

时间:2021-07-29 14:24:58 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】时代环境变了,军队作为执行党的政治任务的工具这一性质始终不能变。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  With the coming of the army day on August 1, we are gathered here to discuss the friendship between the army and the people, and the development plan of the army and the local people. Here, on behalf of the municipal Party committee, the Municipal People's Congress, the municipal government and the Municipal Council Association, I would like to express my cordial sympathy and holiday congratulations to all the commanders and fighters of the PLA garrison, the people's armed police detachment, the Armed Police Fire detachment and the militia reserve, and to the old Red Army, the families of martyrs, the disabled revolutionary soldiers, the demobilized veterans and the retired military cadres in the city!

  The Chinese people's Liberation Army has gone through a glorious course of three years and made immortal contributions. The PLA Garrison has vigorously carried forward the glorious tradition of the people's army, actively supported and participated in the reform and construction of the people's armed forces while strengthening the modernization of the armed forces, making preparations for military struggle, and building national defense reserve forces. It has made great contributions to disaster relief, key project construction, mutual support and co construction, and maintaining social and political stability, It fully embodies the heroism of the people's soldiers and has won high praise from the local Party committee, the government and the masses.

  In the first half of the year, with the joint efforts of the people of the whole city and the strong support of all officers and men in the garrison, the economy of our city maintained a good momentum of rapid, sustained, coordinated and healthy development. The GDP of the whole city increased by 13.6%, the added value of industries above designated size increased by 30.7%, the local fiscal revenue increased by 33.9%, and the per capita cash income of farmers increased by 16.5%. The growth rate of the secondary industry, the added value of industries above Designated Size, and the growth rate of the general budget revenue increased by 3 places in the whole province. The society is harmonious and stable, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. The achievement of these achievements is the result of the hard work of the people of the whole city, and also the result of the strong support of the officers and soldiers stationed in the city. On behalf of the city's 3.84 million people, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the commanders and fighters of the garrison!

  To strengthen the unity between the army and the government, the army and the people, and constantly push the double support and co construction to a new stage, is an important guarantee for accelerating development, building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and building a socialist harmonious society. Party committees, governments, functional departments, enterprises and institutions at all levels should take it as their unshirkable political responsibility to care about and support the construction of national defense and the armed forces. They should timely understand the problems that need to be solved in the construction of the armed forces and the difficulties that exist in the production and life of the preferential care recipients, actively carry out practical support for the armed forces, and strive to solve the hot and difficult problems that the garrison and the preferential care recipients concern.

  It is necessary to creatively carry out the work of "double support" based on the fundamental interests of the general military and the people, take practical actions to support the construction and development of the garrison, and further consolidate and develop the blood flesh relationship of "army loving the people, people supporting the army, sharing the same breath, common destiny and heart to heart". We should continue to explore new ways to support both sides, actively do a good job in supporting the army and families, supporting the government and loving the people, deeply carry out the activities of building a harmonious military civilian relationship, and strive to promote the "double harvest" of economic and social development and national defense modernization. The Garrison should continue to carry forward the fine tradition of our army, earnestly shoulder the historical mission, provide an important guarantee for the party to improve its ruling ability, provide a strong security guarantee for maintaining the important strategic opportunity period of development and realizing leapfrog development, provide a strong strategic support for safeguarding the interests of the country and the people, and provide a strong support for maintaining political stability Social stability and building a well-off society in an all-round way play an important role and make new and greater contributions to the construction of "Three Civilizations" and the modernization of national defense!

  It is of great significance and glorious task to do a good job in the work of double support. We should hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", earnestly study and implement the important speech made by XX at the party anniversary celebration meeting, firmly establish and implement the scientific outlook on development, and adhere to scientific development, harmonious entrepreneurship, perseverance, enriching the people and strengthening the city in accordance with the requirements of the provincial Party committee of "holding the banner, grasping the leading group, leading the team and promoting development", We should carry out in-depth "double support" activities, consolidate the new military government military civilian relationship under the new situation, and strive to achieve a new leap forward in development.


  Dear comrades:

  Hello everyone!

  On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the PLA, we are here tonight to celebrate the August 1st military construction day. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my congratulations on behalf of the Fugong County Committee and the county people's Government of the CPC to all the officers and soldiers of the Fugong Army who have been concerned about and supporting the economic and social development of our county for a long time, and extend our congratulations to the veterans who have been transferred to the work The disabled and strong military departments send cordial greetings and pay great tribute to retired old comrades who have made important contributions to the construction of national defense and the army!

  The 90 years' history proves that the PLA is a people's army with glorious revolutionary tradition, a team capable of fighting hard battles, a mainstay of the people's Republic of China, a strong pillar for the maintenance of national unity and a great wall of steel to defend the socialist motherland; Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the PLA has made great contributions to the establishment of the new China regime, safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, promoting reform and opening up and socialist modernization, and won the trust of the party and the people.

  For a long time, the troops in Fugong have been keeping in mind their tenets, giving full play to the fine style and glorious tradition of the people's army, constantly strengthening their revolutionary, modernized and standardized construction, always placing support for the government and the people in an important position, wholeheartedly doing practical and good things for the masses, taking the responsibility of emergency and disaster relief, actively participating in the construction of civilized towns, and striving to maintain local security and stability, The real task of "urgent and dangerous" is to rush ahead, public welfare undertakings are in front of the public welfare, and people assistance activities are carried out before, and "to settle in one side hot soil, to protect one side to ensure peace and benefit the masses of one party", has strongly supported the local construction of Fugong. The vast family members of the county, disabled revolutionary soldiers, servicemen who have been transferred to work, resume their jobs and veterans, and retired cadres of the army have maintained their revolutionary nature. They have worked hard on various fronts and made active contributions to promote the socialist modernization construction in our county.

