新概念第三册Lesson 48 The silent village 沉默的村庄 ●inaccessible adj. 难接近的,达不到的 ●hospitable adj. 不好客的 ●hostile adj. 不友好的,有敌意的 ●vicinity n. 周围,近邻 ●architectural adj. 建筑的 ●fresco n. 壁画 ●abruptly adv. 突然地,意外地 ●tramp v. 徒步行进 ●moor v. (用绳、链、锚)系(船) ●ferry v. (用渡船)运 ●straggle v. 蔓延,散乱分布 ●sardine n. 沙丁鱼,沙丁鱼罐头 ●dilapidated adj. 陈旧破烂的,倒塌的 ●rag n. 破烂衣服 ●motionless adj. 不动的 ●procession adj. 不动的 ●shawl n. 披巾,围巾 ●peer v. 凝视,盯着 ●quicken v. 加快 ◆inaccessible adj. 难接近的,达不到的 access n. 通路,通道 entrance 入口 accessible adj.: easy to get to / easy to understand Eg: The book is accessible to learners / beginners. The facts are accessible to all of us. 易于得到的/ 易于理解的 L48-01 end 4’45” L48-02 begin 10’55” Eg: Heavy snow made the village inaccessible to traffic. approach: v. 接近 approachable unapproachable 无可匹敌的;难以接近的 Eg: He has got unapproachable beauty. access: opportunity 机会 Eg: Only high officiales have access to him. Only teacheres have access to the head master. ◆hospitable adj.好客的 amiable 亲切的 cordial 热诚的,热心的 faithful 忠诚的 friendly 友好的 neighborly 和睦的 receptive 善于接受的,接纳的 L48-02 end 10’55” L48-03 begin 10’24” ◆hostile adj. 不友好的,有敌意的 unfriendly be hostile to / be unfriendly to antagonistic: 对抗性的,敌对的 effensive: 进攻性的 Eg: I took notice of his evvensive remarks. aggressive; 挑畔的 ◆vicinity n. 周围,近邻 in the vicinity / in the nerborhood 比后一个正式 (书面用词) I often visit the fair in the vicinity. vicinity: about in the vicinity of He is in thevicinity of fifty. 他大约50岁吧。 the inhabitant of the vicinity ◆architectural adj. 建筑的 ◆fresco n. 壁画 ◆abruptly adv. 突然地,意外地 ◆tramp v. 徒步行进 ◆moor v. (用绳、链、锚)系(船) ◆ferry v. (用渡船)运 ◆straggle v. 蔓延,散乱分布 ◆dilapidated adj. 陈旧破烂的,倒塌的 dilapidate vt. 使倒塌,便破损 dilapidation n. batter v. 撞坏,撞击 battered adj. Eg: It is easy to recognize the battered car. broken-down run down 渐渐变糟,恶化; run-down: 渐渐被恶化的