
时间:2021-08-02 20:46:12 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today, our school held a happy rope skipping competition.

  In the afternoon, during the rope skipping competition, we all rushed out of the classroom and ran to the center of the playground. We quickly stood in line and waited for the students to participate in the competition. At this time, the team members of the competition team took all kinds of skipping rope and went to the playground to prepare for the competition. I anxiously looked around to see if the students in our class had arrived. When another team also went to the playground, I saw that it was the students in our class? They cheered happily with other students and pointed out from time to time“ Look! That's my deskmate. I'll cheer him on! "“ If she is not good at rope skipping, will she lose points to her class? "“ She must be able to dance well. I have confidence in him At this time, the whistle sounded, I can not help but mind a tight: the game began. So he and other students yelled: "come on! come on. Jump more When we saw a few students accidentally tripped by the rope, we were disappointed, but we could only stand on one side, helpless and anxious. However, when we saw the other students in the class dancing fast without any pause, we were full of confidence and believed that class 5 (3) would get good results!

  Finally, the rope skipping competition is over. Although I didn't take part in this competition, I'm still very happy.


  Last Wednesday afternoon, our class held a rope skipping competition.

  After arriving at school in the afternoon, the students were very excited, and some students were still practicing rope skipping. They are dancing in the rope, like a happy bird. After a while, the teacher came, let's gather and stand in line.

  Yang teacher began to say the rules of the game, we listen carefully. The rules of the game are: four players in each group, with a count behind each. Whoever jumps the most in two minutes is the champion.

  Started to jump, first four girls to the competition, because this time I did not participate in the competition, the teacher asked me to count them. After the teacher said "start", their hands waved the skipping rope fast, their feet kept jumping, one, two, three... Everyone was shouting: "come on! Come on Xiao Siyu was dancing among the ropes, like a swallow flying around. After two minutes, they were all flushed, panting and out of breath. Mr. Yang watched our game carefully and showed a satisfied smile on his face.

  At the end of the game, the teacher also issued a certificate. Although there is no my name, I am also very happy, because rope skipping can exercise, I will practice more in the future! After school, I walked excitedly on my way home. The sky seems particularly blue, the sun seems more brilliant.


  This morning, our class took part in the rope jumping competition on the basketball court. With the whistle of the referee teacher, the intense competition began.

  Looking at other classes, my psychology suddenly became nervous, because I was throwing big rope, this task is both important and arduous, I can feel my hands are shaking. It's our class's turn to play, when the cheerleaders shout, "class five (1) come on! Five (1) class refueling! " I slowly relaxed when I was making the sound. Cao Xinyue, my partner and I have a rhythm, not fast or slow, and the power of the rope is also evenly thrown, the big rope is as obedient as we have been magic!

  At this time, the "big rope" team-mates also played the spirit of 12 points, one after another, orderly jump, we are just God cooperation! The students are also very angry, those students who have always tripped rope have not stumbled once, and everyone jumped more and more smoothly. I vaguely heard the referee teacher shout: "150, 151, 152..." my heart is jumping out of my throat. Because we did not jump to 130 in two minutes during the training. Today, the students really play it very often!

  The competition time soon arrived. The students were sweating, but they didn't go to rest, and they were waiting for the results anxiously. When the referee announced that our class was the first place, the whole court was boiling, we cheered and jumped, and we were proud of our performance!


  "Doodle"! With the whistle of the sports teacher, the wonderful rope jumping competition began.

  Today's rope skipping rules are designed by the sports teacher. It is that each class has the same number of people, the class with the most number of jumps in the specified time will win. From the first class of students, they were just fighting and eager to try. They jumped into the rope one by one, and they cooperated well with the teacher, and they were very consistent. Needless to say that their class must have been wrong.

  The competition was hot and intense. Time passed, and it was half a game, and it was our class's "elite" to play. They all wore sneakers, took off their fat coats, dressed up lissoso, and were ready to do a big job... Look, they're on the court!

  The team members and teachers cooperate very well, and the cohesion between the team members is coherent. The students in front just step out, and the students in the back keep up with each other, so there is no waste of time. Some of the team members are as light as a swallow, some are as clever as rabbits, and some are not in good condition. They are caught by a big rope as soon as they enter

  Through this rope skipping competition, I feel that if I want to win, I have to unite, work together, think together and work hard. Only in this way can I get good results and win!

