
时间:2022-11-13 08:25:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】有许多人喜欢冬天,不是因为喜欢冬天这个季节,而是因为冬天那美丽的雪花。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  I just got up in the morning and looked through the glass. The snow outside was very thick. There were thick layers of snow on the tree, which seemed to put a thick coat on Grandpa Dashu. The snow on the house was piled up, and the snow on the road was thick, which seemed to put a white coat on the earth. The flowers and grass are invisible, the snow covers them, the small animals hide in the hole and do not come out, and the small animals are still outside looking for food for the winter.

  On the road, the car is much slower than usual when there is no snow on the road, like a turtle. Because the road was too slippery for the old people to come out, the children jumped here and there in the snowflakes and fell down carelessly. Some cyclists walk slowly on two feet.

  In the street, some children are making snowmen, some are having snowball fights, and some are skating. After lunch, my father and I went to make a snowman. After the snowman's body was well prepared, he was his head again. I first went to find some snow to make it round, and then I found some snow to roll it round, and it became a snowball. Then, I put two snowballs of different sizes on the top of the big snowball to become a snowman. After that, I put black eyes, red nose, red hat, two arms and gloves on the snowman's hands to make a beautiful snowman.

  Winter is so beautiful, I love winter.


  Strange to say, it actually snowed during today's big break.

  Today's big break activity let me know that compared with playing with snow, there are really few people who love learning! Because even if it is cold and snowy, it cannot stop us children who are fond of playing. Yes, in our southern cities, it can't snow once a year, so we have great expectations for snow, so it's not fun. If we miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we won't know when we will see snow again next time.

  My classmates and I hurried to the playground at the speed of 100 meter race. Most of our classmates were very excited because it was the first time they saw snow. If the snow is not too small, maybe they will roll in the snow! My classmates and I will play eagle and chicken, hide and seek, dog drawn plow and other games together on the playground. All kinds of games will make you enjoy yourself.

  Suddenly, I saw plum blossoms in full bloom in the flower bed, which reminded me of the poem "Snow Plum": "Plum and snow compete for spring, but are not willing to come down. The poet's pavilion reviews the chapter, and the plum blossom is less white than the snow, but the snow loses its fragrance." How the poem fits the occasion!

  The four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter have their own advantages and disadvantages. Sunny and rainy days also have their own flavor. There is no season or weather, just according to personal preferences. The "snow" and "plum" in winter are examples.


  Winter is a beautiful season. Snow is the angel in white who makes winter. It is she who covers the earth with a white quilt and dresses trees, flowers and plants in white.

  Snow is white and beautiful. Without her, it would be lifeless in winter, and it would lose its purest color. When the snow is falling, everything becomes a white world, and the snowflakes slowly fall down with hexagonal lace.

  Perhaps it is the beauty of her lingering in this world that she wants to see more; Maybe she thinks her dancing posture is very beautiful, and she wants to perform a colorful aerial ballet for human beings. Yeah! The dancing of snow is so beautiful. Standing on the thick snow, I can't help watching it. I slowly and gently step up, as if I were dancing with the snowflakes, and close my eyes. It's wonderful!

  Snow is a gift given to us by God. Children make snow into balls for playing, snowball fights and snowmen... Although these are the simplest games I think, I will never get tired of them. When snowballs hit me, I feel that my troubles and pressures have been driven away and my whole body feels very happy.

  Snow, regardless of the weather, bravely falls into the arms of Mother Earth with her mission. They also know what their destiny will be. Maybe they will be swept away by environmental protection guards with dirty brooms and become black snow, which is ugly. But when the happy mission she has brought to the children is completed, it will disappear silently and without regret.

  Snow, you are white and beautiful, you bring us joy! I love winter, I love winter snow more!


  Winter snow is a happy painter, a dedicated doctor, and a humorous comedian, making everything beautiful.

  A winter snow, like a happy painter, has wrapped the world in white, and a vast white scene has taken on a new look. Look, the path in front of the door has been paved with a long white carpet, which is crystal white, and people can't bear to step on it. The tall and straight pine trees on both sides of the road are like two rows of guards standing neatly in white cloaks. Buildings of different heights also wore white hats. On the flat white canvas of the car, two hearts were painted by passers-by. They snuggled together, sweet and warm

  A winter snow, like a dedicated doctor, protects crops and our health. The thick snow covered the crops with a quilt to isolate the cold air, and the soil would not catch cold in the cold season. When the weather gets warmer, the nitrogen compounds in the snow are brought to the soil by the melted snow water and become fertilizer again. And when snow melts, it will absorb heat from the soil. At this time, the soil will suddenly become very cold, and many pests will be frozen to death. Doctor Xue, it can not only kill pests, but also purify the air, disinfect and sterilize, so that we can get sick less.

