing, it will become an insurmountable steel fortress for criminals and a security barrier for reform, opening up and socialist modernization. Once the country's sovereignty, security and unity are challenged and violated, every officer and soldier will resolutely stand up and continue to write a new generation of victorious chapter of serving the country with enthusiasm and life.

  When the international situation is changing, the soldiers have built a solid defense line against corruption and degeneration in the complex environment with their boundless loyalty to the party; When the enemy invaded the motherland, the soldiers built the great wall of steel to defend the dignity and territorial integrity of the motherland with their boundless loyalty to the motherland in the smoke of blood and people; When the flood was raging, the soldiers built the mainstay of protecting people's life and property with their boundless loyalty to the people in the turbulent waves; When it's late at night, we are holding steel guns and telling our loyalty in the post.

  The loyalty of soldiers is the blood boiling in blood vessels and the fresh soul in life. With their boundless loyalty to the party, the motherland and the people, the soldiers lie on the snow and climb the ice on the snowy plateau, sleep in the wind and sleep in the lonely frontier, march through the vast sky, break through the clouds and fog, and plough the waves on the vast blue sea... The loyalty of the soldiers is a silent poem and a magnificent painting.

  When the flowers are in full bloom, the loyalty of soldiers is the warm spring breeze written on the earth; In the dead of night, the loyalty of soldiers is the sweet fruit written in people's sleep; When the war broke out at the border, the loyalty of the soldiers was a hot-blooded poem written in the hail of bullets; When the pigeons are released in the morning, the loyalty of the soldiers is written on the green olive branch in the sunlight

  As soldiers, we have different missions. Because we carry the police rank on our shoulders and the national emblem on our heads, we have a duty called commitment and a duty called dedication.

  For the sake of the peace of the motherland and the stability of the society, when people are immersed in the sweet dream, we should guard against sticking to the sentry post; When our peers are enjoying "natural and unrestrained" in the colorful karaoke hall, we have to patrol the streets against the wind and rain. Hard military life and heavy duty make it difficult for us to fulfill the filial piety of our children, enjoy the happiness of our family and take care of our family. This spirit of sacrifice and dedication is also worthy of respect.

  In today's grim situation, in the face of disaster, although we did not personally go to the front line, it is our mission to stick to our posts, and it is our duty to stand every sentry well. When the motherland needs me, as a soldier, I will not hesitate to put my everything, including life.

  In the Spring Festival, although we can't get together with our families, we stand on the sentry post with steel guns in hand to protect the people's living and working in peace and contentment.

  On the night of XX, although we can't see a historic moment, our hearts beat with our motherland and cheered with the people.

  Thank you!


  Dear leaders and comrades in arms

  hello everyone!

  I believe we all have a touching sentence in the TV series "soldier assault": "don't abandon, don't give up." This sentence is very impressive. It completely expresses the military feelings of our soldiers. This slogan "don't abandon, don't give up" is regarded as the soul of the army by the seventh steel company. Xu Sanduo has done it. He is successful and lucky. Compared with Xu Sanduo's "don't give up", one kind of giving up is more moving.

  Shi Jin took off his beloved military uniform in order to make Xu Sanduo get more exercise in the monitor's position; In order not to drag down the comrades in arms, smile in front of the finish line and ring the help bomb in hand; Gan Xiaoning refused the ration that Xu Sanduo gave him and calmly withdrew from the selection; After being discovered by Gao Cheng, Ma Xiaoshuai rejected the "good intentions" of the former company commander and used giving up to prove that he had "the bone of steel seven company".

  Shijin gave up, Wu Liuyi gave up, Gan Xiaoning gave up, Ma Xiaoshuai gave up, chose to give up, they have no regrets, no regrets, no regrets, what we see is the sunshine like smile on their faces. Less joy of success, and more people from the bottom of their hearts moved and respect.

  Some people say that the word "give up" is not in the military dictionary; However, in fact, soldiers who do not give up on the battlefield know better the meaning of giving up when the motherland and people need it.

  Zhu De, he long and Ye Ting resolutely gave up their high positions for their ideals and joined in the revolution, which started the first shot of Nanchang Uprising; Deng Jiaxian and Qian Xuesen gave up for the benefit of the country, and resolutely devoted themselves to the cause of national defense scientific research of the motherland, supporting the unyielding backbone of the nation with their life-long efforts; Dong Cunrui and Huang Jiguang gave up their lives at the critical moment and opened up the way for their comrades in arms with their own bodies; Today, in the era of peace, the soldiers who stick to their posts in the border defense of the motherland are far away from the red and the red. They give up their small families to take care of everyone and protect their youth and blood for the prosperity of the motherland and the rejuvenation of the nation.

  Now when I enter the military camp, put on my uniform and become a revolutionary soldier, I finally understand why the seemingly contradictory words "don't give up" and "know how to give up" can be so perfectly integrated in the soldiers.

  As soldiers, we are not afraid to give up our lives for the sake of national security; For the happiness of the people, we do not hesitate to give up our youth; In order to win, we don't care about personal gain and loss; For the sake of military integrity, we don't eat what comes from nothing.

  We give up youth because we do not give up ideals, we give up fame and wealth because we do not give up faith, we give up freedom because we do not give up discipline, we give up life because we do not give up victory.

  Some people say that we are stupid, because the most precious thing in life is life; Some people say that we are stupid, because the most difficult thing in life is freedom; Some people say that we are stupid, because the happiest thing in life is family happiness; Some people say that we are stupid, because the best life is youth.

  In fact, we are not stupid. We long for freedom, but we are more disciplined; We cherish life, but we know more about the value of sacrifice; We love our youth, but our motherland needs us to contribute silently; We want our families to be happy, but the people need us to be on guard.

  If one day the nightmare of war disappears from the earth forever, then we will not give up everything that belongs to us. However, as long as this day has not come, we should not put down the steel gun in our hands.

  To pursue the ideal until death, to meet the challenge without fear, to defeat the enemy without looking back, to choose to give up without regret, this is the heartfelt voice of a Chinese soldier. There is no regret in joining the army, no resentment in serving the country, and the purpose of dedicating youth is to safeguard the prosperity of the motherland and the happiness and well-being of the people in the world!

  Comrades and comrades in arms, let's set sail for our ideals, open our wings for our dreams, and soar towards victory in the years of burning passion with a fiery heart!

