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【#小学英语# 导语】教育者有目的有计划有组织的对受教育者的身心发展进行教化培育,以现有的经验、学识推敲于人,为其解释各种现象、问题或行为,以增长能力经验。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《二年级上册英语教案【三篇】》供您查阅。


教学内容:   1.复习交通工具,街道场所的名词   2.交际用语:What do you see in picture 1? I can see…   教学目标:   1.认知目标   能听说认读有关交通工具,街道场所的名词   能在一定情境下使用What do you see? I can see…   2.情感目标   能够保持对英语学习的兴趣,养成仔细观察、敢于实践的好习惯   3.学习策略目标   培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。   通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。   在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。   教学重点:   交际用语:What do you see? I can see…   教学难点:   用英语描述出两幅图的不同之处   教学准备:   教学挂图,单词卡片,英语字母卡片等   教学步骤:   step 1. warming up (热身活动)   1.Duty report   2.Chant   step 2. practicing (操练)   1.Review the words   交通工具及街道场所的单词(抢答、接龙)   2.Perceive 出示挂图   T: What’s in picture A? (主要指物)   What’s the difference between the 2 pictures?   3.将学生分成两组,一组观察A图,一组观察B图   T: Where are the two girls?   Where is the Christmas tree?   How many balloons hidden in the girl’s hand?   How many bicycles are there?   以pair work的形式,分别做下各组的记录   4.Check the answers   每问题一组选一人来回答,看是否一致。不一致时,学生再仔细观察,找出不同之处   5.Ask and answer   S1: What do you see?   S2: I can see… 接龙one pair by one pair   6.Description找学生来描述A图或B图,注意使用语言   7.Create a new street by yourself.   8.拼写单词 lantern   9.字母卡片摆顺序   10.手指空中指画并逐一说出各个字母   step 3. summary (小结)   1.复习与街道、交通工具有关的名词、词组、表达   2.会用英语表达描述图片中的内容   step 4 homework (家庭作业)   1.Take your partner’s picture home and introduce it to your parents.   2.Ask your parents what are the differences between the two pictures. Tell them the differences they didn’t find.


教学目标:   The pronunciation of “ir” in the following words: girl, shirt, bird, skirt…   重点难点:   sound “ir” in the words: girl, shirt, bird, skirt…   sound “ir” in the words: girl, shirt, bird, skirt…   教学准备:   Picture cards, tape-recorder, projector   教学过程:   Ⅰ。Greeting   Ⅱ。Revision   1. Review the words. Ask some students to spell the words when I show the pictures. And then ask them make some sentences.   2. Ask some students to come to the front and role-play the story again.   III.Presentation ( E. say the sound and the words.)   1. Play the Pupil’s Book cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words. Point out the spelling of this sound. It is important that the pupils realize the vowel sound is spelt with two letters. Demonstrate how to make the sound and get the pupils to look at my mouth while doing so. Check that the pupils are opening their mouths sufficiently and making the sound correctly.   2. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sound correctly.   3. Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without my model.   4. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to the rhyme and point to the girl with the red shirt and a bird under her skirt. Get the pupils to say the rhyme.   Ⅲ。 More to do. ( Workbook P.47 )   1. Ask Ss to look at the first part of the page and listen to the Workbook Cassette.   2. They need to circle the correct trees according to the the sound they hear on the tape.   Tapescript and answers: ir( girl skirt)   3. Ask Ss to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to look at the pictures and fill in the blanks in the sentence.   Do you like this skirt? Yes, I do.   Do you like that T-shirt? No, I don’t.   1.Copybook P35   2.Recite the sentences in PartB   板书设计:   Unit 9 Clothes   girl shirt   ir   bird skirt   Look at the girl in the red shirt.   There’s a bird under her skirt.


Teaching aims and demands:   Be able to read and listen to the words and sentences   Learn three words:   get up, go to bed, a timetable, English, Chinese, mathematics, music, half past one, computer class   Understand the sentence: What time do you get up?   Teaching difficult points:   Pronunciation: teeth, comb, untidy, kind, work hard   What time do you get up? I get up at 6:50.   Teaching tools:   Tape recorder   Some pictures   Teaching steps:   Step1. Organization of class   Greetings:   Warm-up activities:   Sing English songs.   Step2. Presentation   T: What time do you get up?   Recorder: I get up at 6:50.   1.Learn to say: get up, go to bed, a timetable, English, Chinese, mathematics, music, half past one, computer class   Skill: What time do you get up\go to bed\ have English\...?   Use the words in the sentence: get up, go to bed, English, Chinese, mathematics, music, computer class   2.Play a game: guess   S1: What time do you get up?   S2: I get up at 6:50.   ……   Recorder: I do my homework at 6 O’clock.   T: If you are right, you will get one point.   Ss try to make a timetable for themselves. Then exchange their   information by the sentences learnt .   Step3: Practice:   Ask and answer in pairs.   Step4: Writing:   What time do you get up?   I get up at 6:50