  A winter snow, like a humorous comedian, brings endless joy to everyone. The snowman on the playground, holding an iron bucket, stared at everyone's snowball fight. The snow pile pushed aside by the snow shovel is just a good material for us to build a snow castle. An abandoned board was converted into a sled by a neighbor's elder brother, which could drag several children to gallop in the snow... Everyone's hands and faces were red with cold, but no matter how much the parents urged, they would not go home.

  I love winter snow, which is a gift from nature in the cold.


  One morning, I opened my bleary eyes and heard my father say, "It's snowing, it's snowing!" I quickly jumped out of bed and came to the window to see that it was snowing. I couldn't close my mouth happily and said, "It's snowing at last. I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

  I washed as fast as I could, and then quickly finished eating. I took my parents by the hand and said, "Mom and Dad went downstairs to play with snow." Mom hesitated and said, "This..." Before Mom finished, I took Mom and Dad's hand and went downstairs.

  I put on my gloves, balled up a snowball, and threw it at Dad. "Pa" slapped it on Dad's clothes, and Dad threw a snowball at me again. Fortunately, I acted quickly and dodged away in the blink of an eye. I threw snowballs at my mother again

  After a while, we started making snowmen again. I roll snowballs on the ground to make snowman's head, and my parents make snowman's body. I made the head of the snowman, put it on the body of the snowman, and the outline of the snowman came out. Then, I found two small stones to be the snowman's eyes, and ran to the corridor. My mother said, "What are you going to do?" I said, "Take something!" After a while, I came back. My father said, "So you took a carrot as your nose!" I nodded and smiled and pressed my nose on the snowman's face. Then I found a pepper to make its mouth. At this time, my mother found two long branches to be its arms. Dad brought a telescope for the snowman again, and it was done. "The snowman we made together is really beautiful!" I said. "Yes!" Mom said. Our family all laughed happily.

  I like winter, more like snow! "Snow promises a bumper year". I believe this snow will bring good luck to everyone in the coming year!


  I remember that the snow last year was earlier than that in Israel. Maybe it was the snow children who could not bear the joy of winter and wanted to come to the world quickly to turn this place into their paradise and dress up as a silver fairy tale world.

  Their arrival always makes me want to go out and have a look.

  The winter fog is filled with beauty like a fairyland. The green leaves of those tall and straight trees, with thick white frost, are like a mirror, white and bright. The bushes turn into snow-white coral bushes in a variety of forms, which makes you feel in a fairyland. Walking in the light snow has a special flavor. Looking up, the pink butterfly like snowflakes fall down in the blink of an eye. Sometimes they fly in the wind, sometimes they flutter leisurely to the earth, and sometimes they drift away with the wind. Those snow children, one by one, were naughty and never tired of playing with people. They fell on people's hot faces and turned into drops of water and ice.

  The white snowflakes are quietly falling. After a period of time, the ground has a thick layer. When you step on it, it will sing happy music for you, creak, creak.

  We children can run all over the street. The footprints on our shoes are printed on the snow and become a funny picture. I compare myself to a snowflake, dancing with my friends and accompanying the wind. I hope the wind will not stop and the winter will not end, because I want to sail with the wind and see the distant world.

  The snow is flying all over the sky. A piece of it floats into my mouth and sips, mixed with a light fragrance belonging to winter. While falling, it melts, but it cleans the earth and purifies people's hearts. So your lovely and pure snowflakes are the protagonists of winter. It is you who bring liveliness and vitality to winter!


  Winter comes early, and it snows more frequently. There are hazy light snow all over the sky, pure medium snow, and flying goose feather snow. However, I like the spectacular goose feather snow best.

  The snow in winter is very beautiful, and it will bring us countless yearnings and add countless fun.

  It's snowing. Everyone is wearing thick clothes and is ready to embrace the winter snow. The roof is covered with a thick layer of snow. From a distance, it looks like a snow-white hat on the roof. There is a vast expanse of white everywhere. I like snowball fights and snowmen with my friends.

  That was our happiest time. Everyone sat in front of the door with great interest and watched how the snowflakes fell on the ground. Winter snow brings us countless fun.

  When it snows, especially when it snows heavily, I am always the last one to go home because I am too fond of playing. Adults will always say that this year is coming to an end. Adults will always plan for the next year. Snow in winter will bring infinite yearning.

  After the snow, the village looked very lovely. Everywhere was covered with heavy snow, and everywhere was a vast expanse of white. The snow on the ground is very thick. You should be careful when you walk. You fell down when you stepped on it. Adults talk and laugh while walking, and laughter is everywhere. The snow in winter is beautiful and interesting.

  It is the warmest to return home. Only when it snows will my mother cook a pot of delicious porridge for me to enjoy. I will always finish the meal happily. The snow in winter is full of warmth.

  In winter, all the wanderers go home. So the street is very busy. Winter snow is a sign of reunion.

