

时间:2021-11-27 03:43:48 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#小学英语# 导语】英语练习首先解决了面对应试教育的问题,让你多方位学习和掌握英语类型题的解决方法,其次,做英语练习题可以让你增加做题量,积累更多英语知识点,对将来的发展也有很大的作用。以下是®文档大全网整理的《六年级小学生英语练习题三篇》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  一、Read and choose.读一读,选择恰当的选项。
  (    )1. He usually ________ to school on foot.
  A. went     B. go     C. goes
  (    )2.  _____ did you go to Canada? By plane.
  A.What    B.Where    C.How
  (    )3. We didn’t_______pictures last holiday.
  A. take    B. took    C. takes
  (    )4. What did you eat for dinner last evening? I ____ green beans and tofu.
  A.eated     B.eat      C.ate
  (    )5.  ______ did you go over the winter holiday?
  My family and I went to Sanya.
  A. How       B. Where      C. What
  (    )i. How heavy are you?                   A. It was great.
  (    )2. What did you do ?                     B. I’m 45 kilograms.
  (    )3. How was your weekend?               C. I watched TV.
  (    )4. Where did you go last winter holiday?     D. I went to Wuhan.
  (    )5. Did you buy some gifts?                E. No, i didn’t.
  Hello, my name is Zhang Peng. I am 12years old. I have 2 good friends.
  One is Tom, the other is Mike. Tom is 13 years old. Mike is older than Tom.
  Mike is 16 years old . Tom is shorter than Mike. Tom is 50 kilograms. Mike is 60 kilograms. Who is stronger? I think Mike is , because he is 10 kg heavier than Tom.
  (    )1. Tom is younger than Mike.
  (    )2. Mike is 15 years old.
  (    )3. Tom is shorter than Mike.
  (    )4. Mike is younger than Zhang Peng.
  (    )5. Mike is stronger than Tom.


  wash _________
  cean ________
  pay _______
  visit ______
  do ______
  go ______
  read _______
  1、He  w___to  a  park  yesterday?
  2、I  c___my  room  ast  weekend.
  3、Did  you  r___the  magazine?
  4、Did  Lucy  c___a   mountain
  5、Last  Saturday ,Candy  v___her unce.
  6. What did  you  d_____ ast weekend ?
  7. She r______ a book ast night .
  8. He  went  s________  yesterday .
  9. Amy  _________  to music ast Tuesday .
  10. We  w________  fishing yesterday
  ( )1、-Did  you  hep  me  cean  my  room ?
  -Yes ,  I ___ .
  A、did         B、do           C、does
  (    )2 -What  did  Lisa   do  yesterday?
  -She ___ to  music .
  A、istens       B、isten         C、istened
  (    )3、-What  did  you  do  ast  weekend?
  -I ___ TV.
  A、saw         B、ooked  at    C、watched
  (    )4、He ___into  the  ake  and___to  it.
  A、jumped,swimed   B、jump, swam   C、jumped,swam
  (    )5、Did  John ___ footba  yesterday?
  A、pay        B、payed           C、paied
  (    )6、They  ___books  ast  weekend .
  A、read        B、readed           C、ook
  (    )7、Did  you  pay  footba  ___Zhang Peng?
  A、with         B、 and        C、to
  (    )8、 Tom ___busy yeaterday.
  A、did       B、 was     C、were
  (    )9、Lisa  usuay___ her  homework  after  super.
  A、does         B、do          C、did
  (    )10、Did  you  ___ swimming  ast  weekend?
  A、go         B、goes         C、went
  A                                               B
  (    ) 1. What did he do yesterday ?           A. Yes, she did.
  (    ) 2. Did she wash the cothes yesterday ?   B. I went fishing .
  (    ) 3. What did you do ast weekend ?       C. No, I didn't .
  (    ) 4. Did you went to the park ?       D. He read a book yesterday.
  (    ) 5. What was the weather yesterday ?      E. It was sunny .
  Today  was  hot.  I  went  to  the  farm(农场)  with  my  parents. There  was  a  river  near  the  farm . I  went  to  the  river  with  my  dog .  We  ran  and  payed . Suddeny  I  dropped (掉进)into  the  river ,"Hep , Hep……"My  dog  jumped  into(跳进)the  river  and  swam  to  me , Ten  minutes  ater , I was  saved(救)。I  was  gratefu  to  him.  We  are  good  friends.
  (   )1、It  was  very___ .
  A、cod           B、hot              C、windy
  (   )2、I  went  to  the  farm  with  my ___ .
  A、parents         B、friends           C、teacher
  (   )3、I  ran  and  payed  with ___ .
  A、my  cat        B、my  dog         C、my  sister
  (   )4、___ jumped  into  the  river  and  saved me.
  A、My  dog        B、My  mother      C、My  father
  (   )5、I  was  very  gratefu  to  my___.
  A、mother          B、friend           C、dog


  1.I’ll do some shopping for her ( )
  2.the yellow coat is nicer than the blue one ( )
  红色的_______________ 大的_______________ 连衣裙_______________
  手提包_______________ 妻子_______________ 绿色的_______________
  小的_______________ 手表_______________
  ______________ 1. big bag small
  ______________ 2. hat cat dog
  ______________ 3. blue green have
  ______________ 4. my her we
  ( ) 1.So many nice !
  A. kite B. kites
  ( ) 2. Mom yellow color.
  A. like B. likes
  ( ) 3. I to buy a pen.
  A. want B. will
  ( ) 4. The sun is than the moon.
  A. big B. bigger
  ( ) 5. The moon is than the earth.
  A. small B.smaller
  ( ) I want to buy a skirt.
  ( ) Eighty yuan.
  ( ) Can I help you, madam?
  ( ) What about this one?
  ( ) Well, I like it. How much is it?

