新概念英语第4册课后习题答案: Unit 3 CABDA CDABA CD 新概念英语第4册课后习题: Multiple choice questions 多项选择题 Choose the correct answers to the following questions. Comprehension 理解 1 Modern climbers differ from their predecessors because they _____. a.like to find the easiest way to the top of a mountain b.like sport c.prefer difficult climbs to easy ones d.always follow a particular route 2 It is probably true to say that modern climbers ____. a.enjoy testing themselves on difficult climbs b.avoid dangerous situations c.are not as well equipped as earlier climbers d.are only interested in getting to the top of a mountain 3 The pioneers had a hard time because ____. a.Zermatt and Chamonix had rapidly become popular b.Alpine villages were primitive c.the mountains were extremely high d.there wasn't anything to eat 4 It is probably true to say that early climbers _____. a.had seven course dinners when they were climbing b.didn't mind uncomfortable conditions c.always found accommodation with the local priest d.enjoyed a higher standard of living back home Structure 句型 5 Earlier climbers liked summits _____ had never been climbed before.(11.2-4) a.which b.which they c.that they d.unless they 6 ____ single aim was getting to the top.(11.6-7) a.They're b.There c.Their d.Theirs 7 _____ Zermatt and Chamonix, most places wereunknown.(11.8-9) a.Except b.Unless c.Without d.Apart from 8 _____ were generally dirty and flea-ridden.(11.10-11) a.The few inns that existed b.Inns like this c.Such inns d.Few inns Vocabulary 词汇 9 In the pioneering days this was not the ______ at all.(1.2) a.condition b.situation c.history d.event 10 They often faced difficulties of the most ____ nature.(11.4-5) a.dangerous b.dreadful c.extreme d.pitiful 11 -all washed down with _____wine.(1.12) a.course b.sour c.rough d.new 12 Often a valley ______ no inn at all.(1.12) a.was proud of b.advertised c.showed d.possessed