  20XX is the key year to fully implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XX Central Committee of the party, and the beginning year of launching the implementation of the "XX" plan“ XX "period is an important opportunity period for our county to accelerate development. We must firmly establish and deeply implement the scientific development concept, seize opportunities, pay close attention to the implementation and strive to promote the leapfrog development of Fugong. At the same time, we should firmly establish the concept of coordinated development of national defense construction and local economic construction, and adapt the work of dual support to the requirements of the times, carry out national defense education extensively and continue to do a good job of "double support"; We will vigorously carry out ideological and moral and democratic legal system construction, implement the preferential policies for resettlement, carry out joint construction activities between the military and the people, and further close the military, political, military and civilian relations.

  As in the past, I hope that all the units in the fu gong and all the officers and soldiers in the army will continue to maintain the team's advanced nature and fighting capacity under the guidance of Scientific Outlook on Development, give full play to their own conditions and advantages, continue to carry forward the glorious tradition of supporting the government and love the people, and continue to support the economic development of Fu Gong and devote themselves to the construction of Fu Gong, and make greater contributions to the comprehensive and coordinated development of our county.

  Finally, I wish you all a happy festival! Wish you all health, success and luck! I wish the party a great success!

  Thank you.


  Dear leaders, dear comrades:

  How do you do!

  Today is a warm day for the whole army, the 90th anniversary of the founding of the army, the August 1st military construction day, and today is a grand festival.

  Today, I am speaking on the topic of "the Department of mind 81". I am a soldier growing up under the military banner. I am extremely excited and deeply impressed with the coming of today. The people's army has been under the leadership of the Communist Party of China for 85 years. It is a great achievement of our army, generations of officers and soldiers who have made a new China, who have made selfless dedication and bravely sacrifice.

  Eighty five years ago, Nanchang Uprising launched the first gun of the armed revolution. This first shot tells the whole Chinese people that you have the people's army. On September 29, the same year, Chairman Mao conducted the first military reorganization in Sanwan village. It is historically called the Sanwan adaptation. This adaptation formulated the principle of the Party branch building on the company, and determined the absolute leadership of the party to the army, From then on, the people's army has had a soul. The team has been invincible. After hardships and dangers, they always put the interests of the people first, even if they bear their own lives, they have no complaints. They have grown and grown up, from the millet plus rifles in 1927 to the aircraft cannon today, and the information-based army.

  They * the three mountains that are under pressure on the people, who have smashed imperialism and hegemonism many times, and they have defended the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country with blood and loyalty. In 1950, the United States will fight until it reaches the northeast border. This army, crossing Yalu River, resists the United States and helps the DPRK. This is the first transnational operation and defeat in China. It has always been known as the trump army, which is a major foundation for our army to strengthen its military soul.

  This team has also been supporting the socialist construction. The one time I remember was the flood fighting in September 8th. That was what I saw with my own eyes. It was in my hometown, a soldier who was not afraid of sacrifice and saved the lives and properties of the local people. These life and property were captured by the soldiers in the hands of Hongmo with their lives. There was also a sudden SARS outbreak in the spring of 20XX. It was my own experience. At that time, a large number of top soldiers were emerging to fight SARS. They were not afraid of being infected with SARS, and strictly controlled the population flow in important transportation areas. Officers and soldiers all went deep into the front line to fight SARS, under their support. The whole society has been united and ambitious, and they have hit this sudden SARS. They keep in mind the party's education and always put the people's interests first, even if they give their lives, they have no complaints. This team, who loves the people and society, is like children love their parents, deeply moved me, aroused my fighting spirit of military practice, and pushed my love for the motherland to a climax.

  In the 21st century, there is a "peace" trust all over the world to fall on our shoulders. Once we dare to shine the sword and join the military performance to open the curtain, and the last year of military struggle preparation, at this time, we will take out the heroic spirit of the old generation of revolution, and light up the sword in our waist, so that we can fight new challenges forever,. All natural disasters and tortfeasances are shattered, the army exists because of war, and needs to exist for peace, because we are all symbols of peace. A country has a strong army, and only when the people have a day of stability. At this time, we should strengthen our own combat skills and pay at any time.

  For our remote gully, our efforts are also very important. We are all logistics support soldiers. We are all in charge of strategic reserve materials, which are especially important for war. Even in the peacetime, I can't relax my vigilance, because if these materials are flowing to society, it will cause bad events, It brings a kind of instability to the people, which seriously affects the reputation of the troops. As a custodian, it is also important to manage these substances. In the management, we should strictly improve the management level of materials, do a good job in receiving and receiving management, and really reassure the superior leaders. It is correct to give us this task.

  Last year we achieved excellent results in two activities, and we were praised and praised by the two polar military regions. Under the leadership of the director and the political committee, in the first half of 2007, our work has also stepped to a new level / in the first half of 2007, the ammunition receiving and receiving volume is more than * * * * tons, which is safe, accurate and has been fully praised by the leaders at all levels of the Political Committee. In front of these achievements, we should not be proud of the work of the second half of the year to a higher level. At the same time, we should strengthen the study of business and scientific and cultural knowledge, and lay a foundation for the establishment of information-based army.

  Although I face the expiration of my service, I will ask myself more strictly to do well and do well in the back. After I retire, I will proudly say: I am a logistics support soldier, and I am excellent. We should unite the whole library officers and soldiers to give a gift to XX National Congress of the party with safety, stability and error.

  The service life is limited, but "Bayi" is eternal in my heart! Eternal!

