
时间:2021-08-02 20:50:04 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Life, the most ordinary noun, the most familiar words. From our initial cry to the last landscape we passed in our late years, life is everywhere, and the beauty of all things in the world is accompanied by it, and permeates into life.

  downtown streets

  The sky slightly turned out a little fish belly white, and another morning came, the busiest to belong to the sea seafood market.

  Fresh fish swim in the clear water pool, and the newly caught crab is clumsily waving its pliers and struggling in the net. The sea food market is constantly with people, and the sound comes with it - the sound of selling, asking for price, chatting... Whether it is lively, the sun is awakened.

  Then it was the food market. The stall owner, who is familiar with his own stall, has started today's business by stacking and putting things on the table. People also gradually increased, and a wave of sound followed, until noon only dissipated, the vegetable market also returned to calm, waiting for the sun to rise again tomorrow.

  Street market is one of the characteristics of China, people gathered, not lively, this full of Chinese flavor is permeated.


  The origin of the city is forest, a piece of green, the city lies quietly in this lush embrace.

  Just after noon, cicadas continue to sing intermittently, playing a movement, letting notes roam in this forest, wind blows through the green leaves, blowing out the accompaniment of "sound", sometimes there are birds passing by, dancing a beautiful dance. The sun, thin as cicadas, shines on the ground through dense leaves like a screen, projecting a mottled trace, and at this time, the wind seems to be still.

  The winding roads were laid in the forest, the sun burned the asphalt road, and the leaves were also reflected. Occasionally, there are vehicles passing by, rolling over rocks, raising a dust, taking away some soil, and then returning to peace. The forest is still that forest, which is a non-smoking existence.

  Forest is the child of the earth, decorate her with eternal green, play music for her with the sound of wind blowing through leaves, and dedicate the most beautiful colors of the world to her, to the earth and to mankind.

  Night city

  The lights of the family are in a state of fire. Half of the earth has entered the night, neon lights quietly lit, the moon hanging in the air, stars also appear unconsciously. The ginger yellow light shines on the night, hazy but warm. The streets overlap with light and shadow, and people in the city gradually put down the fatigue of the day and embark on the journey home. From time to time, I look up at stars, and the black night sky makes our hearing more sensitive, as if I heard the sound of the sea in the distance.

  Another light comes on, and it flows into the light and shadow of the city. The night lights make the night no longer monotonous, and the stars are no longer lonely.

  Born, then alive, that's life. Every day is life, every day there will be beauty, it permeates in life, and around.


  Outside the rain is constantly falling, raindrops are constantly beating the leaves, and the leaves are constantly clattering by the wind.

  To be honest, there are many people who hate rain, even hate him, but I am different. I like rain. Drizzle, walking on the country road, walking in the rain, can not help but feel that everything in the world is always so beautiful, wonderful, all the troubles will be baptised by drizzle, bring new yourself, you will be incomparably natural and unrestrained, happy. When the rain is heavier, I will enjoy the sound of the rain, sit under the eaves, watch the continuous whereabouts of the raindrops, the sky and the earth are connected by rain curtains, look at the green scenery, the glittering oil, the red flowers, the dazzling, the farmhouse, the sparse. At that time, there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road, and there was no more noise, while I would think quietly and think a lot. I like the very peaceful environment, will not be broken by anything. When there is a thunderstorm, I will observe the sky, observe the lightning, listen to the thunder, see the continuous coming of dark clouds, look at the lightning, light and dark, listen to the thunder, I learned to be strong, learned to overcome myself, I have more courage.

  Outside the rain is still under, I patiently appreciate, observe, waiting.


  The March wind wakes up the new green of the branches. The returning swallow, sharp as the thin wings, cuts the light wedding clothes for the willow silk, picks a leaf fragrance, pulls a wisp of warmth, and fills the breath of warm and cold with Zen. Sunny day, I can not go out, far from the colorful beauty, income heart.

  After winter, I have taken off my white coat, and my mind is quietly piled up, confused and scared, and disorganized the footprints. A person hides his secret mind, but there is still a small group of people who often gasp in the silent air. I know that it is a light sadness, agitation of melancholy, frustration and helpless sigh. When people are suffering from illness and torture, they are too fragile to breathe, No amount of consolation can soothe the flustered mood. I don't dare to touch and recall easily. I'm afraid that once the process of instant fullness is split, it can't be closed again.

  Looking for a little bit of information, the image of the growing spring will be printed in my mind, slowly touch, shallow temporary mold, colorful flowering, Magnolia show the most enchanting charm, a touch of green outside the window, facing the wind, stretching the feelings, thousands of beautiful flowers, blooming poetic, gentle light, stay in the palm of my heart, deep love.

  According to the style of spring, we go out and try our best to feel the golden expectation of rape flowers. About one or two confidants, or running or laughing, are casual and comfortable. In the flower sea with dark fragrance and sleeves, we have beautiful figures walking through. We have more imagination and less thoughts of weeds. We give a simple heart to this world of spring flowers, See the flowers bloom and fall, the samsara deduction, see the distant curl of smoke rising.

  Xu Guangyin a look back, no matter how much wind and rain, no matter how many frustrations, as long as we stick together, with a grateful heart, while walking harvest warm scenery, quietly in the years of flowing out of a warm episode, the ups and downs of life, silent flowers, flowers thank speechless, are a kind of sublimation and continuation, wonderful time, know the rich mood, Lonely time, indifferent to the Yan Liang abandon.

  Gently pick up the years of quiet, a window gags, warm overflow bottom of my heart, will be a plain sweet heart words, rhyme dye into Miss remote send, pillow moonlight think of you, think of your gentle whisper, like soft lips, kiss my hair breath, engraved with sentimental memories, want to be with you in this spring season, gently call my name, listen to the wind sing, Enjoy, the beautiful flowers, the wind fragrance, the moon rain, a shallow painting of the flow of life and joy.

