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1. Complaint for Poor Quality投诉货物质量欠佳
Hong Seng Electronics
Blk 3024 #01-118 Ubi Road
Singapore 408720
Fax:65-747-4644; Tel:65-744-0817
27 March 200-
Mr Chua Chee Hieng
Videx Sdn Bhd
4-6 Jalan Pasar
83000 Batu PahatJohor Darul Takzim
Dear Mr Chua
Shipment of Videx (L15) Videocassette Recorders w/remote control:Order No.987303
The above shipment of 60 Videx Model L15 video cassette records with remote control was delivered on 25 March 200,and was checked on delivery.
I am afraid that I really must complain about the quality of these machines.You appear to have supplied us with a product which falls far below the standard our customers expect.The L15 VCRs that you delivered were poorly finished and shoddy.What is more,they are certainly not as good as the demonstration models that I was shown when your representatives visited my shop in early February.
This matter is causing us great inconveniences,since we have now included the L15 in our new catalogue and we are receiving a large number of enquiries about it.We shall now be faced with canceling it from our catalogue,and explaining to customers that it is no longer available.
I should like you to refund the money we have paid you for these machines.Alternatively,if this is unacceptable,I should be prepared to accept the L16 model as a replacement for the L15 at the same price.
I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future.
Yours sincerely
Goh Eng Jee
Shop Manager
2. Complaint for Shortage投诉产品数量不足
Klotz Cable Distributors PT
JI.Cideng Timur 19
Tel:62-21-2312288 Fax:62-21-2312136
To: Mr Jimmy Loo,Export Manager, Fax:603-3670122
Syntex Cable Corporation,Selangor
Darul Ehsen,Malaysia
From: Mr Samir Rahardjo,Klotz Cables, Fax:62-21-2312136 Indonesia
Date: 13 August 200-
Subject: Missing reel of cable
Dear Mr Loo,
Consignment No.CCD 32176
We received the above consignment of half-inch multicore LAN cable from you this afternoon.
However,on checking the consignment we have discovered that one of the reels of cable (500m) is missing.The bill of lading reference number is CC/3a.
As you know,we have a number of industrial clients who urgently require cable,and this mistake is causing a great deal of inconvenience,and may lead to loss of business.
I should appreciate your looking into this matter and arranging for delivery of the required cable as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
For Klotz Cable Distribution PT
Samir Rahardjo
Samir Rahardjo
3. Complaint for Invoice Mistake投诉单据有误
Sinolib Book Ltd.
Shop 350 Ocean Centre
Canton Road-Kowloon
Hong Kong SAR
Tel:23737689 Fax:23731254
27 May 200-
Mr W Mak,Sales Department
Palette Publishing Co.
14/F Hopeful Building
22-24 Po Heng Road
Hong Kong SAR
Dear Mr Mak
Subject:Invoice No.P5643/9
We have just received the above invoice for a consignment of books which was delivered on 4 May 200- as part of our exhibition of contemporary Chinese photographer’s work.
However,your invoice states that the consignment contained 240 copies of China on the Move by Shui Man-hing,whereas,in fact,it contained only 200 copies.If you check our original order (No.4378528- copy attached) you will see this was all we ordered.
We trust you will arrange for a new invoice to be issued in the near future,as we shall be happy to settle this account as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Sophia Wan
Sophia Wan
Accounts Clerk
4. Complaint for Delivery Delay投诉延误交货时间
Dear Mr.Smith:
The 1,000 cameras under order 383 shipped per S.S.Pacific arrived here yesterday.
On examination we’ve found that 100 cameras in 2 cases are severely damaged. At first we thought that damage had resulted from the rough handling of the carrier,but an investigation made by the most authoritative surveyor here,China Commodity Inspection Bureau (CCIB),reveals that the damage is attributable to your improper packing.The camera being delicate instrument,we have emphasized repeatedly in your previous letters that proper packing is of utmost importance,and you have made your definite assurance of the reliability of your packing.However,you actual practice has breached the stipulations set forth in Order 383.For further particulars,we refer you to the enclosed inspection certificate issued by CCIB.
Therefore,we are compelled to claim against you.With the inspection fee US $80 included,our loss amounts to $12,200.We hereby enclose a draft for that amount at sight for you to honor.Regarding the damaged cameras we leave them at your disposal.
We expect you to pay prompt attention to this matter.
Sincerely yours,Cc:President King
5. Complaint for Wrong Items投诉收到的货物与订单不符
Dear Thomas Moore:
Referring to our order No.26 dated June 16th,you have delivered some wrong goods,which arrived on R.P.Charger at Bangkok.
We appreciate your prompt delivery.But,when opening case No.14,we found that it contained chinaware,which we had not ordered.We assume that a mistake may have been made in assembling the order.All other items are correct and in good condition.
As the items we have ordered are needed urgently,please dispatch the missing articles at once.
We enclose a list of detailed desc ription about the items that should have been in case No.14.Please check this with our order and your copy of the invoice.
Meanwhile,we are holding case No.14 at your disposal.Please email us on how to do with it.
Yours sincerely,
David Parker
6. Complaint for Poor Packaging投诉包装不良
Dear Mr.Petri:
We haven’t got the personal computers we ordered on June 3.
On June 3,we placed an order for ten sets of personal computers.When we discussed the matter on delivery,you promised that it would be made before June 20.However,it is 10 days past the deadline,and your goods still have not reached us. We need these PCs urgently to improve the efficiency of our work; therefore,your failure to deliver them has put us into trouble.
We appreciate your seeing the matter seriously and arranging for the delivery within 5 days.I’m sorry to say if you are still unable to deliver them by July 5th,we shall reluctantly cancel our order and ask for compensation.
Sincerely yours,
Joe Wisdom