
时间:2021-08-29 18:36:58 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】纪念辛亥革命110周年大会于10月9日上午10时在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The revolution of 1911 is the most important part of China's old people's revolution. It is the outbreak of anger and hatred of the Chinese people against imperialism and its running dog the Qing government for a long time. The history of the modern Chinese revolution is rich and colorful and moving.

  In order to commemorate the 110th anniversary of the revolution of 1911, cherish the glorious achievements of Dr. Sun Yat Sen and other pioneers of the revolution of 1911, carry forward the patriotic enthusiasm of fighting, expand the national self-esteem and self-confidence of self-improvement, and build socialism with Chinese characteristics. History has left us too many memories, humiliation and honor, brought us a lot of glory and brought us too many relics.

  For more than 100 years, the Chinese people's pursuit of constitutionalism has not been hidden. There is no need to be shy. As long as the sun shines, it will be reflected in the world, just as XXX tasted the cloud: the general trend of the world is vast. As XXX said: This is not a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy. Therefore, those Zhongshan roads that spread all over the country, in terms of their moral meaning, actually call the people's road more appropriate, constitutionalism, and the people's road to the ideal motherland. The Chinese nation has missed many opportunities, and the Chinese nation still has many opportunities.

  Suddenly looking back, time has rolled along the mark of 1911 for a century, but the pursuit and goal of a century have never changed. Since the reform and opening up, the country has achieved "national wealth" through a series of economic means, which makes China stronger and stronger in economy, politics, diplomacy and so on. The revolution of 1911 is a bourgeois democratic revolution in a more complete sense in modern China. Politically and ideologically, it has brought an inestimable role of liberation to the Chinese people, and the revolution has made the view of democracy and Republic deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Taking the revolution of 1911 as a new starting point, the Chinese people's long-term struggle against imperialism and feudalism has been carried out on a deeper and larger scale.

  What would China be like without the revolution of 1911? History cannot be if, but the future can learn from history and make different assumptions.


  It has painted a thick ink and heavy color on the stage of Chinese history. Today, we will review it, remember it, and will continue the essence and historical mission it has passed to us to serve the people wholeheartedly in the future. Time goes by and history goes away. Years can change the vicissitudes of life, but can never erase the brand left by history here. The deafening gunfire will always be fixed in the long river of human history. It can be said that from the moment the smoke of gunpowder dispersed, people have been exploring this history in order to draw useful lessons from it.

  The image of revolutionary pioneers represented by Sun Yat Sen and Huang Xing has been shaped with one mind. At the same time, it also vividly presents a group of intellectuals of that era in front of today's audience, and shows a fine and spiritual history of Chinese modern intellectuals, which is of great enlightening significance to us today. Dianyiying wrote the revolution of 1911 with the essence and spirit of those people with lofty ideals. At the same time, these actors of this play really provided us with good artistic enjoyment on the screen.

  What we want to affirm and carry forward today is the awe of our nation towards history, especially the important history that determines the destiny of our country and nation. It can be said that under the leadership and Inspiration of our one party, one history expert and literature expert, these video creators conscientiously study history, approach history carefully, feel and create the soul of historical characters, and shape the artistic image of historical characters with one precision, one benefit and one precision. Providing historical nutrition for today's audience is the glorious tradition of our Chinese nation to treat history, which is very different from the practice of using history to show stars.

  Taking copper as a mirror, you can correct your clothes; Learn from others and be able to know the gains and losses; Take history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall. The ancients said: born of hardship and died of happiness. How should we, those who live in a happy world, forget this history? What we have to do now is not to pursue the fairy tale innocence in the dream, but to practice the glorious mission given by one party and one country in the real world! To carry forward Dr. Sun Yat Sen's thought of "Bo Yi AI Yi", even if the road is rugged and full of thorns, we should smile and clench our fists, because: the revolution has not been successful, comrades still need to work hard!


  A hundred years ago, the end of the Qing Dynasty was a symbol of China's liberation from the old era. We began to inject new blood into the dry body of this nation. The revolution of 1911 ended the monarchy that lasted for thousands of years in China, spread the concept of democracy and Republic, and promoted the social reform of modern China with great shock and profound influence. Dr. Sun Yat Sen once stressed in a speech, "we are going to take the road of revolution and save China with revolutionary doctrine." it is very difficult to change people's old ideas. On the day of relatives' funeral, I deeply felt some old people's stubbornness and adherence to some customs of the old era. Innovation is to cut off the flesh and blood of old bones, but in the era of feudal prevalence, how difficult is it? It is the blood of our ancestors that paves the way for us to make a head start!

  As the younger generation, we can't just take history as a subject. It is far more than a test paper. What we learn can't be just knowledge points, but a kind of consciousness. This should be borne in mind by people of every nation. It is the memory of national history and the maintenance of national self-esteem. General secretary Xi Jinping said at the conference: "the historical task of the complete reunification of the motherland must be realized and realized." the revolution is not over yet. We must make unremitting efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and push forward the reunification of the motherland at an early date.

