
时间:2023-07-28 05:43:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】暑假就要来了,一想到可以放长达两个月的假,笑容就从嘴角跑了出来。®文档大全网为大家准备了《暑假日记英语作文范文》,希望对大家有帮助。

1.暑假日记英语作文范文 篇一

  The hot summer vacation is baking us. In my eyes, summer vacation is happy, joyful, long, rich, and interesting! If summer vacation is the sky, I am a bird, hovering in the blue sky, sometimes thrusting straight into the clouds, sometimes playing with them!

  Despite the hot weather, my determination to play by the river is not being discussed. I am walking on the path, on both sides of the path, and the tree is my first friend. Look! Its majestic appearance, like a sentry! And the delicate little flower blushed and covered her beautiful and lovely little face with petals. Willow Tree Girl is even more beautiful. She dances gracefully in the breeze, swinging her slender braids!

  Arriving at the clear riverbank, the river helped with work and flowed down the smooth path. And the little fish took advantage of the cool morning to move its muscles and bones. When it saw me, it started to spit and bubble, just like a performer! They are dressed in beautiful clothes, colorful, colorful, and everything else. There are also majestic tiger fish, but among the colorful little flower fish. I will stop and stare without being surprised!

  Dragonflies are also busy running around, and bees are also getting up early to gather honey. The birds also woke up from their sleep and sang beautiful songs. Even cicadas cannot fall behind and sing beautiful songs, as if in a singing competition.

  The pure white body of Baiyun was leisurely floating in the sky, and the sun grandfather couldn't close his mouth with a smile, looking at all things in the sky!

  The sun is about to set, until the setting sun kisses the Western Mountain, and the moon is about to start the night shift. The sun stretches and goes down the mountain! I am so attached that I can't bear to go home!

2.暑假日记英语作文范文 篇二

  There are many interesting things during the summer vacation, just like the countless stars in the sky. During the summer vacation, my mother bought me a pink bike, and I was extremely happy. But I don't know how to ride yet. When I saw other children riding in the square, I was very envious. I thought to myself that I must learn to ride a bicycle and fly freely in the sky like a bird.

  I pushed my bike to the square first, and my mother told me to hold onto the handlebars, look forward, and have confidence in myself to definitely learn. At first, I felt like falling due to my unstable center of gravity, but after repeated cycling back and forth on the square. Finally, I found the technique of riding a bicycle, gently tapping one foot every time I was about to fall. Finally, I learned to ride a bicycle proficiently.

  Through this experience, I have learned a lesson: no matter what you do, you have confidence in yourself. You cannot be too eager to achieve success or give up halfway. Only with enough patience and perseverance can you achieve success.

3.暑假日记英语作文范文 篇三

  As the saying goes, "There is heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below." This summer vacation, my aunt and cousin went to the paradise on earth - West Lake in Hangzhou.

  Entering West Lake Park, a cool breeze blew in and the heat was immediately dissipated. Waves of wind carry the fragrance of the lake water, blowing into my body and into my heart. In the park, shaded by green trees, I walked through a few small paths and saw West Lake.

  Wow, it's so beautiful! "I couldn't help but exclaim. The West Lake is so large that it cannot be seen at a glance. Looking out from the lakeside, West Lake is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and the mountains are verdant and flowing. The mountains connect with the sky, making it very beautiful. The rippling water surface, shining golden with the sun, is such a beautiful scenery!

  In the water, the most eye-catching thing is the Three Ponds Imprinting the Moon. After Su Shi dredged the West Lake in the past, in order to show the siltation of the lake mud, three bottle shaped stone towers were erected at the three deepest depths of the lake outside the embankment to mark the water level, forming the current strange scenery. I looked at the Three Ponds and the Moon, and the Three Ponds and the Moon looked at me as if an old man was telling me a story of the Song Dynasty. It is very famous, and the back of the one yuan RMB is also this painting!

  After seeing the distant view by the lake, I took a small boat to visit West Lake. The water in West Lake is really clear, so clear that you can see the small fish in the lake; The water of West Lake is really fragrant, with a gentle breeze blowing on my face, and I can smell the fragrance of the soil after the rain; The water of West Lake is really quiet, just like a mirror. Even if a cruise ship passes through the water, only small ripples will emerge. I am sitting in a small boat, with a clear blue sky above my head, the spiritual West Lake at my feet, and the beautiful Three Pools and the Moon beside me. The water surrounds the stones, and the stones are reflected in the water. Coupled with the green trees and red flowers by the lake, the integration of mountains and rivers is truly breathtaking!

  It's getting late unconsciously, we need to leave here immediately. I took one last look at West Lake and remembered a poem: "Jiangnan is beautiful, the scenery was once familiar. At sunrise, the river flowers are red than fire, and in spring, the river water is as green as blue. Can you not forget Jiangnan?" Heaven on earth is truly worthy of its reputation!

4.暑假日记英语作文范文 篇四

  The summer vacation has finally arrived, and friends both big and small are very happy, but they cannot do nothing. Because of this, I have made a summer vacation plan. It is like this: I have to do three things every day, namely doing homework and playing. Now I will tell everyone the time and reasons for these things.

  First of all, let's talk about homework. Mathematics and English are relatively single, but Chinese is the most difficult. There are many homework assignments, and I plan to read first. During the vacation, there will be a total of two months, with a total of four and a half books to be read. In this way, I can read one book and complete two reading notes in half a month. Then I complete the weekly diary, one piece per week. Finally, I write calligraphy and memorize seventy ancient poems. After finishing these, I can do my math homework. After finishing, of course, I can play happily and sleep peacefully at night. I believe that doing so will make the entire summer vacation very enjoyable.

  In addition, you can also do other things when you have time, such as running and cycling in the morning, traveling, swimming, flying kites, and other interesting things. In short, this is a beautiful and interesting summer plan.

5.暑假日记英语作文范文 篇五

  Half way through the summer vacation, I had already finished my homework. In the remaining days, I wanted to have fun for a few days. However, my parents forced me to learn this and that. If I didn't want to, they asked me if I was proud, and inexplicably gave me a lecture, telling a lot of doctrines, and even saying it was for my good. I really don't know what they thought.

  I wake up in the morning and wash myself first. Then, my mother didn't even give me time for breakfast, forcing me to do my math homework. After finishing, I should have lunch. After lunch, my mother didn't let me take a nap, so she asked me to write an essay. After writing, I knew it was time to learn English online. I studied for three or four hours.

  After dinner, I went out for a walk, and when I came back, I had to take a shower. Then my father urged me to go to bed early to welcome the new day.

  Oh, a day has just passed like this. At night, I lie down in front of the bed, watching the stars freely blink my eyes, thinking to myself: What meaningful things have I done today? No! I have entered a dream, and I dream of doing my homework.

  The summer vacation I am looking forward to is not like this! It's a combination of work and rest, it's very bright and sunny. It's not like struggling all day in the sea of learning and struggling through exercises before exams, I don't want it!

  Perhaps in the eyes of parents, summer vacation is the prime time for learning, while in the eyes of us elementary school students, summer vacation is a relaxing day.

  Mom and Dad, please respect us. My summer vacation is up to me.