  Ah! Snow in winter! I like your spectacular snow best, because it adds countless fun. The scenery you created is also very beautiful, and you also let tourists from all over the world return to their hometown. You are really a beautiful picture, giving people infinite yearning! Unlimited expectations!


  Some people like the blooming flowers in spring, some people like the heat in summer, some people like the joy of harvest in autumn, while I like the snowflakes in winter.

  Winter is the hibernation season of all things, but because of the existence of snowflakes, it seems vibrant. The snow is cold, but in the hands of the children, she is so warm.

  At night, snow fell from the sky. At the beginning, the snowflakes fell in the palm. Soon, they became water. The snow fell more and more heavily and fell on people's bodies. It was so cold that people could not help admiring. Ah! The flying snowflakes are all the masterpieces of Miss Dong!

  Snow makes beautiful embellishments for the dark night. This beautiful landscape painting is really a masterpiece. How many painters have worked hard to paint a beautiful winter night!

  The tree turned white overnight, the grass also got into the endless quilt, and the roof was covered with a layer of white silver yarn. Outside the house, the cold wind was howling. Only the fire in the stove was still burning, warming people's hearts.

  As the night passed and the dawn came, the rooster had already got up industriously to express a warm welcome for the new day. The people who heard the ringing had already woken up. Open the doors and windows, breathe the fresh air, and the beautiful scenery in front of you will be presented. You can see the vast white world, the vast white trees, and the vast expanse of the day. People seem to be amazed by the beauty in front of them, even Father Sun.

  At this time, a group of children could not wait to come to the snow. Some made snowmen, and some had snowball fights. Miss Dong seemed to be infected by these children. The snow fell more fiercely, and the children seemed to feel Miss Dong's enthusiasm and enjoyed playing more.

  Snow will always bring us different surprises and aesthetic feelings.


  I like winter snow, and I like winter better. Winter brings me happiness and happiness.

  Autumn has passed, and winter has come with great strides. The green pines that are not afraid of the cold are still standing on the earth. Its leaves seem to have become more green. Other trees have lost all their leaves.

  The snow is so soft, like cattle hair and fine sand. They are flying happily in the sky. There are plum blossoms quietly opening in the snow, green weeds under the snow, but butterflies do not. I reached out and touched a small snowflake. It was small and exquisite. The hexagonal petals were very beautiful. They turned into a thick snow like elves.

  The flowers and plants on the trees have been replaced with silver frost, and the snow has covered the earth with a white veil, making the whole world a silver world. The tree stretched out its soft hands to welcome the coming of spring. Snow also fell on the branches and whispered to the tree. The north wind is howling and the snow is flying. Snow adds a touch of color to the cold world.

  Snow is melancholy and peaceful. It will float down and stop quietly. I think the whole earth is covered with silver frost, which can be compared to a white painting.

  Although it is winter now, I seem to see flowers in the snow and there are many bees busy flying, collecting pollen, and I feel sweet when I hear their buzzing.

  Snowflakes fell from the sky, crystal clear, and some crowded together to play games, and some were playing hide and seek, quietly speaking from their hearts. She is dancing gracefully in the sky. Snowflakes are like countless cotton falling on the earth.

  The snow in winter is so beautiful that it seems to be within reach. They are flying in the snow like elves. I love you, winter! I love you, white snow!


  My hometown is located in the south of Hubei Province, where the temperature is relatively high. Snow is a "strange" thing. But in my grandmother's home in the northeast, we can only use a poem to describe: "The northern scenery, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow." However, this year's situation in Jingzhou is really rare. Now it is the beginning of spring, but Miss Xue is still reluctant to leave. On that day, we were having a science class when we saw snowflakes slowly floating outside the window. At the beginning, snowflakes were still alone, like white butterflies, performing an elegant dance in the air. After a while, Snow Girl seemed to be tired of the dance. She turned the white skirt, and saw snowflakes falling to the ground in groups or in groups, or in groups. They fell on the ground, and the ground was covered with a layer of white carpet; They fell on the tree, and immediately the tree was full of white flowers; They fall on the children's cheeks, and the children's smile is more brilliant

  After class, we rushed out of the classroom. I saw that the whole world was covered in a white coat. I couldn't help grabbing a handful of snow. A cold feeling came to my heart from the palm of my hand, but my heart was warm because it brought me happiness! Take a closer look. Each piece of crystal clear snowflake is different. It seems that each piece is carefully carved. I saw a little boy making a snowman. First, he made a big snowball and a small snowball. Then he put stones on the small snowball to make eyes and mouth. Then he put two branches on the big snowball to make arms. Finally, he put the small snowball on the big snowball to make an exquisite snowman! The children surrounded the snowman, and from time to time there were bursts of laughter. "Auspicious snow augurs a good year". Snow not only brings us happiness and good omens, but also brings us a unique scenery at the beginning of spring. This is really "snow is too late for spring, so it wears court trees as flying flowers".
